The Unfortunate Heiress
By July
Date: February 2, 2024
Ch. 4Ethan Is Not Around

The weight of Ethan's words lingered in Lily's mind as she entered her room, the door shutting behind her with a muted thud. The confusion on her face mirrored the swirl of thoughts that enveloped her.

There was a strange feeling of longing to get Ethan's understanding about her. For an unknown reason, she wants Ethan to get to know her as a good person, and she could be his friend or even more. She cut herself off from her fantasy. "What does it take to be his friend? Do I deserve to be his friend?" With this in mind, she could only hope to find out the reason for Ethan's hatred towards her and her mom and resolve it.

As Lily paced around her room, she considered the possibility that her mother might know Ethan and have offended him in a way she wasn't aware of. Her mom and Bruce were close friends, and there could be a connection between their pasts that she hadn't uncovered.

The room seemed to close in on her, and Lily decided that a shower might offer some respite. She undressed, allowing the water to cascade over her, a comforting distraction from the whirlwind of thoughts. The rhythmic sound of the water hitting the tiles echoed the rhythmic beating of her heart, each droplet offering a momentary escape.

In the solitude of the shower, Lily attempted to calm her racing thoughts. However, the warm water couldn't wash away the puzzle Ethan's words had presented. She wondered if Bruce could shed some light on the mysterious link between her family and Ethan.

As she emerged from the shower, a towel wrapped around her, Lily resolved to seek answers. Now more apparent, her mind was determined to uncover the truth behind Ethan's animosity. Little did she know that this quest for understanding would unravel a weave of secrets, connecting her past with a stranger who seemed to hold the key to a part of her history she had yet to discover.

The following morning, the soft glow of dawn painted the Grant mansion in gentle hues as Lily roused herself from slumber. The air held a serene quality, and for a moment, she felt a glimmer of peace amidst the unfamiliarity of her new surroundings.

She planned to ask Mr. Grant if her mom and Ethan had met before, but it was still so early, so she thought of cooking breakfast for Bruce Grant to thank him for all the help he had.

Deciding to contribute to the morning routine, Lily went to the kitchen, her steps echoing through the quiet halls. As she approached, the welcoming aroma of breakfast being prepared wafted through the air. The seasoned, efficient, experienced maids orchestrated a culinary symphony that intrigued Lily.

However, before Lily could assist, the eldest maid approached her with a kind smile on her weathered face. "Mr. Bruce insisted you be treated like a princess, dear. No need to worry about chores," she said, her voice reassuring. Lily nodded, respecting Bruce's wishes, yet her innate desire to be part of the kitchen's bustle lingered.

"I was wondering if I could cook only for today since I want to make a special meal for Uncle Bruce to thank him for all the favors he did for me."

The young servants looked at the old servant, waiting for her approval. "I apologize, Miss Evans, but we were strictly instructed not to give you house chores. If you'd like, I can discuss this with Mr. Grant later," the old servant suggested.

"Of course, Miss..." Lily paused, not knowing what to call the servant in front of her.

"Miss Evans, you can call me Flora."

"Miss Flora," Lily said awkwardly.

"Just Flora for you, Miss Evans, please," the old servant pleaded.

"Alright," Lily said as she was beaming with happiness. Flora reminded her of her old nanny, Nancy. In a flash, the memory of her and Nancy appeared before her eyes. She was her second mom, as the old nanny cared for her like a daughter.

Lily wiped a tear from her eyes as she exited her reverie. She was thankful that the servants didn't notice it while preparing breakfast. Living away from Nancy was indeed as hurtful as losing her mom, Leila. She vowed to find Nancy whenever she could help the old nanny. In the meantime, she needs to be good in school and eventually be in the business world, where she aspires to succeed.

Instead of actively participating in the kitchen, Lily found a compromise. She settled in a corner, observing the meticulous work of the maids as they prepared the morning meal. The rhythmic clinking of utensils, the sizzle of ingredients meeting the pan — each sound resonated with memories of her time cooking with her mother.

Cooking was a bond between them, a shared passion transcending the kitchen. Leila had imparted not just recipes but also life lessons during those moments. Lily's culinary skills became a relief, especially during the challenging period when her family had downsized to a three-bedroom apartment.

Vanessa and Maddy took advantage of her skills. They fired all the house helpers and let Lily do all the cooking and cleaning of the house. Lily closed her eyes, intending to forget and leave all her pain in the past. She thought not seeing them again would greatly help in moving on.

"Flora, how long have you been working here?" Lily couldn't help but talk to the old servant as she felt like talking to her nanny, Nancy.

"Miss Evans, I have devoted my life to this family. When Mr. Grant married his wife, Maurine, I moved in with them in this mansion. This house was Mr. Grant's wedding gift to his wife."

"Wow! Uncle Bruce was indeed lavish in giving gifts."

"He is a generous man not just for people he loves but also to those in need. He had helped the community where I lived. He helped us build our house and find a suitable job to meet our daily needs."

Lily nodded, attentively listening to the old servant. After a while, she hesitantly asked, "So, were you the one who cared for Ethan?"

Flora, the seasoned maid in her 60s, opened up to Lily about Ethan's struggles. She spoke gently, her eyes reflecting her years of care devoted to the Grant family. "Not only Ethan. I also took care of his elder brother, Kurt. The two boys grew up to be well-mannered as they were disciplined by their parents," she said proudly.

Lily nodded in admiration of Bruce Grant and his wife, Maurine. They treated their servants well as they stayed for a long time, just like Flora. And before she could inquire more, Flora spoke.

"Ethan has been through a lot, Miss Evans. His moodiness started after his mother's passing two years ago during the winter. Losing someone so close can change a person," Flora shared, her voice carrying empathy and concern.

"As I've noticed, it started a few days before his mom passed away. He had an argument with Mr. Grant. From then on, they never had a good relationship, even after the passing of his mother," Emily chimed in.

Lily listened attentively, realizing the depth of Ethan's pain mirrored her own experiences with loss. A surge of compassion welled up within her. She understood the weight that grief could impose on one's spirit, clouding it with shadows that altered even the brightest dispositions.

As Flora and Emily's words lingered in the air, Lily decided then and there to be patient with Ethan. If grief had cast its long shadow over his heart, she would extend understanding rather than resentment. The shared bond of loss became a bridge between them, an unspoken connection that Lily hoped to nurture.

Determined to unravel the mystery behind Ethan's animosity, Lily made a silent vow. She would find a way to break through the walls he had built, discover the source of his pain, and, perhaps, heal together. Gratitude toward Mr. Bruce welled within her, and she saw this opportunity not just as a chance to repay kindness but also as a path toward understanding and, hopefully, friendship.

"Miss Evans, you'll be relieved now that Ethan is not around for a few days," Jessie said, disrupting Lily's thoughts. The servants are all aware of the tension between Ethan and Lily.

"Emily, Jessie, pay attention to your cooking," Flora ordered. She was worried the two junior servants might share too much information.

"Ethan is not around?" Lily asked, surprised.

"Yes, he left at dawn. He wants to take a break with his friends before returning to school," Jessie replied.

"I don't think that's the only reason. This is the first time Ethan took a break after her mother's death," Emily interjected.

Flora glared at the two servants as she noticed Lily's face of disappointment. She doesn't want to add fire to the tension between her and Ethan, but Emily and Jessie do unintentionally. They could be so careless with their words sometimes.

Hearing this, Lily assumed she could be why Ethan took a vacation. "Ethan never took a vacation after the death of her mother? Then why just now?"

As the realization sank in, a ripple of self-doubt washed over Lily. Questions swirled in her mind like leaves caught in a gust of wind. "Was Ethan intentionally avoiding her? Did he harbor such animosity that he had to flee the mansion to escape her presence?"

Lily excused herself from the servants and used her time to explore the vast estate, hoping to acquaint herself with the expansive grounds and find solace amidst the uncertainty that clung to her like a shadow.

Stepping into the lush gardens that adorned the mansion, Lily marveled at the beauty surrounding her. The vibrant colors of blooming flowers and the soothing melody of birdsong contrasted the complexities of the relationships within the mansion. Lost in thought when Emily appeared before her.

"Miss Evans, your mom and sister are waiting for you outside. They want to have a word with you."

"Mom and sister?" She repeated the words, which then rang a bell. "Vanessa and Maddy," she murmured.

Afraid Bruce Grant finds out about Vanessa and Maddy coming to his house, Lily quickly turns to check on the two wicked stepfamilies. She doesn't want to cause more trouble to Bruce Grant, who has been helping her enormously. More than that, she was dying to end her connection with Vanessa and Maddy by shoving them away from Grant's mansion.

"They have been merciless to me; it wouldn't be wrong if they taste their own medicine," Lily smirked at the thought.

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