Don't Let Me Go
By Spring Mendez
Date: June 30, 2023
Ch. 14Chapter 14

I don’t think there would ever be a time when I’d understand the senator. He was never present while I was growing up and now, he suddenly wanted to control me? What the heck did he want? For me to feel that I was a bastard every single day of my life by working under the supervision of his eldest son?
He was impossible.
Diana had become a necessity in my life. Each time I’d feel down, she was my cure. I’d lean on her smile, her soft voice, the tender glow in her eyes, and on her warm embrace and then I’d feel better. With her, the pain wasn’t that intense.
I was learning to smile again because of her. But since it was late last night, I didn’t get to contact her. So, I went to the bar instead and there I met a girl whom I brought home.
Heck, I didn’t even remember her name. After learning that Diana left, I chased after her and let Renata take care of the girl after I left some paper bills on the table.
I called Diana’s mansion but according to the maid, she wasn’t home yet. I’d been to her favorite flower shop, restaurant, and all the places we loved visiting together but she wasn’t in any of those.
Diana also didn’t answer any of my calls and text messages. That was the first time she did that. That’s why I was a nervous wreck the whole day. If Diana’s mother didn’t personally call me to inform me that she was home and that Laurice was with her, I would have been stuck in the road, still searching for her.
Diana was scary when she was like this. I must make sure that this won't happen again. I didn’t want to feel that same anxiety all over again, especially now when her parents finally agreed on removing her bodyguards. That was the graduation gift that she asked from them: to be free from her guards.
Even if her parents were not in favor of it, they indulged her since she would be graduating on top of her class.
I steeled myself for her parents’ possible sermon as they led me to the living room. And when they motioned me to sit down, I sat right away. I drummed my fingers onto my thighs nervously. I’d been very comfortable being with Diana but it was opposite being with her parents.
Maybe because I was aware that they hadn’t fully accepted me yet as their daughter’s friend. I could feel the tension in the air whenever I’d visit their mansion. In front of Diana, the couple was usually civil towards me.
“Do you know that we’ve almost memorized all the things about you because you are included in every conversation we had with our daughter?” her mom asked. “We already know everything about you from your favorite color down to your favorite food. That’s how much you’ve influenced our daughter. And of course, we are happy that she is happy.
“In the past, it seems that she’s only forcing herself to attend school, to smile, or to socialize with other people. She had forgotten about the pain brought by Yves’ death. And that was fine. But then, we found out from Laurice that you were the reason why she got drunk for the first time. Alexis, can’t you consider our princess as someone more than your best friend?”
My jaw dropped from the unexpected question. Did I hear her right? “Ma’am?”
“Oh, quit with the ma’am and sir thing. From now on, just call us Uncle Lino and Aunt Martha.” The old woman smiled warmly. “You’ve passed our test. You and Diana must be thinking that we completely got rid of her guards but every day for the past few months, they’d been spying on you both. So far, Lino and I have no complaints. The photos which Nick and Ador had sent us just showed how happy Diana was when she was with you.”
Uncle Lino held Aunt Martha’s hand as if to stop her. “I’ll take it from here, honey. You talk way too much,” he said in a playful voice before shifting to face me. “We did a background check on you the very first time Diana mentioned you to me and Martha. That’s why the first time I saw you, I already knew who you were. Aside from that, your father happened to be my business partner.”
My heartbeat thudded in my head.
Where was this conversation leading to?
“Did you know that I never liked your father? Until now, I’m still wondering why the heavens gave him the balls when the lesbians deserve those more than him. He was the reason why I didn’t like you at first. But you were able to prove yourself, Alexis. According to my source, you’ve stopped being a troublemaker and that you’re on top of your class right now. That’s something, son.” Uncle Lino finally smiled. “Diana was right fighting for you.”
I was too stunned to speak. I felt like there was a huge lump that formed in my throat.
It was the first time someone called me that. And I didn’t think it would come from Diana’s father.
“Did you also know that the first time we met, I already told my daughter the truth about your family? And the cat that I knew suddenly became a tigress the moment I told her my doubts about you being friends with her.” Uncle Lino chuckled as if he was remembering a very fond memory. “Please take care of our Diana, Alexis. I don’t want her to get drunk like this again,” he added in a serious tone.
“I hope you will keep on proving to us that we had made the right choice in letting you into our daughter’s life.” Uncle Lino pointed to the stairway. “Go on. You can now visit her. And yes, welcome to the family, Alexis.”

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