Her Quiet Revenge
By Diamond
Date: April 27, 2024
Ch. 5Chapter Five

Ryan Angelo
Staring at the television in front of me, I couldn’t help but think about what had happened a week ago. It was now all over the news thanks to Selena, but what made my mind feel a little bit unsettled was the fact that I don’t really feel that bad about what happened.
I kept wondering if my conscience was finally dead and that I felt no remorse about what happened to Rose.
I mean, I did not hit her, right? And I was definitely chasing after her to ensure that she was safe and did not do anything stupid to harm herself.
I couldn’t help but remember her eyes that evening; they looked dead, as if she was finally done with whatever life was throwing her way.
I know she felt betrayed and hurt, which is why I followed her to explain to her.
Honestly, I was more worried right now than anything; we left her lying on the road expecting to hear news of her body being found dead the next morning, but she was missing and nobody had come forward to claim that they took her to the hospital, and no hospital also came forward to say she was there.
We were really lucky that rain had fallen later that night, thereby washing away the blood that was on the street, but still, where was she? Is she dead or alive? Those thoughts kept roaming around my head, refusing to leave, and clouding my senses.
“What’s wrong, baby?" Selena asked, coming forward in nothing but a revealing bathrobe, sitting beside me and rubbing my chest.
Turning to her, I glare at her.
“Are you seriously asking me that?" "Ain't you even a little bit worried?“
I said, looking at the woman in front of me like she had grown two heads, that, honestly, I couldn’t imagine that she could be this heartless towards a lady who did nothing but treat her with love and care.
“Worried about what?" Why should I be worried, sweetheart? "We definitely did nothing wrong." "We did not hit her nor did we kill her, and I am sure that wherever she might be, she’s dead already, and all the Alexander fortune is now yours, so tell me, baby, shouldn’t I be happy?“
Looking at her disgustingly, I removed her hands from my chest, standing up.
“I can see that you clearly don’t have even a little bit of conscience or sympathy towards this situation on the ground; how heartless are you, Selena?“ I couldn’t help but look at the lady before me with a little bit of anger.
She rolled her eyes, giving me a snort. “I wouldn’t say I am heartless, just wise and ambitious; beside, I finally get to have all the things I dreamed about that she threw away because she was trying to be righteous, and most importantly, I get to have you by my side.“
“Are you serious, Selena?" What if she is still alive and hiding? Oh, have you thought about that yet? "We can’t find her body, so there’s a probability she’s still out there breathing,“ I said, trying to keep my voice low.
“Don’t worry about that, dear, it’s almost a week now, and even if she’s alive by the time she decides to come back, every single thing she owes will be ours already, okay?“
“And besides, you did not kill her; you certainly were not the driver in that truck, or were you?“ She asked me to rub my chest once again in an effort to calm me down, which was definitely not working.
Sitting down, I put my head in between my hands and signed, "I hope all this works out well." I couldn’t help but wonder.
Rose Alexander
Standing in front of a big glass wall and looking through it, I couldn’t help but feel bored. I have been roaming around this room for two hours now, and I was slowly losing my mind due to boredom.
I had to love to get out and explore this villa, as it looked huge, but I was still in this inappropriate t-shirt, and the thought of the staff looking at my half-exposed body did not sit well with me, so I decided to just stay put in his bedroom.
I was looking around the bedroom once more to see if I could find a book to read or any interesting thing to do when I heard a knock on the door.
“Come in,“ I said, not sure if the person on the other side could understand me or not.
A young woman entered the room, walking towards me before bowing her head down. “Good afternoon, Miss." Marquis Alfonso sent me up here; I will be your personal assistant. "Ama Sofia, madam,“ she said before she curtsied.
I looked at her blinking a couple of times, trying to understand what she said.
“Sorry, you said who?“ I asked, looking at her confused.
“Marquis Alfonso,“ she repeated, looking at me strangely, probably because I still had the confused expression on my face. “I am talking about my master, Alfonso Tomaso.“
Looking at her, my eyes slowly widened as I recognized who she was talking about.
Was this some kind of joke—I was being pranked right now, right? I thought before remembering the way the arrogant devil looked at me after he told me his name this morning—he must have thought something was wrong with me, I thought fuming.
“What's the meaning of Marquis?“ I couldn’t help but ask, just to be sure it was what I was thinking.
“It's a reference used for noble royals, ma,“ the lady replied.
I chuckle inwardly at how I was toyed with once again. He could have told me about his little title, but he decided to keep it from me and sent his staff to tell me. Wow, he must be having fun toying with me like this, but I promise to never let this happen again. I refuse to be fooled and toyed with by another Italian man again.

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