A collection of stories of fascination, desires, betrayals, an anthology of tales from the world of Lovecraft County, come discover a world of pleasure and seduction, immerse yourself in the middle of stories of love, lust and passion, get involved in each other’s...
"You will stay in a room and wait to see who has purchased your precious cherry. No niceness, no pleasantries, just a night of f**k, A business contract, signed, dealed and finished with a d**k." Those words sent chills to her spine as she read the content of the...
Sven,a young rogue who's too good-looking for his own good,lives the high life and parties from one brothel to another in a quest to satisfy the burning lust he has for his nun sister. Kora, a fully pledged priestess of the goddess Rithi, pleasures herself to ruins...
Born from the lungs of a demon father; a young boy has to fight against all odds, and prove himself worthy to his clan, but at what cost is he going to pay?.
"Excuse me, I do think that you are out of your mind, what do you think? That every lady you see is interested in you or your money. I'm sure no lady will want a man with such a dirty attitude." She snarled and watched as the man's eyes jutted out in surprise. "Don't...
Eletheria Aurelius was bound to be married to a famous, rich and powerful man. But the problem is she doesn't even know him. When she learns about her parents’ plan to marry her to a mysterious man, she walks out. As she walked out, she went to a hotel where she had...
Cute daughter embraces and touch noses with happy dadSOURCE A quote about Dad is sometimes the best way to share your feelings. Whether you want to tell your own father your feelings or want to share with the world how you feel about being a dad yourself, you can find...
FamilyAll About Family Values 80+ Dad Quotes That Come From the Heart By Amy Hoover Cute daughter embraces and touch noses with happy dadSOURCE A quote about Dad is sometimes the best way to share your feelings. Whether you want to tell your own father your feelings...
Callie is a kind and innocent young lady, but she has never had a partner in her life, and she is always looking for the solution to the question, "How to get hurt?" How does it feel to have your heart completely broken in two different places? Is it possible that the...
I wanted to hate him, But I realised it was impossible every single time I set my eyes on him,I even found his confession or degeneracy to be fascinating and character defining not a scandalous waste like I have been trained to think, In truth he was nothing like I was...