The Flying Colors
By clefairy
Date: June 14, 2023

STEP four: Pour out your heart on him.

Step five: Learn to let go. And accept defeat. This world is not a fairytale. Not all love story deserves a second chance. Maybe…the two of you didn’t really belong together.

She was in hospital for three days. In those three days, she never received a single text message from Indigo.
Chastity couldn't forget the scene that she saw at the clinic before she lost consciousness.

“Chas. Indigo talked to me. He was looking for you," Karen told her when her best friend visit her in the hospital that day.

Chastity bit her lower lip. “What did you tell him, Karen?”

“Don't worry. I told him you went home to Davao to visit your parents." Karen handed her an invitation to Indigo's birthday.

“He asked me to give you that. He said he's expecting you to come because he's going to tell you something important."

"Something important?" Chastity muttered in a small voice. "Maybe he's going to tell me that Kassandra and he are already a couple. That I should stop bothering him…"

Karen sighed. "Stop it with the negative thoughts, Chastity. It won't do any good to you."

Two days later and Indigo's birthday came.

“Chas, are you sure you're feeling fine?” Karen asked her while they were in the car to Indigo's birthday party.

"I couldn't help but worry about you." Karen sighed beside her.

“Don’t worry, Karen." Chastity gave her friend a reassuring smile.

She will pour out her heart to him tonight. And if after that, he still decided to choose Kassandra, then Chas would finally let go of him. She would wholeheartedly accept her defeat.

She knew it would be hard on her part, but she needed to accept the truth that even if she did everything, Indigo would never love her again. That he would never go back to her again. That she already lost her only chance when she chose to hurt him three years ago.

Maybe their love story deserves no second chance. He deserves to be someone much better than her. Someone like Kasandra.

The moment they arrived at the venue of the party, Chastity immediately spotted Indigo. He was alone on the stage. He was already singing while playing his guitar.

“I take one step away, but I find myself coming back to you. My one and only you.”

His head was moving around as if he was looking for something.

Maybe he was looking for Kassandra. Or maybe he was looking for her.

Chastity wanted to hope that Indigo was looking for her. She wanted to hope that he was signing for her.

But instead of going in front and showing herself to him, she decided to stay in the corner as she continued to watch his performance.

After the song, Indigo went down on the stage.

Chastity then took a deep breath as she collected all the courage that was left in her chest. She went to the now empty stage. Suddenly, all the attention was on her. But Chastity didn't mind them. Her full attention was on Indigo.

She was only looking at Indigo who seemed frozen in his feet.

Chastity stood behind the microphone while her eyes were never leaving Indigo.

“I'm sorry for interrupting your party, Indigo," Chastity said. "I just want to tell you happy birthday...”

At that moment, all she could see was the guy she loves. All that she could hear was the loud beating of her heart. All she could feel was the love she had for Indigo.

Indigo started walking in her direction. His eyes never leaving hers. Their gaze never breaking apart.

She gave him a sad smile before she continued with her speech. “I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for causing you pain. If only I could turn back time...”

He went on the stage. Making them only meters apart from each other.

She stared at her with all the emotions in her eyes as she tried to memorize every part of his face. His chinky eyes, his straight nose, his cherry lips, his diamond earring.

Because maybe after this, she won't be able to see him again.

“For the last time, I want to tell you I love you.”

As Indigo continued to break the distance between them, tears from her eyes already started to fall.

Chastity bit her lower lip. “I never stopped. Not even for a single second… I never stopped loving you, Indigo."

“Chas.” Indigo held her face the moment he stopped in front of her. He gently wiped the tears off her cheeks.
The next thing he did shocked her.

He kissed her. He kissed her on the lips. In front of his bandmates, in front of Kas, in front of everyone.

“HAPPY birthday, Indigo."

Indigo nodded at his classmate who greeted him. “Thanks for coming.”

Indigo doesn't like celebrating birthdays but his friends planned this party for him.
"Hey, Indigo!"

Indigo turned to the voice to call her. It was Kassandra. He didn't expect that he would still attend his party after he rejected her.

"Happy birthday," Kassandra said, giving him a smile.

“Thank you, Kas.” He gave her a small smile. “I’m sorry, again.”

Kassandra shook her head and smiled. “It’s okay, Indigo. There's no need to apologize. It's not your fault that you can't reciprocate my feelings," she said. "Don't worry about me, I'd move on from you. And even after you hurt me, I still wish you all the happiness in the world.”

Indigo stilled when Kassandra suddenly hugged her.

“Indigo… I have something to tell you…” Kassandra said after she let go of him. “I'm in love with you, Indigo…”

Indigo's lips parted. But then after recovering, he gave her a small smile. “I’m sorry, Kas. I like you. You are nice and beautiful. But my heart already belongs to someone else.”

Indigo wouldn't deny that he liked Kassandra. He thought that through Kas, he couldn’t finally let go of Chastity. But he was wrong. No matter what he did, it was still Charity who was in his heart.

Happiness. There was only one person who could give her that feeling.

Indigo looked around. But then he failed to find Chastity. When he went to the stage, he then tried to look for her again.

He searched the crowd, but still no sign of her.

“Do you wanna hear the birthday boy sing?” Blue suddenly asked the crowd of visitors.

“Come on, Indigo,” Red said, looking at him with a grin on his face.

Blue took his bass guitar and replaced it with an acoustic one.

When Karen told her that Chas was back in Davao, he felt scared. He still loves her. He never moved on from his love for her.

Baby, this song is for you…

“It took one look, and forever laid out in front of me. One smile, and I died, only to be revived by you… I take one step away, but I find myself coming back to you. My one and only you…”

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