By Author Goodnews
Date: November 19, 2022
Ch. 9I was right

“Who is that man ?CEO of refinement modeling agency well who ever he is am going to find out when I meet him again “ Cassy thought to her self
She opened the piece of paper CEO of refinement modeling agency gave her
“ it even has a Time 6:pm wow perfect time “
“ Abigail do you know that man’s name “ Cassy asked when Abigail stop outside her apartment
“ Mr Fredrick Paul” Abigail answered
“ could he be the mask guy “ Cassy asked her self silently she only knew the mask guy as Fredrick she wasn’t aware of his complete name
“Alright thank you have a nice day “ Cassy said opening the car door
Cassy got inside , dropped her bag inside her room then proceeded to the kitchen to get something she could eat .
“ is he the one , why did he not wear a mask ?
I just hope what I ran away from isn’t happening again “ Cassy said picking a mug of tea

She decided to log into the internet to get her mind off the possibility of fred the CEO being the mask guy
“ hi hope you nailed it “a message poop up from her WhatsApp message
A smile appear on her face when she saw the sender
“ oh jack what would I have done if not for you “ Cassy thought as past events flooded her mind
“ of course it didn’t take up to 5 minutes “ Cassy typed
“ wow that’s my girl so where are we going for the celebration “ jack typed back
“ no where “ Cassy typed sipping her tea
“ oh I should just give you time to relax then I will come and pick you by 7pm cause we must celebrate “ jack type
“ aww thanks but we should just do that tomorrow “ Cassy typed with a begging emoji
“ okay all the same we will celebrate right “ jack typed to be sure Cassy agreed of the celebration stuff with him
“ yes am bored “ Cassy typed
“ really should I come over “ jack typed
“ no I will just watch some home video “ Cassy type
“ okay if you say so but you own me a date tomorrow “ jack typed
“ I know best “ Cassy typed
“ yeah best friends “ jack type
Cassy just reacted “ care “ to his message
And set alarm of 5:30 before sleeping off on the dining.
Cassy woke up 5:30 due to the alarm
Got dressed and went out for the meeting with the CEO of refinement modeling agency.
“ here “ Cassy said handling the piece of paper to the taxi driver he stopped
“ ma we are there “ the taxi driver said pulling over outside a large building
“ oh thank you “ Cassy said coming down.
He handed the driver some money , took the paper And find her way inside the building
“ hi ma welcome to our hotel have you booked a ….” The receptionist couldn’t finish her words when The young CEO rushed inside
“ hope I didn’t keep you waiting “ Fred asked Cassy pulling her along with him to the hallway

Fred was very sure it was the Cassandra that left without a proper goodbye .but he just needed a proof . After several hours of thinking, he decided to dress like the old Fred yes ! That was his perfect plan .

“Let’s sit “ Fred said when they got to a long seat Close to the swimming pool .
“Thank you “ Cassy said after both were sitted
“ so we are here to celebrate the fact that i was signed into your modeling agency
A model with the CEO of the agency she was signed into without her manager with her so I was wondering what kind of celebration it’s going to be “ Cassy said afraid of the possibility that Fred the mask guy was the same with this Fredrick Paul sitting beside him but she was calm outwardly she didn’t want him to notice that she was scared so she put up a calm and bold face

“Well we have a lot to catch up on CASSANDRA Justine and your manager’s presence will limit some old time gist “ Fred said putting so much emphasis on the “ Cassandra “ . He just wanted to see her reaction so his gaze was fixed on her not wanting to miss any reaction no matter how little.
“ excuse me , what are you talking about and have we met before to catch up on old times “ Cassy asked boldly acting oblivious to what Fred was saying.
“ Fred almost gave up on the fact that the Cassandra Justine beside him was the Cassandra Justine from Eight years ago they look alike but this Cassy was way beautiful that the Cassy he knew eight years ago . But something caught his attention . Cassy’s reaction was of shock and discomfort though she was quick enough to cancel that expression but Fred noticed.
“ wait right where you are I will be back in a few minutes “ Fred said then ran out.

“ am not ready to face another heart break so I won’t accept that I am the Cassandra Justine
From eight years ago “ Cassy said not ready for what happened eight years ago reoccurring again
“ hey “ Cassy heard a whisper close to her ear not expecting such, she jotted up . What she saw melted the little boldness in her . Fred was standing right beside her with his mask on.
“ are you going to still deny it?” Fred asked sensing that he has gotten her .
“ okay fine I know who you are . But what will it do ?
Will it change the fact that you hate me so much ?you pick and threw me out like a piece of trash that mean nothing to you and yet you come here trying to bring the past back ?
“ what did you take me for, an emotionless being ?
I don’t feel anything? You knew very well that I had a thing for you yet you told me you did the same and made me happy only to shatter my world not up to 2 hours later
I left my mother , my scholarship everything and came here to start a new life and now I have finally started getting over you , you just show up to pick me up and threw out again ? You must be joking “ Cassy poured out her heart in tears those questions have been in her lips for years and now she was finally able to ask .
“ am sorry it’s deeper than you know of I was scared your life was been threatened and the only way I could take you out of danger was to withdraw from you I would have done that slowly but I knew you won’t let go so I had no other option than to say those words i was harsh but I did it FOR YOU “ Fred shouted bitting his lips
He felt a sharp pain due to the cut but the pain in his heart was more painful than any pain he has ever felt .

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