Kulu's Journey: Beyond the Village Gates
By Maisako
Last Post: March 29, 2024

Introduces us to Kulu, a young girl living in the tranquil village of Bazumagi in Africa. Despite her humble beginnings, Kulu's thirst for knowledge and adventure propels her beyond the confines of her village. With the support of her family, she embarks on a journey of education and self-discovery, ultimately winning a scholarship to study abroad. However, as she immerses herself in a new world, Kulu grapples with feelings of displacement and a longing for home. Yet, through her experiences, she learns to embrace the beauty of diversity and the importance of staying connected to her roots. As Kulu navigates the challenges of adulthood, she carries with her the invaluable lessons learned from her village, shaping her journey and identity as she ventures into the unknown.

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Chapters Date
Ch. 2A Call to Return
Mar 29, 2024
Ch. 1The Spirit of Bazumagi
Mar 29, 2024

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