The Stripper Woman
By Kazuya
Last Post: November 21, 2022

At the age of twenty, Alex became a stripper in King's cove.The reason why she became a stripper is to find the treasure of her father's diary that will lead to and use it to get out the hell out of the country.What else is she supposed to do with fifty bucks of her name, an old coded diary and a body full of bruises?She only has one problem that is to avoid the four boys from her past that she hated at the same time.But that was the perfect opportunity for her to take what she owned.Once upon a time they betrayed her.The four boys she once knew don't just live in that town anymore, they run it.The gang, nightlife and the violence.It's all theirs.All she has to do is to slip past them, do her things and get out.

Chapters Date
Ch. 2Chapter 2 Nov 21, 2022
Ch. 1Chapter 1 Nov 21, 2022

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