By Author Goodnews
Date: November 20, 2022
Ch. 23I want him back!!!!!!

Mr qin the head of a small yet mighty kingdom in Chinese , is seen discussing with few advance men .
with the look of things the advance men are royal cabinets .
“ your highness in my own opinion I would suggest you bring back the eldest son of this family “One of the chief cabinet suggested
“ no ! He is an illegitimate son and cannot ascend the throne “ another chief cabinet said obviously not in support of what the first chief cabinet suggested.
“ I need time to think. this meeting has been adjourned till I send a message across to you all “ mr qin said dismissing everyone.
“ father you are not thinking of bringing him back are you?” Ha-yoon asked feigning in anger
What he doesn’t understand is why their father loves that illegitimate son so much more than his legitimate sons
“ ha-yoon you are still a boy so you won’t understand “ mr qin said bitting his lip
“ father am 29 am no longer a boy so stop addressing me as a boy “ ha-yoon shouted at mr qin disrespectfully.
“ then act like a man ! Until you act like a man even if you are forty I will still address you as a boy “ mr qin said annoyed.
“ how could heaven treat me this way giving me foolish sons as legitimate sons and wise son as an illegitimate son could this be karma ? “ mr qin thought to himself bitterly.

“ brother , father is planning on bringing back that illegitimate son “ Ha-yoon informed his twin brother Seo-yoon
“Tan ? “ seo-yoon asked
“ yes I tried talking to him but I guess his mind is made up already and nothing can change it “ Ha-yoon said folding his palm into a fist
“ then what should we do “ seo-yoon asked
“ we should just wait until he comes then we Strike “ ha-yoon replied with a smirk plastered on his face .
“It’s been a while I’ve torture anyone “ Seo-yoon whispered with a devilish smile.
Mr qin sat in his study room he needed to be away from all the noise and disturbance around
After thinking for a while he brought out an old box took out a phone then inserted a number.
“ it’s now or never “ he said dialing the number
“ yes I want him back “ mr qin said immediately the call was answered
“ brother don’t you think it’s a bad idea “ the person at the other end suggested
“ I know but we can’t keep him in the dark for the rest of his life” mr qin said walking towards a photo frame hung on the wall .
“ I understand but I need to inform him you know it’s not going to be easy as he inherited some stubbornness from you “ the person at the other end said
“ I know but I want him back before the week runs out it’s not a plead it’s a command !” Mr qin shouted
“he doesn’t need to know where he is going he will find out everything when he gets here “ mr qin
“ it’s fine brother I will make arrangements for that “ the person at the other end said
“ good” mr qin said then disconnected the call .
“ boy you’ve grown so it’s time to fight you are my favorite and I will support you “ mr qin said running his finger through the figure on the photo frame.
“ father is bent on bringing him so we should be at alert “ Ha-yoon said to Seo-yoon
They wanted to make their father see reasons why he shouldn’t bring back the illegitimate child but only to overheard him speaking with some one so they decided to ear-drop only to hear him making arrangements already.
“ no matter what we tell father he won’t go back on what he has started so let’s do it our own way “ Seo-yoon said feigning in anger.
“ that name “TAN” irritates me I wish I could strangle him with my bare hands “ Ha-yoon whispered loud enough for Seo-yoon to hear.
“ hey calm down we are in this together “
Seo-yoon assured his brother
“ he came just few minutes before me making himself the eldest . He took our father’s love , care and attention, mum died with a broken and lonely heart because dad was busy attending to him! Despite the fact that he is an illegitimate son born out of wedlock he took everything away from us and after we made him leave , father wants him back !!!! He escaped our trap years ago but this time he won’t escape “ Ha-yoon said with a cracked voice with his palm folded into a fist .
“ he will soon be out of the way “ Seo-yoon said with a smirk .
Ha-yoon and Seo-yoon are twins and mr qin legitimate sons.
Ha-yoon is the eldest twin and Seo-yoon the younger twin .
They have always considered tan a threat and so they were not ready to stop until they take him out of the way.
Mrs yeona was their stepmother and tan’s mother but they couldn’t hurt her due to the security mr qin surrounded her with but anyways they didn’t see that as a big deal as tan was the one they were after.

Back in Mexico Fred drove into his compound then parked his car at the parking garage.
“ hey aren’t you coming down” Fred asked Cassy when she didn’t make any move of standing up
“ well am kind of tired to walk “ Cassy whispered staring at Fred seductively .
“ you’ve become more bold than the last time you were here so what happened what changed “ Fred asked rolling his eyes .
“ well nothing I just missed you that’s all “ Cassy replied bitting her lips
“ oh Cassy please don’t do that “ Fred said looking away
“ when did Cassy bitting her lips starts having an effect on me this much “ Fred whispered to himself
“ are you carrying me inside or we should do a staring contest “ Cassy asked rubbing her palms together.
“ I better take her inside before I end up tearing her apart “ Fred thought to himself
Fred thanked heaven that Daniel and Betty were on leave what would he have done .

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