Imprisoned by the Mafia boss
By Matcha
Date: January 12, 2023
Ch. 33Practice

“Hear you say that. I must be in you into you already.” Tom Jane has a good idea.

Tom Jane threw the boy at the table of a big, tall man. The boy back kicked the wooden table into his hands and feet, spilling all the alcohol on the table. The boy did not have time to react to the situation in front of him, seeing a beautiful girl leaning on the shoulder of that big, tall guy. The boy quickly brought the girl's face close to him, then kissed her passionately, making him extremely angry, hitting the boy's hand. His force was so strong that the boy fell to the floor. The girl's lips were also bleeding. The tall man walked slowly to the boy, rubbing his wrist. The boy got up and crawled over his groin to escape. He launched his forces to chase the boy. That's why he ignored Tom Jane to witness it all.

“It is very valuable. Raising it doesn't seem to cost much." Tom Jane folded her arms, leaning against the wood.

The name that Tom Jane aimed at also began to escape from this chaos. Tom Jane took the opportunity to chase. But he went upstairs again, in his hand, he carried a suitcase of something very mysterious. His eyes flickered back and forth mysteriously. But when Tom Jane was chased to the bottom of the road, he turned into a small alley, Tom Jane calmly walked inside and heard the sound of fighting. Tom Jane realized that he was too careless. Rushing over with a knife in hand, ready to deal with anyone who stood in the way of Tom Jane. Just appeared Tom Jane discovered that the person who killed the other guy was James Henry. Tom Jane relaxed her whole body. James Henry threw his suitcase at Tom Jane.

“Do you need this push?”

Tom Jane inhaled the outer layer of the suitcase. Carefully examine. Next, Tom Jane took off his gloves, and threw them on the floor, but was picked up by James Henry.

“No littering.”

James Henry expected someone to find Tom Jane, and cause trouble for Tom Jane, so James Henry hid Tom Jane's gloves in his pocket.

"Do not worry. You are so careful. Or maybe, I'm about to enjoy your secret cellar." Tom Jane calmly replied to James Henry.

"That's it?"

“This cannot be certain. I see above it is covered with a layer of glossy paint. And even the scent has changed. I need more time to examine its contents.”

"Let's go home." James Henry took Tom Jane's hand and pulled him away.

"No rush. I still enjoy playing here. It takes a lot of time.”

James Henry didn't understand what Tom Jane meant, but he didn't want Tom Jane to be in such a charming place. Tom Jane took out a card with room number 551. Tom Jane walked down the hall to find that room. James Henry still doesn't want to let Tom Jane in. Tom Jane took out a knife.

“Murder inside. Neat."

"Therefore, it is." James Henry sighed, letting go of Tom Jane's hand, James Henry took out a gun.

When they both went inside, the old man was already dead. Only the undressed woman was lighting a cigarette. She sat cross-legged, enjoying the pleasure. When James Henry saw it, he blindfolded Tom Jane. James Henry's whole body pressed against Tom Jane's body.

"Can't you just see a pretty girl and not react?"

Saying nothing, James Henry raised his gun to aim, killing her in one shot. The situation is very chaotic right now. James Henry covered Tom Jane's nose because he knew Tom Jane didn't like the smell of gunpowder.

“That's enough. Put your hand down. I want to rest." Tom Jane bored, turned to James Henry, and hugged James Henry. Tom Jane's hands are on James Henry's neck and his feet are on James Henry's hips.

"Let's go back." James Henry was afraid that Tom Jane would fall, so he helped Tom Jane back.

Tom Jane, because he has been active for a long time, has absorbed the heat. In less than a few minutes Tom Jane was asleep on James Henry's shoulder. James Henry just gently brought Tom Jane back home.

The side of the battlefield that the boy brought himself. The boy is having an extremely difficult journey. Currently, he is being chased by a group of people like a tiger. The boy's resistance was still not enough to take down a single one of them even though they were of low rank. The boy ran through a line of thorns but still could not cut off their tails.

The quick-witted boy took the rope that was going from one end of the street to the other. They did not notice the rope under their feet because the line was very thin and could not be seen in the dark. Has to pay close attention to be able to see it. A group of people got caught in the boy's trap and fell to the ground. This was the first victory after the boy was harmed by others and could not resist, so the boy did not pay attention to the situation around him but jumped to celebrate. One of his subordinates spotted the boy and ran after him. He is ready to step over the corpses of his brothers and complete the task.

The boy's face paled, and he saw an iron stick plugged into the wall. The boy jumped up quickly, trying to catch the iron above, but missed. The boy saw him approaching and hurriedly tried to grab hold of the stick above. Finally, the boy caught it, he swung his legs against the brick wall. But because the butt was protruding, he just needed to reach out to catch it, but before he could counterattack, the boy dropped himself from above, the boy's body was on the guy's face, making that guy bone pain. His nose bone was also tilted to one side and bleeding. The boy did not dare to stay long, quickly stepped on his face, and ran away.

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