Some minutes before dusk, the people of Shape town and the guards all gathered at the front of their Lord's house with their belongings.
Benjamin with the four others step out of the house and stood in front of the people. The people bowed their heads to show respect to their Lord and raised it back.
Benjamin said to the people ''am sure many of you here have witness the war against Marcelos and his dark armies, so you must know what the Orges are capable of.
The Orges want us to bow before them and becomes part of Marcelos army but i said no, because our people bow to no one and serve no one, we only serve ourselves.
They are thousands of Orge out there that will be attacking us by dusk and when don't have an army that can stand up against them or protect you from them, that is why i called you all here to tell you that we have to leave.
I made a promise to my father and uncle to always keep you all safe, and to keep you safe from the Orges, we have to leave the town to someplace else, which is more safe''.
''Where we will be going if we leave our home?'' asked 1st people.
''We will be heading to a family town, a town that is made up of people like us'' said Benjamin.
''Why can't we just fight them and save our home'' said 2 person.
''We cant we will all be slaughter. As you can see the sky is dark and that will make the Orges to be more powerful. We need you all to leave'' said Ryn to the people.
''It remain minutes before dusk so you all have to start going now. The head guard know where you are going, so he and other 9 guards will be the one to take you, while me and the other guards will stay here and hold the Orges off for as long as we can'' said Benjamin.
''Thank you your excellency for caring so much about us'' said 3rd person.
''Please come back to us safely'' said 4th person to Benjamin.
''I will i promise. I need you all to be fast because there is a lot of Orges will be holding off'' said Benjamin to the people.
The people bowed to show their respect and left with the 10 guards.
As the people began to leave, Ramsay said to Benjamin ''you didn't tell us we will be holding the Orges off''.
''We can no longer go with them or the Orges will come after us together and that will lead to more death'' said Benjamin.
''I guess we will be holding them off together'' said Zussorender.
''Yes'' said Benjamin.
''But there something you should know. You and your people can change into animal that can fight and our master can fight with or without his staff but me and my brother can't fight those things with our bare hands'' said Ramsay to Benjamin.
''We need weapon that we can use to fight'' said Noah to Benjamin.
''You don't have to worry about that, i got you guys covered'' said Benjamin (with a smile) to the two royal princes.
Noah and Ramsay were given sword and they all matched to the gates with the 40 guards.
On getting to the gate, Benjamin said to the guards ''Here is the plan. We will open the gate and few of us will go out there to fight the Orges, then we will lure the Orges into the town.
Only some of the Orges will be allowed in and the gate will be close back. We will killed the Orges that entered and regroup while the other Orges tried to break down the gate.
Breaking down the gate won't be easy for them and that will give us some time. Do i make myself clear?"
''Yes, your your excellency'' said the guards in (union).
''And again i want everyone in form of wolves, that way we will be able to kill many of them'' said Benjamin.
''Yes your excellency'' said the guards (in union).
''Now get ready and open the gate'' said Benjamin and the gate was opened.
Benjamin, Ryn, Noah, Zussorender, Ramsay and 20 guards went outside and walked to the Orges.
On getting a little bit far from the Orges and the Marc leading them, Benjamin said (out loud in the ancient language) to the Marc ''it dusk already and my answer is still no''.
Then the Marc said to the Orges in ancient language ''kill them all and bring their heads to me except the two princes''.
The Orges shouted out loud and they blew their horn which is the signal for attack. Half of the army of the Orges ran toward the gate and the other half stayed behind with the Marc while Benjamin and the others get ready.
As the Orges get close to them, Benjamin and the others also ran toward the Orges and as they got closer to the Orges, Benjamin, Ryn and the 20 guards changed into a huge wolf and the fight began.
Benjamin, Ryn, and the 20 guards killed the Orges as many as they can by ripping them apart with their teeth and claws.
Zussorender also killed as many as he can using his magic and some force of energy that came out of his staff to hit the Orges and the force of energy pierce through the Orges body.
Noah and Ramsay hasn't master their magic so they couldn't use it but they were very skillful in swordsmanship. They both used their sword in an extraordinary way that surprised Zussorender, Ryn and Benjamin when they saw them fighting the Orges like they have fought the Orges before.
The fight continued till night. Benjamin, Ryn, Noah, Zussorender, Ramsay and the guards did their best in killing many Orge but the number of the Orges made the Orges to be at advantage, the Orges began to kill the guards by attacking them all from different direction.
Seeing they were losing the guards, Benjamin fought his way through to Zusorrender and made Zussorender climbed on top of him then he gave sign to Ryn to get the two royal princes.
Ryn fought his way through to the two royal princes and gave them sign that they should climbed on top of her. They climbed on top of her and hold her hair tight.
Benjamin made a howling sound for retreat, the remaining guards with Noah and Ramsay on top of Ryn, Zussorender on top of Benjamin ran toward the gate.
The Orges went after them as they retreat while the other Orges and the Marc (on top of the phoenix bird) walked behind slowly.
The other twenty guards waiting at the gate saw they were returning back and quickly went to hid behind the gate, at the right and left side of the gate ready to close it.
Benjamin, Ryn and the remaining guards ran through the gateway, the Orges also followed them in.
The guards hiding behind the gate made sure that many of the Orges made their way in before they closed the gate.
Benjamin, Ryn and the remaining guards stopped running as the gate was closed and face the Orges that were inside.
Ramsay and Noah got down from Ryn, Zussorender also get down from Benjamin ready to attack the Orges. The guards at the gate changed into wolves and they all attacked the Orges together.
As Benjamin and the others fought the Orges inside, the Orges outside (at the gate) were trying to break down the gate with their weapon while the Marc (on top of the dark phoenix bird) walked slowly toward the gate with the other Orges.
It didn't take much of their time before Benjamin, Ryn, Noah, Zussorender, Ramsay and the guards killed all the Orges that were inside the town and regroup as they wait for the other Orges to break down the gate.
Seeing it was taking time to break down the gate, the Marc moved forward to the gate and the Orges paved way for me.
As the Marc got a few pace from the gate, he stretched his left arm forward and opened his palm then a force of wind came out of its palm and hit the gate very hard.
As the force hit the gate, the gate fell on the ground and all the Orges swim in, the Marc (on top of the Phoenix bird) followed .
As the Orges walked in, Benjamin and the others attacked them immediately.
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