"The Husband's Betrayal"
By Lynnz
Date: November 26, 2022
Ch. 6Betrayal 0.5

Gail, I have something to tell " ash said+ " What is it babe?" I said while nervous. " Let's break up " He said " B-akit babe ? What are you talking about? Don't joke like that you're annoying " I said while holding back tears " I don't want anymore, I'm fed up Gail, Do you know I really don't want commitment? I don't even know why it took us so many years." He said while looking at me seriously. I couldn't stop the tears that suddenly flowed from my eyes, It's just so painful because he's going to waste those five years because he's so pissed off. him? "I gave it all, huh? What's missing? " I said while crying " Everything was given ? Don't you know that I also have needs? But you can't give because you're too much of an inheritance," he said
I was shocked by what he said. Is it because I'm not having sex with him? Can he divorce me?+ "a-sh please don't leave me just yet, you know I love you right?" I said while hugging him. He removed my hand that was hugging him. "I'm sorry but I don't love you." He said and turned and left me "N-o,n-o a-shh p-lease don't take it from me, Ashhhhhhh" I shouted.
Our lives are meant to be lived by expressing, and not by impressing others.❣️ + I woke up because of a bad dream, I didn't think I was crying now, when I looked at my cellphone it was 6:00 am, I texted Kay first Ash before I got up and did my morning rituals. I just wore an off shoulder paired with fitted jeans and heels, and a simple polbo and lip tint before going down. "Oh, you just woke up this morning, come eat first," Manang said.
Ahh manang I'm not going to eat first, because my class is early " I said + " Ahh go ahead and be careful " " Manang? Please tell dad and mom that I went first, thank you" "Alright iha" I was leaving the gate when I saw JM's car parked, I stopped while looking at him, this man is really hot "Why are you here? Do not you have a job? " I said " I'll bring you " He said while not answering my question, there's really no way " I don't want it " I narrowed I said " What do you want? Will I pull you? Burden? Or love? " He said in a whisper
Tss really stupid hmmp.+ I walked to his car, and he opened the door for me, very gentlemanly. While we were traveling to school, suddenly my cell phone rang, it was Ashton calling. "Hello babe? Did you get called?" I said "Why? You don't want me to call you?" He said on the other line as if sulking, I giggled, It's cute because "No, of course I want you bapa" I said I was shocked by the sudden break so JM "What's up JM? It's okay? " I said Aishh I forgot I was talking to Ash
Are you okay babe? What happened? Where are you ? "He said, I'm thrilled because he's caring+ "Ahh, I'm talking about the school babe," I said, "Is it still morning? I was going to pick you up but it looks like I won't, I'll see you at school babe" He said "TURN OFF your phone ry²" JM said suddenly, I waited, because he seemed angry "Babe? Who are you with? Ash said "Ahh nothing babe, I'm just a friend, okay babe, I'll see you at school." I said "Okay babe, be careful, I love you" He said and I was shocked that he would love you so I didn't answer right away.
Babe? Still there? "He said+ "Alright, babe, I'll hang it up, it's okay, I'll see you there" I said while hanging up the phone, I couldn't respond because it seemed like someone was stopping me. When we got to school, JM suddenly came down and opened the door for me. The others were looking at me. student, who can't look at this man? He's handsome. So, those girls are annoying. "Does your face have a pout? "He said, "Tss, don't talk to me." I said while looking at the girls who were looking at us, "So? Now you're the one who's being rude? Are you angry because they are looking at me? Hmmm? '' He said "Ayy Ang kapal, go away hmmmm you're annoying" I said while pushing him to the car, he laughed before he got in.
It's the first time I've seen JM laugh, he's even more handsome, shit My heartbeat is fast.+ "Ry² don't worry until they just look, I'm just for you" He said with a wink and drove his car fast He was shocked Me, when did that person become corny, I would never have been shaken when someone suddenly tapped me. "Bess? Are you here outside?" Rhian said "Ahh no Bess, I'm just thinking about something, Let's go in" I said "Okay, let's go" She said while smiling "Are you having fun today?" I said "Because I confessed Last night the man I love." He said with a smile, It's good that he's happy, I hope he's always like this "Congratulations Bess, I know if you've been dreaming for a long time that that man loves you" I said "Thanks Bess" He said
When you become hap? Can you introduce me? "I said, instead of answering, he just smiled and we entered the classroom+ I just listened to ma'am's discussion while taking notes, "Okay class, I have something to announce to you, because the student fest is coming up and We're looking for who we're going to join here, two women. What we're looking for here is civil engineering." Said ma'am, "I'm ma'am," said sdney, also Rhian's friend, "What I want is hopefully Mrs. Peraliz and Ms. Amores?" Ma'am said, I stood up. "A-hh ma'am, can sdney take my place? I don't want to join people like that." I said at the same time as Yuko, I looked at Sydney when she smiled big.

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