Joy Ekpo | Mar 25, 2022
Hey hey hey.... Ever heard of the word perfect? But it doesn't matter whether you are familiar with that word or not cause it's my story and it's perfect, exactly how I want to describe it. Take a look.... Have you ever at some point in your life feels that you are...
Cookiepauls | Mar 17, 2022
Ann and Ben are unaware how much contributions they are about to bring to them self's as they embark on this amazing ride called life.
Cookiepauls | Mar 16, 2022
Michael who is the highest ranked supernatural after the passing of his father has been tasked to carry the responsibilities of his kind. As they say, for power to be enforced, ruthlessness must be shown. Michael however meets a lady who might bring out his soft side....
Sukanya Gupta | Mar 10, 2022
"There is a very thin line between being curious and adventurous. Sometimes too much curiosity can spoil the fun of an adventure." What happened when a fun day out turned into a nightmare? How nine carefree teenagers unknowingly involved themselves in dangerous...
Cookiepauls | Mar 8, 2022
Two children suffers series upon series of setback after their father passed. When it just seemed they could be hope again, the worst occured.
Cookiepauls | Mar 8, 2022
A woman who suddenly becomes looked down on and trampled upon by her husband when he starts hanging with a friend in a new job. What would guarantee her freedom...
Cookiepauls | Mar 8, 2022
A serial killer who double tasks as a police officer investigating his own case. Horribly killing all the ladies bearing a particular name.
Daii MO | Mar 4, 2022
After werewolves took over the world and became its supreme ruler, human women (ages between 18 and 35) were locked away in dungeons then forced to become the sex slaves of male werewolves who had failed to find their mates. Once you are chosen by a werewolf, you will...
Anonymous Author | Feb 25, 2022
“Your gift is at the door,” Amanda’s husband says over the phone. “Really,” Amanda says, walking over to the door, not to happy that she will have another Christmas without her husband that was supposed to take her to Paris for Christmas. Every year he promises, next...
Anonymous Author | Feb 25, 2022
‘Nineteen, ninety-five,’ the day on the back of the photograph of five-year-old me staring back at me with sad blue eyes. Growing up as a child I thought myself rather ugly with my messy blond hair that didn’t want to behave, and freckles splashed across my face. I...