By Andrew osagioduwa
Date: March 26, 2024

September 2020.... Chicago..
After weeks of trying to get through to her, I was almost ready to let it go, chalk it off as a missed connection. Because we get to talk at times, I call and we have a little laugh. But the conversation usually always feels forced and we usually have to get through some moments of awkward silences during our conversation. Today I got tired of being indoors so I sent her a text without any hope of her getting my message or even replying, but something happened, she actually replied. It actually felt like she was glad to hear from me. I knew I shouldn't be feeling so giddy about it, but for some reason, I was really excited because she was answering my questions, getting engaged about work. If I seem too excited, it might be relevant to note that the farthest our phone conversations ever got to was the whole "I hope you had a good day" routine. So forgive me if I get too excited. Long story short, we set up a dinner date and I'm still giddy to remember that I had a date with a beautiful lady; now when I say beauty, I'm not just throwing the word around. She's part Latino, so she has an almost perfectly shaped face (I'm only saying almost because I can't quantify perfection) , brown eyes, a well built shape that would tell you she spends a fair amount of time in a gym. There's also the natural shape that can't be built... It's really not about the physical features but more about the way she makes me feel when I see her. In her eyes I see peace; the kind that you know even if all hell breaks loose, all you need to do is to stare into her eyes and all your pain melts away. Also, not to be nasty, but I watched her walk away the last time we met and all I can say is that I can watch that butt bounce all day. There's the fact that she's not skinny, she's also not fat either. Just in the middle, with a butt that's definitely of the large variety. I wonder how her co-workers manage to not break workplace ethics every day because, I would definitely not be able to keep a casual relationship with her. Which reminds me, I have a date to plan for.
I thought about where to take her for our date... I thought about a fancy restaurant, but I'm not really sure I'd be able to handle a big restaurant situation (I'm not the best  kind of person to handle crowds). Also, the notion of all first dates being romantic bores me. Then there's also the fact that the girl I'm meeting hasn't been handling our conversations right, wouldn't want to force a romantic vibe when there's barely a friendship vibe in the mix. I thought about taking her to the movies, but I discouraged myself from that because if I get to see her again, I want to be able to gaze at the whole beauty in which a dark movie theatre would do no good and I invited her in the guise of her talking about her job, which silence in the theatre also cancels out... In the end, I just chose one of my favourite fast food restaurants. It could be romantic if the situation calls for it. 
So I got to her place right on time; 7:58pm. I knocked on the door and it seemed like she was waiting for me because she opened the door almost immediately and the sight I saw did a lot of things to me. She wore a darker shade of grey dress which accentuated her curves in the right ways, she had no makeup on except for her eye liner, which felt to me like she had the sight to see into my soul, her hair was tied to a ponytail in a way that the long end of the ponytail still flowed over her back. And suddenly, my mouth began to water but my throat felt dry, my knees were so weak, I had to lean on the wall for support. I was simply enchanted. I managed to mouth out a frail  "Good evening beautiful". Which, even to me, sounded a little too cocky. But she responded quite well (there might still be hope yet... Just don't blow it). 
"You look absolutely stunning, I might add... Almost swept me off my feet" I added, smiling fiendishly. But I second guessed how dickish I looked, saying that with my hand on the wall, I stood up straight.
"Thank you.. I actually chose the dress because it's easy to move about in. I'm glad you like it". She said.
"I like it. I really do". I replied,
So I took her hand and we walked down to the cab (yes, a cab, cos it's not like contract killers can just leave their information in the DMV). I try to act all gentlemanly and open the door for her. We got in and then we got to my chosen location. 
"Uncle Ben's chicken"
"Bold choice for a first date" she says. "Most guys just assume that every girl is super into the whole restaurant stunt, so they pick an expensive restaurant and start flaunting their chequebook as if it adds to their masculinity. But kudos for keeping it plain and simple".
"So you're not a romantic dinner date kind of person?" I asked.
"Oh, I am. But it depends on who I'm with. And definitely not on a first date, as I can't possibly know who you are on the first date".
"So what if we already knew before and you know who I am, then I took you on a first date to a romantic restaurant"?
"If we already knew each other and were just friends, there's no way I'd even accept going on a date with you. Cause I know people I could go out with right from the offset."
"So what you mean is that you knew we'd be having this date from the day we met? How smooth of you?"
"Don't flatter yourself, I saw how it was in your eyes that you wanted to ask me out even when we met at the bar in Berkeley. So I just weighed you up then and there".
"So how come you kept playing hard to get?"
"I wasn't... Somehow, talking with you on the phone doesn't seem to compare as much to being in person. I'm already enjoying our conversations way more than we've had in the past few weeks".
I noticed a slight glow in her eyes and her face blushed a little, which made me a lot more excited, but as per usual, I kept my cool.
"Well, I'm glad you're having a good time because I am as well".
We order our food, then take a walk to a nearby park to eat underneath the stars. The date, on its own, was one of the best nights of my life. And as far as the date went, we seemed to have so much in common, so many aligned likes and dislikes, that it felt like we'd known each other forever. But somehow, we managed not to talk about each other's past, which was a big relief for me because I really don't know who would stick around if they found out who or what I really am.
So, after a night of dreaming together, we both walk to her apartment together.
"I really enjoyed tonight, it was unusual and one of the best nights I've had since I got to Chicago"  she said.
"Did you just move to Chicago? Cos I could've sworn that I knew you before... I guess it truly is a small world. Maybe we've run into each other before and we didn't even notice. Which I highly doubt cos you're not someone I think I would miss".
"Thanks for your flattery. Way to earn points Mr." She said with a smile. "I guess this is where we say goodnight. Again, I really enjoyed tonight."
"Me too beautiful."
We looked at each other's eyes for what felt like forever till I decided to take a shot. At first she held me back, I was about to pull away in disappointment when she pulled me back and she kissed me. I've kissed women before, but this one was an entirely different new feeling. If I had to describe it, I'd say it was like having your mouth run through crystal clear waterfalls that tasted like rainbows on a warm summer evening. But that's just an oversimplification. 
After the kiss, it took me a few seconds to catch my breath, then I let out a frail "goodnight"  before taking a bow and leaving (Way to act a gentleman lord dick face).
..... I feel like a unicorn.....

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