Eleanor And Alpha Gannon (The CEO Is An Alpha)
By Ava John
Last Post: N/A

"Excuse me, I do think that you are out of your mind, what do you think? That every lady you see is interested in you or your money. I'm sure no lady will want a man with such a dirty attitude." She snarled and watched as the man's eyes jutted out in surprise.

"Don't you dare talk to me in that tone, I wonder who the hell employed someone as rude as you are to be a waiter, isn't that what you want? To warm my bed, I'm giving you a chance and you are acting this way, or is it because I said it in front Of all these people? Tell me how much do you want?" He smirked, his eyes scanning her face.

"You lack common sense, and I think you should use that money to get yourself a brain replacement and some manners!" She fired back, her fist clenched tightly, rigid cords formed in her neck, and her face turned red in anger.

Eleanor had no idea that crossing paths with Gannon Starks the popular CEO was about to make her life take a huge turn, from losing her job to changing who she thought she was, and giving her a new set of responsibilities as the leader of the Sapphire pack the most powerful and dangerous pack of werewolves. Was she going to accept her true self and responsibilities or run away from them?

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