Imprisoned by the Mafia boss
By Matcha
Date: February 8, 2023
Ch. 42Suspect

“I noticed a flaw in her body. She is completely unqualified to be my lover.” Michael Richard was steady, bold, loud.
Laura Julia did not have time to react, Laura Julia hurriedly covered Michael Richard's mouth.
“You are killing me.”
“I have nothing to do with trading your affections.”
“Wrong you realized that?”
“I just made a random guess. And accidentally hit your mind.” Michael Richard was upright, looking up at the sky, his face serious.
“Will you immediately stop acting against me? You have the money to pay for the wealth we're wearing.”
“I wanted to take you out. Surely I will prepare a huge sack of money. I will not let you down.”
“Your facial expressions are also confident. Having prepared in advance means that you will cover me for the entire outing. I should respond to your intentions well, shouldn't I?"
Michael Richard hesitated, thinking for a long time. Michael Richard quickly looked up at Laura Julia with a challenging look. Michael Richard put his hand on Laura Julia's chin, slowly, slowly raising it, bringing Laura Julia's eyes to meet Michael Richard's. Laura Julia frowned slightly and shoved Michael Richard's hand away.
“You just have to have fun. Any challenge I will help you solve.” Michael Richard was confident, Michael Richard's four fingers rubbed together like he was feeling something.
“It seems that while you were free there was no one to control your foolishness. I am really curious. Who advises you to unlock extravagance? Your confident eyes make me unhappy.” Laura Julia took her hand and rubbed Michael Richard's eyes. Sometimes, Laura Julia deliberately pressed in as if she wanted to bring her eyes out.
“She doesn't like my way of pushing boundaries. That is my true nature. I want to be with her, not something for her to dictate. I will clearly show my personality. I will not restrain it. Obey her will. I'm like a puppet. That made me feel distant from her.” Michael Richard used the other eye that was not controlled by Laura Julia, looking directly at Laura Julia.
“Keep that gaze out of my sight.” Laura Julia deliberately covered Michael Richard's eyes with her hand.
“She can be stronger than the strength she now displays. With experience in match management. She's very likely to beat her current competitors. What is the reason why she always hides her power? Not taken into account. She is drawing too much attention to the leaders. What is she trying to do?” Michael Richard stood motionless.
"You still haven't changed your behavior."
“Why did you make a wound on your back?”
“Are you questioning me? This is a sign of a loser. It's because I can't win against a strong opponent. I have to suffer for myself. I want to leave a mark that reminds me that I need to become stronger. Won't you allow me to be like that?"
"Incorrect. You are a leader through many battles. There is no such thing as a myth. You suffer again with an ability that is not even capable of resisting your speed. Do you have other plans?”
“You are overdoing your part. You should remember that the things I do not affect you and do not need you to brainstorm to make moves for me. This you are the one who understands better than all my subordinates. You are knowing the law but still breaking the law?”
“Here, I am not your slave. I am your partner. I need a clear understanding of your thoughts and intentions so that I can help you overcome obstacles. Are you contemplating borrowing your forces on the ropes for your private revenge?”
“Did you know before that you are not in the stage of needing to cooperate with an employer? You are a puppet, your only thing to do is listen to orders, not ask questions against the master. Do you understand that?” Laura Julia turned her eyes to Michael Richard's lips. Laura Julia's finger moved slowly over Michael Richard's lips.
"I don't like disobedient people." Laura Julia got angry, Laura Julia used murderous eyes to express Laura Julia's displeasure with Michael Richard.
“Only one person is qualified to share with you. I can't. Is that person valuable enough to make you hide all your problems in your heart and only when that person is around you will you begin to share?”
Laura Julia was really angry at Michael Richard's queries. Laura Julia used her hand to hook Michael Richard's navel. Laura Julia's fingers moved so nimbly, that they slipped through the dangerous areas of Michael Richard's stomach. Laura Julia stopped abruptly. Laura Julia did not want to continue talking to Michael Richard. That's why Laura Julia went to the toilet.
“Is that person not dead yet? He's still alive. Most likely all but the victims in the accident survived. Is this your trap? Busy is deliberately building up force through the prison system.” Michael Richard held Laura Julia's hand not allowing Laura Julia to evade his question.
“You are going too far with your own words. I don't have the concept that you have to go to prison to get stronger. And there is also no concept of the dead coming back to life. If they're still alive, even if I stop them, they'll come to visit me. But the situation in front of me has been here for almost three months. But not one person to visit. What is your brain made of to have such impossible thoughts? You are in my organization. You also know that my organization is not small, most of the warriors I train can easily take your life or have a brain that can fool you easily. What do you think I came here to collect scraps for? I don't like having to explain too much. I give you two options. One, shut up and continue the journey. Two, get out of my sight so I can have some quiet time.”
Michael Richard was dumbfounded, Michael Richard's mind formed very complex and confusing connections. Michael Richard also began to loosen his grip so that Laura Julia could easily get out.

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