Aayrah@1 | Apr 30, 2023
Under the covers of shrewd businessman, he was a ruthless Mafia. Anything he would lay his eyes on, he would have achieve it under any circumstances. And then, one day his gaze fall on her.... ....and she became his new goal! Having her in his life, was the only...
Aayrah@1 | Apr 30, 2023
Beautiful Moments Come Unexpected! Two people from extreme ends tied into a sacred relation for the sake of other’s happiness. Will they ever be able to find their own happiness into each other? Will her heart ever be able to accept him as her soulmate? Will he ever...
Aayrah@1 | Mar 29, 2023
She never thought about her wedding day to be like this.She had offered her heart to the man and he simply crushed it before leaving her there all shattered.And now here she is sitting as a woman of an unknown Man whom she had not even met before. Aarohi Basu~ A simple...