What We Deserve (Ricardo and Bethany)
By Bethel-Gold
Date: January 21, 2023
Ch. 5Chapter Five

Doorbell rings

‘oh that must be him’ Bethany quickly wore her bracelet which was the only jewelry she wore to match her clothes, she applied her cherry-scented lip gloss and too grabbed her purse and phone before heading downstairs and there she saw Ricardo handsomely dressed in a blue not too fitted jean trousers pants, black body hug and a denim jacket that brings his well-defined muscle out, his hair looks like he just ran his hands through them ‘sexy’ she thought. Her conclusion on his appearance was ‘he looks amazing’ he was seated on one of the sofas ‘Malorie must have let him in’

“Hey,” Bethany said grabbing his attention he looked back and stood up eyeing her from head to toe ‘she looks beautiful’ he thought to himself

“Hey, you look ....... Amazing .......beautiful” he said stretching his hands towards her she took hold of his hand and he drew her closer.

“Thank you, you look handsome too” she commented

“Thank you” he answered her as they kept looking at each other “we should get going”

“Yeah we should” and he led her towards the door “Err sorry hold on please, Malorie?” Beth called her help Malorie came rushing from the kitchen

“Yes ma’am”

“Am going out now, I’ll be back late at night okay?”

“Okay ma’am, do have a great night you both,” she said to them with a smile

“And you too bye” they left.

Malorie smile as she watched them go out shutting the door in the process. She is a middle-aged woman with her only child in the university, well thanks to Bethany, Paris could get this far. She was happy Bethany was going out again, she knew all about Mike and was there for her when she was nursing her broken heart ‘At least she is moving on’ she thought to herself


“Really?” Bethany asked Ricardo as they got to his home, he drove inside his mansion and parked in the garage

“Yes, those were times I wished the ground should open and swallow me, I have never been so embarrassed my whole life,” he said with a laugh

“Aww poor you, I can’t imagine your face then”

“I know right, I know” They got out of the car and he leads her to the front of the house

“Just to let you know I have a da-”

“Papa!” Gwen screamed as she ran to her Papa, Ricardo picked her up and swirl her

“Hey princess,” Ricardo said kissing his daughter on her cheek “How is Daddy’s Princess doing?”

“Am doing fine Papa”

“You have a daughter?”

“Yeah I was about to tell--”

“Hi, you must be the Lady Papa was talking about,” said Gwen looking at Beth.

“Um... I hope so, Am Bethany. Bethany Finyinfunoluwa Ayotunde” Beth introduced herself.

“You’re not from here, let me guess. African?”

“Yes, Nigeria to be precise”

“Nice meeting you Bethany, I am Gwen Elizabeth Herman.

“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl” Beth replied.

“You’re beautiful too” Ricardo could see the evident blush on Beth’s face.

“Thank you”

Gwen got down from Ricardo’s hand and held Beth’s hand “you don’t mind, do you?”

“Mind what?”

“Me holding your hand”

“Oh sure I don’t, I love your hair”

“I love your curls also” Gwen replied and they began walking together inside.

Ricardo stood back watching them relate freely that’s a first he thought to himself, Gwen never relates with the other girls he tried dating. “I hope this turns outright,” he said to himself before entering the house.


“Hey, babe!” Ella called out to mike as she entered his apartment, taking off her jacket in the process.

“In here” he answered her from his room. She went up the stairs and got into his room to see him packing his bag.


“Yeah?” he answered and turned to face her with a smile on his face “the baby glow suits you” he complimented her, and then walked up to her to give her a kiss “You look, hot babe”

“Thank you” she smiled and looked behind him at his suitcase on the bed then back at him “why are you packing?”

“oh I forgot to tell you, I got a business meeting to attend in Seattle, baby it’s huge,” he told her with excitement, written over his face “this could be our breakthrough, we could buy a house, lots of cars and anything you want, anything we want,” he said holding her in his arm as he rubbed her tummy.

“Okay,” she smiled, “what else are you packing?” she moved away from him and went to his wardrobe to get his shoes.

“Babe? What’s wrong?” Mike asked noticing she isn’t her usual self.

“Nothing is wrong, how long are you staying?”

“2-3 weeks”

“That long? And you didn’t bother telling me?” Ella asked in a harsh tone “if I didn’t come over you will not tell till the day you’re going” she said looking at Mike scratching the back of his head “Wait... you’re leaving today?” she asked with eyes wide opened

“No babe”


“Tomorrow” he replied and saw how hurt, Ella looked as she sat on his bed, he went to her and sat beside her taking her hand in his large ones “look babe I know how you feel about my sudden travel, I would have told you. I swear but I got busy with work and all please try to understand” he kissed her hand.

She looked at him and sighed “I understand but please try to always tell me, look at the condition I am in” she said pointing at her stomach. “I don’t have to be stressed remember?”

“I know babe,” he told her giving her a kiss on her lips. he stood up helping her also “now come help me to pack, so we can spend more time together” he winked at her and she hit his chest playfully.

“Okay” and they finished packing up, Mike then went to take a shower and Ella went downstairs to prepare something for them to eat.

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