By Bethel-Gold
Date: March 28, 2023

I was in the kitchen making sure I packed the needed stuff so that I don't start walking about because guess what? That's right mum's unfriendly friend is here again and guess what she came with this month?

Yeah, more pain and so you know what more pain means? Okay, I will tell you.

More pain equals more demands

More pains equals more anger

More pains equals more eating

More pain equals more attention

More pain equa...

Oh GOD, I can go on and on and on and explain how periods are like for mum. At least she is one lucky girl, unlike me haha

Among me and my mum, I have the most terrifying, painful, gut eating period cramps ever and I can remember the first time I had my first period that was when I was fourteen or so.

Oh my GOD, I couldn't stand, couldn't sit, couldn't eat, couldn't do anything, and guess what I didn't see that period not until two months after that near-death experience.

I know I can be such a drama queen but when I tell you that period hurts like hell, it did hurt like hell. I haven't been to hell before but you can ask my grandpa though. Just kidding, he's in heaven... I guess.

Back when I had my first period. I was so angry that I couldn't get it away from me. It felt like my organs were being squeezed like someone was trying to get ketchup out of the bottle and it was so stubborn to get out.

It was like I should grab he, she, it, or whatever gender they identify as and squeeze the living ketchup out of them so they feel what they make me feel.

But no, I can't do that because it is inside of my... uh Uhm... you know what I am talking about so... yeah.

"Where is that ketchup?" I asked out, looking through the cupboards and the drawers, and the fridge!

Who could have taken it? Mum loves ketchup and now she is on her period she would need it more than ever.


"Here you go mum" I placed the tray beside her on the bed then sat down close to it.

"Aww baby, thank you" she cooed as she lovingly gazes at all the things I brought "Come give mama a hug" she held he hands towards me and I hovered over the tray to hug her then sat back down when we let go of the hug.

"You like?"

"I love" she replied and I smiled at that.

"I hope the cramps aren't as bad as the first day?" I took a toast and put mayonnaise and butter then some olive oil and another toast on top before taking a bite.

"Nothing I can't handle but I will survive" she commented then put more ketchup in her bread full of mayonnaise.

I grimaced at that and tried not to imagine that as a bloody sandwich as she would call it. How does this woman take that... I need to go downstairs for a while then come back so she doesn't feel bad.

"Mona darling" I was going to roll my eyes at her choice of name but decided against it.

Period mum is a hulk mum and I do want to be at her receiving end, not ready for that kind of attack.

"Yes, mum" I will not correct her in the meantime because of her trying days.

That is another word for period days. I formed it first so I get all the credits. So now back to what mum was saying, I can see her mouth moving and her eyes looked expectant.

She probably asked me a question and I didn't catch that or I didn't pay attention to what she was saying at all.

OH LORD, she will burst.

"Uh... yeah?"

"I know you can handle anything dear" she pinched my cheeks lightly and went back to eating her food.

"Handle what?"

"You weren't listening to what I have been saying?" was the first question she asked.

Oh no Drea, you messed up... bad.

"Er... I... mum... sorry" I apologized, that should do since she is a softie when you accept your mistake and apologize immediately.

"I asked how the makeup thing was going for you"

"Oh, yeah. Its..." I paused for a while and made a face "it's fine" I shrugged and took an apple.

Then she slapped the back of my palm and the apple fell on the bed from my hand. I looked at her with my mouth wide open and rubbed the back of my palm.

"Ouch," I said frowning a bit.

"The fruits are for me, dont pass your boundary," she said and I maintained the frown on my face.

I guess my dad was right about me being worse than my mum when I am on my period, especially when it comes to food brought to me.

"You get possessive and aggressive like a mother hen protecting her chicks from harm, just like your mum but worse"

I guess he has a point there.

"Are you ready to listen to me?" I shook my head out of the daze I was in and nod my head.

"Yes, mum"

"The way you hesitated before saying 'its fine' and the manner at which you said it shows you've lost interest in it... again" she state and I stopped peeling the tangerine I managed to sneak in the pocket of my sweatpants.

I sigh and looked away from her.

She is right about it, I have lost interest in it again. It wasn't like the first time I told her makeup was for me.

The butterflies, the anticipation, the eagerness to learn and be better at that newfound skill, the passion... they all went on a trip and crashed, oh no they were never found and... I dont know.

"You think makeup isn't for you now?" she asked and I could hear the concern dancing in her voice.

I couldn't answer but she got her answer by the sigh that followed.

"Honey" she pushed the tray and pulled me to herself then I placed my head on her shoulder and her arms went around me.

A mother's comfort, the most soothing and beautiful thing that could calm the nerves and being of every child.

"Everybody loves different things, some like just one thing, some like about ten things, some like about a hundred things, while there are some that like everything." she began and I squeezed her other hand that held mine so she can continue.

"Baby, you can like everything, no one is stopping you from that but there has to be something you like more among all the things you like. Something that stands out, something that makes you stand out, something unique" I nod.

"Everything is unique, dont get me wrong"

"I understand mum"

"Okay, I understand the fact that you are still young and that you still have as many times as you have to explore and find that one thing that is the best for you and will make you better in all aspects of your life"


"Dont rush and remember you and your dad are proud of whatever thing you do" I raised my head to look at her and placed a kiss on her right cheek. "Just so far you aren't doing drugs, killing someone, or doing something illegal" she added and we both laughed.

"Thank you mum" I hugged her and she returned it.

"You are welcome dear" she replied.

We pulled away and she shooed me to where I was sitting before then dragged the tray close to herself to continue her eating.

"I was supposed to be pampered not the other way round." she put a handful of popcorn in her mouth and I laughed.

"If Bam and I weren't besties, we would be the best bestie in the world," I told her and came closer to whisper "dont tell Bam or she'll" I did the kill sign and mum laughed.

"No promises babe and please can you get me more juice?"

"Sure Milady" I stood up and bowed before exiting the room.

I love my mum.

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