Prevail_mc | Oct 16, 2021
A splendid blend of diverse personalities who are synonymous yet contrasting. Faith Daniels is a bright but flawed student of Stardom Academy who has nothing but a little self esteem. Her flaw is her challenge. But her greatest challenge is her roommates who claims to...
Daisy Jones | Aug 4, 2016
Channeling moments of utter calm comes with great practice and Charity has mastered the task by default while living alone for the past eight years in a cottage fringed on the outskirts of town. Proctor is a sleepy village filled with predictable characters. Charity...
She shuddered and moaned non-stop as his finger hit and caressed her sensitive spot. The feeling had caused her to whimper. He pulled off his pant while her eyes bulged out, “You've got a big rod down there, are you confident that it'll fit in?” She questioned....
On the day of the coming-of-age of the royal crown prince Carrison, members of high society feasted upon a great banquet. Everyone was having fun at the feast but today turned out to be a bloody chapter for the Empire of Sleadorra and especially for the two royal...
On a Monday morning,I woke up late and there was a loud bâng on the door. I relúctantly opened the door because I've been stréssed up lately. Dara walked in and I was standing right by the door yawning. She said ' your uncle told me to tell you to prepare a hót pap and...