The Surrogate Mother
By Fidel Gold B
Date: November 22, 2022
Ch. 3His hallucination

"Hey big dude", Merit called happily hugging him. He tapped her a back looking scornfully at Bella who immediately stood up when he came in looking at them with smiles on her face.

"what is she doing here?." he asked when they had disengaged.

"oh Bella," Merit turned around smiling to look at Bella as her black hair swept Ronald's face before turning back to him.

"well she came to visit us," she said pouting.

"we don't need her around here anymore", he said looking back at Merit rolling his eyes when he noticed her pout.

"why brother? she said she was sorry and besides it was Henry who tired to kill you not her", she said and Bella nodded at her words.

"you don't understand, am not talking about what Henry did. we both have scores to settle but you see this thing over there," he said pointing at Bella with a digusted look.

"she can never have me back not in this lifetime, you get that?", he yelled walking out on them ascending the stairs to his room.

Merit turned to look at Bella in tears. "oh Bella, stop crying over him he will come around", she said cupping her face in her hands wiping off her tears. Bella nods and hugs her.

she looks up at the staircase, "Ronald you will be mine again, I will never let anyone else have you never, you're mine!", she yelled inwardly.

it was night time, Ronald refused to come out for dinner. he is in his room typing out some documents into his laptop. He gets up from his cushion with his laptop and goes to his bed.

At the dinning room, merit walks around biting her fingers looking at the clock. "is he alseep?", she asks herself.

"am not sure it's too early for him to be alseep", she shrugged her shoulders and goes upstairs to his room. she knocks but gets no answer.

"Ronald it's me", she said still no response.

she turns the door knob and finds the door unlocked.

on hearing his door opened, he looks up from his laptop to her and returns his gaze back to his laptop.

she signs walking closer to him and climbs the bed.

"Ronald are you angry with me?," she asked with all signs of worry in her voice.

"am not angry", he simply said.

"I sent one of the maids to call you up for dinner but you didn't come", she said hugging his back and inhaling his sweet scent.

He stops typing and signs.

"am not hungry, seeing Bella makes me feel digusted. I know you guys are friends but don't just bring your friendship close to me. you know what she did to me and it still hurts", he said holding her hands which were on his chest.

she removes her face from his back and puts her chin on his shoulder and he looks at her from the corner of his eyes.

"alright big dude, if you don't want our friendship, I will end it, you are more than enough for me but it just that I get bored anytime you are not around please get married soon", she said chuckling.

"you're not serious," he said laughing shortly.

"I am biggie, get a wife please", she said pouting. he rolls his eyes.

"anytime you do that you look ugly", he says.

"me?," she asked making a sad face.

"go and sleep, you are going to school tomorrow and you might be late for lectures".

"alright brother, goodnight", she said kissing his cheeks.

"goodnight", he replied.

she came down from his bed and skipped happily out of his room like a seven year old.

Ronald shakes his head sideways.

"what a bunch of trouble", he muttered to himself before returning back to his laptop.



"sir, here are the files you requested for", Andre said shaking her butt side to side as she walked into Ronald's office. He looked up from his laptop and nodded at her.

she dropped it on his desk and smiled."is there anything I can do for you sir?", she asked.

"coffee", he replied.

"alright sir, will be back in a jiffy", she said walking out of his office towards the coffee maker.

"this will make him want me", Andre smirked evilly as she added Viagra into his coffee.

"your coffee sir", she said smiling broadly.

he collected it and brought it close to his mouth while looking at her with the corner of his eyes.

*she's smiling too much* he said to himself.

he brought the cup down. "take a sip first", he said looking at her sternly.

"sir????", she said furrowing her brows in confusion.

"taste the coffee, Andre", he replied with a smile at the corner of his lips.

"but sir.....".

"why are you hesitant, taste it", he cuts in. "taste it or you're fired", he said.

he knew she needed the job to take care of her mother's surgical bills.

"ok sir", she said already sweating furiously.

"oh my, have been caught", she muttered to herself.

she took the cup from the table and took a sip from his coffee. she kept the cup back on the desk, the Viagra already taking effect on her as she was sweating and checking profusely.

"take this rubbish from my sight!", he yelled.

she carried the cup with shaking hands and it fell and broke. she bent down to pick the broken pieces but she couldn't contain the urge she ran to him turning his swivel around she kissed Ronald whose eyes were widened in suprise.

"what the hell", he yelled getting up from his chair angrily and Andre fell to the ground hitting her butt.

"what did you do that for?", he shouted.

Andre got up from the well polished floor and walked closer to him tugging his tie.

"I want you", she said bitting her lips.

"you are fired", he said pushing her away.

"sir your coffee might get cold", Andre said startling him. Ronald blinked severally it was just an hallucination.

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