His surrogate (The Match Making Twins)
By Ohyeen Dahmorlah
Date: November 16, 2022
Ch. 6Chapter 6- Lilian

Chapter 6


RODER Construction company.

Writer's point of view

Logan's Office

Inside the ample spacious office, the air conditioner brought out the sweet fragrance. The table is scattered with various files and with two laptops, was sparkling new and neat as or was made from annealed glass...

There was a purple-colored cushion some meters away from table eight beside the wall, a throw pillow was placed on it comfortably for a nap and in front of the desk, there are two whirling chairs.

The door and walls are made up of glass so that the occupant could see what is going on outside, He could see the person coming to meet him or any commotion outside the office but those outside can't see a thing inside the office.

It is so convenient for the boss, of course, it should be because everything in it is very expensive.

Meet the owner of RODER'S Construction company. The father of Axel Rodriguez.

Meet the owner of the office and the CEO, Mr. Logan Rodriguez.

He is popularly known as the country's husband. Everyone loves him a lot including the old woman. Most guys didn't like him at all because he takes the time of their girlfriend.

He is the true definition of hot, very rich, handsome, wealthy, harsh, cold, rude, and introverted. He comes from a wealthy family, his dad is dead for two years now, so he had been the CEO of the company together with his own which he had before he inherited his Dad's own.

He has chains of companies and assets, he is super rich. He is someone people fear. His workers fear him and tried to do everything to please him without having any mistakes which can make them lose their Job but he still has the eye of the ladies.

He is one of the richest in Barcelona but the whole of Spain. He has won many awards for his handsome face, for his company as the best and number one in Spain and Europe.

He doesn't believe in love because after what is first girlfriend, Naomi whom he truly loved betrayed him with his greatest enemy, Clark.

Since then, he hates ladies with passion. He had Axel because his Mum wants him to have an heir which is why he thought of having a surrogate.

He doesn't care about his surrogate mother, after she gave birth, he never tried to ask for any information about her.

But after Axel became four years old, he had been craving the love of a mother and he regretted it. He never thought something like that will happen.

That was why he choose Lilian to be his mother despite he didn't like her at all. He just wants her to fulfill his responsibilities for him, so he has to tolerate her. Lilian is still manageable for him to use.

But Axel still hates her a lot and he doesn't hide it. He didn't want to find his surrogate mother because she might be clinging too.

A knock came on the door repeatedly before the occupant muttered and ordered the person to come in.

"Mr. Rodriguez," His bodyguard bowed

"Yes, Liam," His hoarse voice answered without looking up to see the person talking

"Young mister Axel just got home this afternoon and as decided not to talk to anyone, it seems he is angry," He explained nervously

"Hmmm, did anything happen to him," he asked still working on the files at his front

"No, Vincent said that he wanted Ice cream and told the driver to get it for him but when he came back with the Ice cream, his mood changed," Liam sighed

"Is there anything else," he asked.

"Young Master said he wants you to come home," Liam said nervously

"Hmm, call Vincent to tell him, I said I will be back before he knows it," he told him

"Yes Mr. Rodriguez," Liam nodded and replied as he walked out to put a call through Vincent.

After twenty minutes, Liam came back inside and bowed.

"What did you want again, Liam," he asked pushing away the file he is working on a way with an unreadable expression on his face

"I thought I have answered you, so why are you disturbing me, huh," He looked at him and glared at him.

Logan's Point of View

I stared at the book in front expecting him to talk but he still stood not talking.

"What did you want again, Liam," I asked pushing away the file I'm working on away.

"I thought I have answered you, so why are you disturbing me, huh," I looked at him and glared at him.

"Yes sir but you have another call," he said staring at the floor.

A smirk appeared on my face when I saw how he is afraid of me. Anytime, I notice my workers fear me, this feeling of happiness overwhelmed me.

"Who," I asked

"Miss Lilian Brooke," He replied

A scoff came out of my mouth and frowned. The happiness has turned to angriness. I hate her. Trust me. I'm just doing everything for Axel. She is kinda lucky though.

Immediately, the phone starts to ring and he looked up as he gave me a signal that she is the one.

I gestured for him to bring the phone and waved him out of the office. I stood up from my chair and went to the window as I'm able to view the city of Barcelona.

"Logan," A tiny excited voice called immediately after I put on the phone.

"Yes," I replied drawling.

"Oh my Logan, Thank Goodness, you picked up my phone, I have been calling you since yesterday but you never picked it up," She sighed over the phone

"Why are you doing this to me, I have been away from the house for a long time and you never called me your fiancee," she added

"Hmm, I'm not always with my phone and you know I'm always busy with work," I replied after rolling my eyes because of her dramatic words

"So are you saying your work is more important than me, Logan,"

"What do you want, Lilian," I asked ignoring her question and she knows what it means when something like that happens. She can't repeat the question. She dare not.

"Errmm... Actually, I won't be coming back next tomorrow because another business came up and it will be up to a month," She said

"Hmm, ok," I nodded even though she can't see me.

"Really, Logan is that all you are going to say," she asked

"What do you expect me to say, Lilian,"

"But Logan I haven't been home for the past two months and you can't say anything, all you said was ok, huh," she yelled

"Mind your self woman," I scolded

I heard her sigh," Uhmm, I'm sorry, I just wanted to...,"

"I have a business meeting to attend that day and I still have pending files to attend to," I cut her off

"Oh, ok...,"

"Do you have something else to say," I asked as I relaxed my back on the headrest?

"Yes," she paused," Logan, I need some money,"

I knew it, she won't call if it money isn't part of it.

"Alright, I will send Liam to credit your account in some minutes," I assured her

"Thanks, Darling," she giggled


"I will be expecting it," she said and added," what about Axel,"

"Your work is more important than him, huh," I scoffed," Well, you don't have to hide the fact that you don't like him and I'm sure he didn't miss you at all,"

"Logan, I'm trying to act like his mother,"

"You aren't his mother, you suck at that," I hissed

"If you don't have anything else to say, I have pending paperwork to work on, and don't call me for appreciation when you get the money, good day," I told her and hang up.


"Does she sees me as her bank" I scoffed?

I put a call across the secretary through the landline," Bring me the next files to sign," I ordered...

"Yes sir,"

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