Alya Trisnawati | Jul 26, 2024
A story where a werewolf leader meets his long-sought mate, and his mate is just an ordinary human. Follow their romance only in this book.
Silvia Arnaz | Jul 26, 2024
Haoling Jiuyao did not expect that the wound in her heart would be slowly healed by a prince from another world. The other world that Jiuyao originally thought was just imagination turned out to be true.
Purplegirl | Jul 26, 2024
In the village of Swansea, Wales, England, there lived a prominent noble family Sir George and Marinda Hurley are known to be friendly and like to throw parties, but several tragic and terrible events happened to the residents of the village, causing prejudice between...
Egovin | Jul 25, 2024
Will Kate ever be able to forgive the man who made her lose her virginity for a one-night stand and caused her to become pregnant? After losing her memory, Kate fell in love with the same man, but when she was able to regain it, the bitterness and hatred she had for...
Archie Mon | Jul 25, 2024
Keysa Oathword. An ordinary woman who hates furry creatures. While visiting her best friend Reeny, Keysa noticed an explosion in the cat's eye. However, the explosion was no ordinary explosion. Vaguely, Keysa could see another world in the explosion. After that...
Lista | Jul 25, 2024
Matcha, an Informatics Engineering student known for her selfishness and unwillingness to lose anything, is thrown back in time as Blue-a person who is the opposite of her-thanks to a puzzle package. How is Matcha's life there? Will she be able to go back?
Anonymous | Jul 24, 2024
Alexis, after being maltreated for being a lantern, found her mate was her crush who was having an affair with her sister. Heartbroken, she rejects him as her mate and leaves her pack to become a rogue. She stays with the human and hopes to live in peace until the...
Alexandra Heart | Jul 24, 2024
Edith Sherwood is an orphan girl who is strict and idealistic. She ran for chairman of the student committee at her school. Her path to victory is cut short when Edith discovers that she is nine months pregnant. How did that happen? Edith was the only ordinary human...
Author CKat | Jul 23, 2024
Kagome cursed her own race, the nine-tailed foxes, to continue her anger toward the humans. Every nine-tailed foxes are bound to transform into a hideous beast every midnight. It will worsened once the full moon arrived. Kagome was sleeping inside Amaya's body, while...
RonaldJames | Jul 22, 2024
Maxine Shepard knows nothing of her legacy and what she was. She never liked moving out of Manhattan to the small town of Haven in Alabama. Her relationship with her mother was going through a rough patch. She did not even know about her grandmother until then. Her...