Imprisoned by the Mafia boss
By Matcha
Date: December 7, 2022
Ch. 20Trap

Laura Julia rushed over, she carried a white handkerchief to help Laura Julia wipe the sweat. Laura Julia is currently unable to think of a strategy to help Laura Julia. mainly in terms of strength, he outperformed Laura Julia and Michael Richard combined. In addition, the strategy he fights is not clear, mainly fighting with emotions or using strength to intimidate opponents. The fact that he was blessed with good health made the battle even more unfavorable. But even with bad tricks, he can still improvise flexibly. Michael Richard grabbed Laura Julia's shoulder, Michael Richard shook his head quickly, this was Michael Richard's way of telling her, that the fight is not equal. The leader also solved the trouble in his eyes. The quartet drum sounded, this time no longer using the trumpet like the previous two times. This is death.

“One is to fight in battle. The two will continue to stand up and fight.” Laura Julia patted Michael Richard's shoulder, wishing Michael Richard peace.

Michael Richard hurriedly pushed Laura Julia's hand. Michael Richard noticed the leader's footsteps approaching. The footsteps were slow and heavy. This time, the leader proposes a new game that is wits. He gambled on a very intellectual subject. It's chess. Billionaire chess. This time there were two hidden guards that Michael Richard did not know. The chessboard is cleared and the pieces are the people there. In front of Michael Richard are four hidden cards. Michael Richard wasn't sure what the leader's intentions were. But in general, Michael Richard also has many advantages because this subject all three are his people, if he destroys a lot of damage, it will also belong to him. But Michael Richard did not know the rules of the game. Just roll the dice and move forward. Michael Richard chose the black card in the middle and the remaining three people distributed it among themselves according to the coordination of the leader. The chessboard appeared on the ground.

It is modeled many times bigger than the real thing. The first comb belongs to Michael Richard, the first steps Michael Richard all fall into death traps, it seems that Michael Richard wastes money on things that are not worth happening. and when he was halfway down the road, Michael Richard RED did not have enough money to use to buy a house. The people waiting one by one followed behind Michael Richard's tail. They don't even start by buying a home, but simply target the high-yield slots. One of the sickest, smallest of the bunch, took on the responsibility of buying back all the houses the table had. The leader also simply kicks on the squares the dice specify and leaves the game. The other guy also returned empty-handed when he fell into a state of no money. Michael Richard is ready to fight with several tools available. Currently looking at the chess world, Michael Richard does not have too many advantages. Mainly Michael Richard buys houses. Quite far apart. The other guy bought houses next to each other. In the current situation, in Michael Richard's hand, there is not much money left. Michael Richard kicked the little dwarf's house. That guy just kept his face down the whole time and didn't say a word.

"Where you from? Why get involved in this fun.”

Michael Richard is still brooding, Michael Richard ignores all distracting sounds outside. Focus on the game at hand. That guy put the body on the table. Tap the table a few times to get Michael Richard's attention. The sound grew louder and louder, distracting Michael Richard and making Michael Richard's mind spin like a pinwheel. In the mind of Michael Richard. Michael Richard himself is a courageous warrior, but he is reluctant to enter a mysterious position. Michael Richard is traveling on a road on which the paths of death do not yet exist. Michael Richard is trying to think about the prospect of Michael Richard himself going to the wrong country and losing the battle against his opponent. Michael Richard is suffering from the torment of hundreds of thousands of worms and beasts, Michael Richard's body is empty and completely naked. Michael Richard felt again the sound of a hammer slamming into Michael Richard's body. It is provoking Michael Richard from all sides. Michael Richard startled, looked towards the other side. This guy started to look up at Michael Richard. For the first time in a whole game that lasted more than 6 hours. Only Michael Richard could see his face.

Although his face is not too ugly, it is quite normal to say it is white, but his tears do not stop flowing, even though his mouth is always smiling like a flower. At first glance, his body looked like someone who had been deprived of food for a long time. He is small and short. But the complexion is different from the rest of the gang. Those people are endowed with strength and he has something very mysterious. Because Michael Richard knew he had to have a dominant trait, the leader kept him.

“Are you planning on probing me?” Michael Richard lightly hit back.

"How is it possible. I'm just an anonymous player. Accidentally entered the number. I truly sympathize with your fate.”


“I used to be someone like you. Be arranged and have to choose a position that you do not like in life. I'm being closely watched by a slave of the leader who's strict."

Michael Richard still did not want to respond to his words. Michael Richard had a little faith in the expression on his face, but Michael Richard was not in a hurry to convey his feelings to him. That guy started to move closer to Michael Richard's position. Tears were still pouring out of her eyes. Michael Richard was angry and crushed his face with his hands, but he still did not protest. He pulled his neck back and his head was still in Michael Richard's arms. Blood from the severed part poured out violently.

Michael Richard's eyes widened, rolling his eyes to look at him. His body was still functioning.

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