The Flying Colors
By clefairy
Date: June 20, 2023
Ch. 64RED (TWO)

After entering the coffee shop, she immediately spotted Cashmere on the table near the entrance. She was alone there.

She immediately went to her. “Oh, my God! Cash! You won’t believe this!” she said the moment she occupied the seat across from her.

Cashmere raised her one hand, signaling her to keep quiet.

Irani just noticed that her best friend was talking to someone on the phone. Irani nodded and pursed her lips as she looked around the establishment.

"Yup. I'm here at the cafe, Red. Please tell my brother," Irani heard Cashmere say to the other line.

Irani wrinkled her nose when she figured out who Cashmere was talking to. It was her cousin.

Riley Edward dela Merced aka Red. The guy was her best friend's cousin. Like Blue, he was also studying here at this university.

Irani hated Red because every time she sees that guy, he would always annoy the hell out of her.

Irani busied herself looking around. Most of the customers of this coffee shop were students from their university. Aside from being located just outside the campus, the cafe has a friendly and relaxing ambiance. Even their staff were accommodating and kind.

“Hmm, I'm with Irani, why?”

Irani's gaze went back to Cashmere when she mentioned her name. She raised her brow at her, but her best friend just gave her one of her easy smiles as she continued to listen to whatever Red was saying on the other line.

"My cousin told me to say hi to you," Cashmere told her when she put down her cell phone.

She rolled her eyes. “Hi himself.”

Cashmere just chuckled before she sipped on her drink. There was also a plate of mini donuts on her table.

“Wait, what were you telling me earlier?" Cashmere asked.

Irani's smile came back immediately. “Guess who I bumped into, Cash?” she asked her, grinning.

“Who?" Cashmere asked in a curious voice. She raised her eyebrows at her.

“It's Drei, Cash,” she said in a giddy voice.

Her best friend's eyes widened. "Wow. Really?"

“Yup. I was on the way out of the cafeteria when I bumped into him.” She told her best friend the whole detail of what happened earlier.

“I know it was my fault because my whole attention was on my phone, but it was him who kept on apologizing to me. He really is nice, Cash—"

Irani's smile immediately vanished when she noticed the two guys who just entered the cafe. The one wearing a black shirt was Blue, Cash’s brother. The one with the white v-neck shirt and the cross necklace was Red.

The two guys were third-year civil engineering students at the university.

Red looked in her direction. Their eyes met. Red flashed his annoying smirk at her that made Irani roll her eyes.

"Hey, why the sudden change of mood?" Cashmere asked her. "Oh, they're here." Her best friend nodded in understanding when she finally noticed his brother and cousin at the entrance of the shop.

Blue went to the counter while Red walked straight to their table. He immediately occupied the vacant seat next to Cashmere.

"Red!" Cashmere scoffed when Red picked up some donuts on the plate and ate them without asking for permission.

Red just smiled at Cashmere before he turned to her. “Hi, shortcake.” he greeted her with an obvious grin on his face. The monkey even has the nerve to wink at her. She answered him with a glare.

“You really are a snob, Irani," Red commented, grinning before stuffing another donut in his mouth.

“Irani's like that to you because you always annoy him," Cashmere said to her cousin. She tapped Red's hand when he was about to pick up a donut again. "Gosh, buy your own food, Red. That's mine."

“Fine,” Red answered before turning to her. “What do you want?”

She raised her brows at him. “Why? Are you going to treat me?”

Red grinned at her. “Well, only if you say please.”

She rolled her eyes at him. What would she expect from this guy, anyway? “No need, Indigo? I don't need a treat from you. I can afford." She then turned to her best friend. “I better go ahead, Cash,” she said to her best friend.

She actually had a dinner date tonight with her parents. It was her parents' wedding anniversary today.

“Oh, sure. Let's just see each other tomorrow," Cashmere said to her before kissing her goodbye.

"Huh? You're going home now, Irani?" Red asked her, raising his thick brows at her.

She snorted at him. "Yeah. I don't want to hang out with you."

Indigo just chuckled at her. "Bye, shortcake. Take care of yourself. You might get kidnapped with your height." He even had the nerve to raise a wave at her and smiled.

She rolled her eyes. Her day was already good because of Andrei but then Red came and ruined it.

“Come on, Cash! Let's go” Irani excitedly pulled Cashmere out of their classroom after their last class ended.

Their basketball team has a match this afternoon. Irani had asked her best friend to watch the match with her. She was excited to watch the match because of Andrei. She was excited to see him again.

“Wait. Blue texted me, Irani," Cashmere said as they left the College of Arts and Letters building.

Cashmere's brother was also a member of the basketball team. Unfortunately, even Red was a member of the team.

"Fine. Let's go to the cafeteria first," Irani said. After buying Gatorade for Blue and drinks for themselves, they walked to the gymnasium.

The match wasn't starting yet when they arrived. The two teams were still warming up and practicing shots. The Montello Red Lions were all in red jersey uniforms.

Irani tagged along with Cash when her best friend went to the players' area to hand Blue his Gatorade. Irani immediately looked around to search for Andrei. She frowned when she didn't see him. Her face fell.

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