Date: November 27, 2022

Meanwhile back in Shawn's house the twins kept on pleading with him to tell them what happened when he went to the island, well that moment was when Anabel was leaving the house after visiting.

"ok, bye guys" Anabel waved at them then left the house with Shawn escorting her.

"Bye" the twins chorused together

Few minutes later Shawn came in and sat down at the couch as the twins sat next to him.

"Shadow remember no more secrets" Twilight said after sitting down

"Do you guys want me to tell you anything?, wait if it's about Angela, just know that nothing is going on between us and I will never date her, you guys got that?" he replied

"yes, we know, but that's not it, actually through out this week we've been wanting to ask you this" Twilight said as Moonlight continued

"first we didn't ask because we thought that you would tell us yourself, it took us one week to figure out that you weren't gonna tell us what happened later that Monday"

"Also how did Julian come to our school without being spotted?" Twilight asked

"When you got to the island were you punished?" Moonlight asked not minding the fact that Twilight's question has not been answered.

"Slow down guys, how did you know I went to the island on the Monday and how did you know Julian?"

"Actually Twilight was the one who mentioned this to me"

"how did you know?" he asked now facing Twilight

"I was in the bathroom that day"

"But I didn't see you" Shawn said

"Actually I was hanging on the ceiling, you guys were quarrelling and didn't look up that's why you didn't see me"

"Dude that's creepy"

"Whatever, just spill" Moonlight said

"Okay" he said as he told them everything that happened.

On Monday night after Shawn left the school, he met Julian on his way back and Julian took him to the island without any question.
They reached a river which they dived into, they were swimming dipper into the river till they came across an underwater tunnel which led them to a mountain's cave, which was in the hidden island.
The remainders have been hiding in different caves that were found in the five huge mountains that surrounded the island.
the island have never been found by humans which made it more safe for the Slaygands to live in.

Immediately they got to the cave, a guy named Drake pouched Shadow on the face immediately he saw him walk in.

"dude what gives?, why did you do that?" Shadow asked in pain

"cause you deserved it" Drake simply answered

"Ot's because of the soul stone, right?" Shadow asked

"duh" Ashley rudely interrupted as she comes out with a hefty man named Draco.

"Wow, you haven't changed your sassy and bossy attitude" Shadow rudely said

"And you haven't changed your I can do whatever I want behaviour" Ashley said then let out a mocking laugh.

"That's not even a real thing to say" Shadow argued

"And you're not a real thing to talk about" Ashley said as both of them kept teasing each other.

After the fight between the Slaygands and witches, some Slaygands that weren't banished were hiding away from witches, but at some point when the soul stone was now with Raven, the witches started to enslave any Slaygand they saw.

"Can you guys cut it out" a lady named Sapphire said as she emerged from the other room of the cave.
"I'm afraid of the witches finding our hideout" she continued after the two became quiet

"em, where are the rest of the elders?"Shadow asked

"They are still having their rest"

"good I thought I was gonna be in serious trouble" Shadow mumbled to himself.

"Shadow it's because of you we don't have the soul stone, and the witches are going to find our hideout soon you know" Sapphire said

"what can they do to us, they don't have the soul stone" Shadow said

"Neither do we" Sapphire said glaring at Shadow.

"you heard what Ashley told us when I found her two years ago" Julian said

"Yeah about that, are you sure she's not working for them?" Shadow asked using his fingers to go through his hair as he stared at her for a while

"dude, some of us are slaves to witches" Julian stated

"so you're saying that they would enslave us?, look are you even sure that Ashley here was once there slave? what if she just made it all up" Shadow said still staring at Ashley

"why would she lie?" Julian asked in her defense

"yeah, why would I lie?" Ashley answered

"enough !!" Sapphire yelled.

"focus on getting the soul stone, and Shadow I don't trust you like before, so Ash you're going to the main land" Sapphire stated

"But she don't know anybody there, where will she live?" Shadow asked looking worried

"Don't worry, the earlier she dies the better for you trust me" Ashley whispered in Shadow's ear, then let out a loud laugh as Shadow glares at her

"but Shawn is right, where would she stay, she don't know anyone" Julian said while Sapphire thought about it.

"Ash they're right, I think you have to lay low for now, well till I come up with something, and Shadow please stay alert and don't do what you did the last time or else it would be you that would be begging for your life, got that?"

"yes" he answered looking carefree

"are you even paying attention to me?"

"yes" he answered now irritated

"so you guys are letting him go freely, just like that" Drake asked

"you already gave him a punch" Draco replied

"but it wasn't good enough, he's not even injured" Drake complained

"yeah but the pain is still there" Shadow stated tightening his teeth together

"No worries I gave him a punch on the face earlier today" Julian said

"Besides he's our only option, for now" Draco said then glared at Shadow.

"After a long while the whole discussion was concluded and I was allowed to go back home" Shawn concluded

When he was done with the story, the twins were still looking at him when their parents came in.

"Hi guys, how was your day?" Lunar asked as she walks in with her husband Harry

"fine" Twilight answered

"help me with this groceries would ya?" Harry asked as he hands the groceries over to Moonlight who took them to the kitchen.

"I need someone to help me in the kitchen" Lunar asked now looking at the three who stood still for a while, then she decided to go to the kitchen

"okay I'm coming !!" Moonlight exclaimed as she speed walks after her mother to the kitchen.

As Moonlight and her mother were both in the kitchen, Harry went up to take a shower in his room while Shadow and Twilight walked around the garden as they engage in a little conversation.

"so you're going to take the amulet from Raven?" Twilight asked facing Shadow

"No, i can't, besides I've done enough damage to her already" Shadow stated with his both hands in his pockets

"If you don't get the amulet, will they kill you?" Twilight asked Shadow who was now staring at him

"Probably, but I don't know, change the topic already" Shadow said as Twilight looked at the sky

"How about you tell me why you hate Dave so much"

"How about you shut up" Shadow stated as they both remained quiet for five minutes before Shadow broke the silence.

"That reminds me, do you ever crave human meat?"

"what type of question is that?, I only crave animal meat which is normal for us Slaygands" Twilight stated

"It's just what if the reason most Slaygands were feeding on human flesh was because it's a sickness that only us Slaygands can get, like what if we both would one day eat people"

"How could you even say that? besides I think the witches have something to do with it" Twilight said

"right? i thought of that once"

"Whatever it is that's going on one thing I want is for us to all be at peace together" Twilight stated

"That ain't possible" Shadow doubted but still hoping it is, somehow.

"Why say so?"

"Because the humans would never agree to that, and the Slaygands won't even think about us all leaving in harmony so is to the witches"
Shadow stated as they both reached the porch.

They spent an hour talking to each other at the porch
"Shadow!!, Twilight!!, both of you should come in and set the table for dinner" Moonlight who was still in the kitchen called out.
"coming!!" Twilight said as he went in with Shadow

The two of them got the table set up for the family to have dinner, they were having a turkey casserole and beef jerky for dinner.
Shortly after the five of them got to their seats and began having their dinner.

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