Imprisoned by the Mafia boss
By Matcha
Date: February 7, 2023
Ch. 40Play

But the remaining hound, when faced with Michael Richard's terrible eyes, must also be a little afraid, the hounds did not dare to approach. But because something provoked them, they attacked all at once. Michael Richard simply broke the necks of each hound with his hand and escaped. One of the hounds hid behind a big old tree. Wait for Michael Richard to walk towards the unloading pile.
“What is this? Is it all just normal stuff? Why are the people in the prison allowed to transport things from outside? Are they and the policemen outside the same group?”
Suddenly, the hound did not wait behind Michael Richard to wait for Michael Richard to leave, but approached Michael Richard's position and leaned on Michael Richard's leg. Michael Richard rolled his eyes, looking bored. Michael Richard still used the same movement, using his hand to break the hound's neck, but in a beam of light emanating from the hound, Michael Richard's eyes were uncomfortable. Next, it made a very strange sound. Michael Richard realized something was wrong. Immediately ran away from there, and the hound exploded. Pushed Michael Richard off for a while. Next, Michael Richard's people received a force and threw Michael Richard into the sky, Michael Richard's head hit the tree, but because Michael Richard had guessed, he used his hand to cover his head. Michael Richard's back rubs against the face then run across the grass for a long distance.
“Someone wants to destroy those goods. Now, if I go out, I probably won't get anything. Maybe they took advantage of the spring party to cover the eyes of the people in the prison to transport these things inside. It took five days for this party to take place so will this delivery trip also have another one. On days like these, they will also be very busy. The party will also be great. However, I also do not have time to monitor your movements. I will use this time to rest. Okay. I guess monitoring her will also be very loose. Then join her to visit fun here.
Michael Richard returned to where Laura Julia was resting. At this time, Laura Julia was also not very relaxed. Laura Julia was carrying a large stack of papers, in addition to books on tactics. Laura Julia also prepared herself a pair of glasses that look very knowledgeable. Michael Richard took Laura Julia's hand. But Laura Julia objected. Laura Julia removed Michael Richard's hand.
“I am still very busy. No time to listen to you. We have plenty of time left. Next time I will make up for you. You can go back to rest.”
“I have a lot of important things to show you. First of all, I want to know how is your back injury?" Michael Richard took Laura Julia's hand and gently pulled it towards Michael Richard.
Michael Richard took off the glasses he was wearing on Laura Julia's face.
“My health is fine. I'm just drowning in books of the same genre."
Michael Richard turned Laura Julia's body backward. Michael Richard looked over at Laura Julia's back. Michael Richard pulled down Laura Julia's shirt. When he saw that Laura Julia's wound had healed, Michael Richard assuredly pulled Laura Julia's shirt up. Laura Julia gracefully responded to Michael Richard's actions with a joke.
“You love looking at my wounds. Are you moved by my beauty? No need to be so bold. I can give myself.”
“I just wanted to see how your health is going.” Michael Richard was embarrassed, afraid of blushing, arms and legs moving constantly.
“Did you just come here to show me your body?” Laura Julia was still smiling, laughing with Michael Richard.
“I… I see you've been going through a bad time. It's spring outside right now. Ladies, may I invite you to join me in the fun of these days to come?” Michael Richard shyly crouched down and politely greeted.
“Since when did you learn these colorful things? It looks out of place with your body.” Laura Julia tried to hold back her laughter but couldn't, Laura Julia burst out laughing.
“If the lady had so much fun. Is it possible to accept my invitation?”
"My pleasure. I will follow you.” Laura Julia put her hand on top of Michael Richard's.
“We are going to a very interesting place. Brings different levels of emotions. You will be pleased with this.”
Michael Richard took Laura Julia to a place in the center of the ball. There is nothing here that is not available, there is no shortage of anything in the world. Laura Julia enjoyed the surroundings. For a long time, Laura Julia had only seen death and only four walls befriend Laura Julia. Laura Julia couldn't control herself. Laura Julia let go of Michael Richard's hand and ran to a convenience store selling jewelry and cosmetics. Michael Richard also gently approached Laura Julia.
“First we should change into a suit. Even buy your shoes.” Michael Richard whispered in Laura Julia's ear.
Laura Julia looked down at her empty feet. Laura Julia's legs are clasped together. Laura Julia quickly nodded, took Michael Richard's hand, and ran to a store. This was the first time Laura Julia took the initiative to hold Michael Richard's hand. That's why Michael Richard feels strange. A little apprehensive but very excited.
“You sit here. I want to go inside and see if there's an outfit that suits me."
Michael Richard was still sitting peacefully waiting for Laura Julia on a sofa. Laura Julia made a full circle around the store. Laura Julia chose for herself a yellow dress in the shape of a sunflower. The bottom of the skirt is like a princess's skirt. Brilliant and full of show. Michael Richard was overwhelmed by the angelic image of Laura Julia. Laura Julia's surroundings seemed to glow, in addition, Laura Julia owed a very bright smile that made Michael Richard feel much lighter. During the process between Michael Richard and Laura Julia went through. Laura Julia has never been really happy, Laura Julia's eyes always show sadness, but now Laura Julia's eyes appear carefree and pure.

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