Maybe Tomorrow
By Spring Mendez
Date: December 12, 2022
Ch. 10Chapter 10

He leaned closer and whispered, “You know when I was your age, I told myself that I would never marry Rem’s mother. She used to be a brat in the past, you know. And she used to hate everything about me, too. But one day, we just found ourselves in love with each other. It was crazy. But look at where we are now. By God’s grace, we are still happily married after thirty years. Who knows? Maybe one day, you’ll change your mind, Alison. Maybe tomorrow, you’ll change your mind.”
“I know, Uncle. I have nothing against Rem. He’s the best. He’s not impossible to love. But do you think he could love someone like me, too? Rem knew how crazy I get at times. He’s probably tired of my quirkiness by now. He’s just not showing it because you raised him as a gentleman.” I laughed.
“My son is right. You are too innocent for your own good.”
“What do you mean?”
Uncle Luis just laughed and I just shrugged. As Uncle Luis said, I will just leave everything to tomorrow. If Rem and I are truly meant for each other, then there was no way that we won’t end up together. After all, he was like a prince charming to me ever since I was a little girl. Now, I bet other women refer to him as one. I heard that he was famous in his office for having women ask him out once or twice a month.
Maybe we’ll fall in love with each other. Maybe we won’t. But one thing was sure. We will always be the best of friends no matter what.
Rem had probably sensed that I was looking at him. He glanced at me and playfully winked at me as he smiled. I smiled back. He motioned that he would come back right away and I just nodded. He just probably left to distract the oldies. Whatever the case is, right now, I’m just so thankful for what we have.

AFTER Jeremiah dragged my stepdad away and motioned Uncle Luis to follow them, I caught the disappointment in our mothers’ faces. Before they could say a word, I quickly excused myself to face the other guests.
But I did the opposite. I stepped out of the banquet hall to get some fresh air to avoid the tedious talks about the stock market from the male guests and the latest trends from the females. It was like everyone inside was competing against each other about who was more fashionable and knowledgeable.
I’ve been exposed to parties ever since I was a little girl that now that I was older, I’ve grown tired of it and with the people who constantly comes for it that’s why I refused this grand party that my parents wanted to give me. I wanted a quiet and private birthday celebration. But in the end, my old folks won again. I just couldn’t say no to them at times.
I stopped walking when I saw a certain guy in the lobby. His lips were bleeding. There was also blood gushing from his forehead. His white long-sleeved polo was now coated in blood. And his knuckles were swollen. He was easy to spot on that’s why he caught the attention of the people walking around, including the hotel employees.
But when the guy looked at those people, for some reason, they immediately looked away and proceeded on going back to what they were doing as if they did not see anything peculiar. The security guard who was roaming around and was about to approach him suddenly stopped for a minute and then went on the opposite direction.
My mouth parted in disbelief. How could that happen? The man was bleeding, for goodness’ sake! But no one seemed to care. My family owns this hotel. And I’m the one who manages it. I could not allow this to continue happening to any of the customer. I would make sure to call a meeting first thing tomorrow morning about this.
The stranger gazed at me for a moment. And for the first time in my twenty-six years on Earth, I felt my heart flutter. I feel like I’ve seen those pair of eyes before. He looked strangely familiar. I couldn’t tell if it was just my imagination running wild again, but the man’s gaze seemed cold to everybody, and yet, when he looked at me, I saw a flash of warmth there but it swiftly disappeared.
And then he nonchalantly walked past me while I remained frozen. I just stared at his back as he walked farther and farther away. I held my chest and gently patted it, hoping it could calm my heart.
But not long after, the stranger stopped walking and turned around. He took a couple of deep breaths before he walked towards me. His eyes were alert as if there were other people in the area which only he could see. I shook my head at the thought of it. Maybe I’ve been watching too many supernatural films these days, courtesy of my best friend who was a fan of those things. But I guess I need to quit watching them because my imagination kept getting the best of me lately. I feel like wherever I go these days, I’m being watched. And I can’t shake off this weird feeling.
“You’re from the banquet hall, right?” He asked in a polite tone. Even his voice was familiar. I could swear I’ve heard it before.
Because I’m still too stunned to speak, I just nodded. My eyes went round when he took my hand and gently pulled me back to the banquet hall. Even his touch was familiar. He only released my hand when we were in front of the door. I couldn’t explain the disappointment I felt. It was odd, but it felt really nice to be held by him.
“Avoid walking on your own from now on. This world is not as safe as you think it is, woman.”

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