By Bethel-Gold
Date: March 28, 2023
Ch. 15CHAPTER 13 (cont.d)

I swear that I could see the hurt her eyes carried and its sure as hell not because the teacher asked her to read out her assignment to the whole school.

Something must have happened and I need to know what’s up. She can’t just go through with that alone, she has me as her bestie to lean on and I would offer her as much support as I could so that she feels better.

“I am tired” she read out the title of her writing before continuing “I am super tired, beautifully tired,” she flipped her hair and some of the students whistled while some cheered on her “Supernaturally tired, down to earth tired, pretentiously tired, exactly tired, lovely tired, pretty tired” she rolled her eyes and some of our classmates laughed.

She continued all what she was reading and I wouldn’t lie it sounded really funny with how she says them and act according to what she says, but I can see something being off about her. She looks sad but just using this as some distraction.

I and Jeremy looked at each other and before looking back at her and in no time, she was done with her presentation then made a bow after she finished it. The whole class roared in both laughter and cheering words and whistling.

Mrs. Dewls already seeming annoyed by how it turned out to be, quietened the class and looked at Bam who looked like she should be anywhere else.

“What do you think this is? A joke?” Mrs. Dewls asked irritated and Bam looked a bit upset when she turned to her. “Is that what I asked you to write?”

“Well, if I wanted to joke around, I know just where to do that not on my least favorite subject assignment and yes, you said ‘Write out your heart and whatever you feel and how things around you make you feel’ that’s what I did” Bam shrugged and some of the students gasped.

Mrs. Dewls’s face turned red as she looked at Bam.

Oh GOD I wish I was the one saying this to her but, go girl, go Bam, I got your back always.

I was going to cheer on her when Mrs. Dewls pointed to the door and said angrily “Get out of my class”

Bam didn’t need to be told anything else and just turned around to leave the class, while some students whistled and I heard some say ‘Dang! That girl got some balls’ and some others say ‘I would piss myself before I can speak that way to the principal’s mistress’

Okay, I will get back to what I heard just now but my main priority now is to find Bam and know if she is doing really well because as she read those words, I could feel how she was presently feeling.

My poor bestie.

I stood up immediately and walked to the front of the class to the door “I need to use the bathroom” I said quickly before leaving the classroom without waiting to hear her reply to my request.

“Where could an upset Bamrick go to in the middle of classes?” I asked myself as I walked down the hallway, when it kicked in.

I think I have an idea of where she is.

“Hey Bam, what’s up?” I came into the empty gym then sat beside my crazy bestie who looked so down, her shoulders were slouched and her head down like she was mourning.

“Bam?” I called again when she didn’t answer me the first time then put my hand around her for a hug and she leaned on me.

She needs this more than ever and I have said this countless times, I would be there for her all through her walk in this mess her family is going through, give her the support she needs from her very own bestie. Even if she doesn’t want to say anything about it, I will be there as the shoulder she need to cry on.

“Its getting into to you so bad” I didn’t ask and heard soft sobs escape her lips.

Maybe I shouldn’t have said that then.

“Look, I might not be able to do anything about the decision your parents made or stop what you are going to face during this time, but I want you to have this in your crazy little mind” I said and lift her head so that she was looking at me.

“I’ll be there for you always, when you need to rant, cry, scream, not kick something…” I smiled and she nods her head “You are very much permitted to destroy my dresser in between your rage, its getting old already” I said and she laughed.
Now, I know she is calm a bit.

“What I am trying to say is that, you don’t have to go through this alone, don’t keep all you need to let out buckled up, don’t let it eat you and make you weak because you are too scared of sharing. A problem shared is a problem half solved, you know? We could always binge watch Thor as you tell me how you guys’ wedding would be spectacular in space” I say and she laughed so hard.
Okay, my Bam is getting back.

“Just talk to me, I will always listen. If I can’t provide a solution, you can do what I stated earlier or we can eat ice cream and some fish dipped chips. to feel better” I told her and she nods then cleaned her cheeks from the tears that stained them whilst smiling.

“Do you feel better?” I asked whilst rubbing her back and she looked away from me to her fingers as she played with them.

“I don’t know” she replied, her voiced sounded hoarse then she sniffled and took the handkerchief I offered her, blew her nose and looked at me.
“He… he hit her, my dad… he hit my mum Drea” she said biting her bottom lip as she tried not to cry.

Did I hear what I just heard? Her dad abuses her mum? He beats her mum? How? When? Why? Where? How come? Is it that serious? Why would he do that? Why didn’t she report him for abuse?

You have no right to hit your partner no matter what.

“He did what?” I asked in disbelief.
Her dad sure as hell didn’t look like he would do such.

Although I noticed that there might be some things off about her parents whenever they get back from their trip but I didn’t think this.
Was it the first time or it have been happening before?
I was going to ask her that when she beats me to it.

“She looked really scared when he slapped her and from the look of things, it had been happening for a long time… she looked like she expected it after screaming at him about something they were arguing about” she sobbed and I brought her in for a hug.

I have no words to say, honestly.

If it had been happening for a long time like Bam explained to me, why then did her mum not bother reporting him for abuse and charge him or something. This is illegal and I don’t even know how bad he hits her. Oh GOD.

“I really didn’t want to believe what my eyes saw when I got into the living room but I saw his hand landing on her cheek as I entered and I could feel the sting of the slap in my skin even though it wasn’t me it happened to” she chuckled bitterly.

“I told her that we could seek help and hasten the divorce so that he can be put away for treating her like that and so that he wouldn’t have to hit her again but…” she laughed then shook her head “… do you know what she said to me?”

I just sat there looking at her as I digest all what I just learned of.
“She said that she is in love with him and that although she came up with the divorce, she still hopes that things can be different and better between them… like, like what is that? that’s stupid and nonsense” she burst out then went out of my hold and stood up as she paced in front of me.

I am hurt that she is hurting this bad because if she hurt, I do hurt but right now I need to keep her calm so that we can think things through and try to come up with a solution to all these.

“Bam, listen” I stood up and stopped her from pacing so that she was looking at me. “We are really shocked by this and worried about your mum but we need to be calm so that we can come up with something to help your mum out of this” I told her and she nods then wrapped her arms around me for a hug.

She needed it as much as I do. Things will be good, I hope so.

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