Imprisoned by the Mafia boss
By Matcha
Date: December 5, 2022
Ch. 19Tactic

The second trumpet sounded. The leader continued to fight Michael Richard. Right now, he's not as happy as before. There was a desire to win in Michael Richard's eyes. Laura Julia stood in a corner watching the match. Laura Julia took a pen and paper and recorded the movements he used many times in one stroke.

“He deserves the title of leader. The attacks are very nice. There's even composure in it. Compared to his temperament, it was completely different. Truth is the key weapon in this battle. He uses his feet as a pillar. Besides, the version that hears the movement is not bad.” Laura Julia rummaged through her memory to make a note of it all.

Michael Richard did not rush forward as voluntarily as before. This time Michael Richard walked around where he was standing. This time, he didn't use balance either. His body curled like a worm. Looks like a snake listening to music. Michael Richard suddenly rushed in and hit him in the hip and escaped quickly but was also guessed by him and gently stroked. Next, he unleashed his magic. Turning his hand into a crab claw, pricking Michael Richard. But this time Michael Richard was more careful than last time. Michael Richard was gently out of danger for a moment. Michael Richard has also prepared a surprise gift in the back. The leader's hand got caught in the scissors that Michael Richard had prepared. It dries and is very sticky. Michael Richard looked up at him. Realized that his expression remained unchanged and he still had no intention of getting rid of the glue. Michael Richard hastily attacked. Insidious attacks, mainly hitting the chest and thighs. Michael Richard's job is to soften the pectoral muscles and break the calves under the thighs. But he was pinned down by his legs. He used his strength as if to break Michael Richard's arm, but received a devastating blow from Michael Richard. Michael Richard used his feet quickly, breaking his chains. Only then did he fight.

He forced his way out of Michael Richard's glue. Using that same hand, hit Michael Richard's chest but was stopped by Michael Richard with his hand. One of Michael Richard's hands was injured and strained, in return, he delivered a fatal blow that broke Michael Richard's arm bones. But Michael Richard still refused to give up. Michael Richard's injured arm was released to the ground. Michael Richard wrapped it with a white cloth that was saved by Laura Julia herself. She also recognized the powerlessness of Michael Richard's stance. The leader was about to rush to end the match here. As usual, the loser would be killed when suddenly a gray smoke flew into the leader's eyes, making the leader no longer see his way. Michael Richard casually threw a fist into his face. That is, blood from the place of physical impact pours out. The leader only used his hand to wipe the blood, at that moment he was quite surprised by Laura Julia's performance, so he focused only on her. He planned to finish off the annoying Laura Julia first and then Michael Richard. But it was not that performance that hurt the leader's face because now the leader's eyes were starting to feel pain and burning. It is pungent and causes the eyes to produce a lot of tears.

"It's chili powder. Careful." Laura Julia teased and mocked him.

The only thing that surprised Laura Julia from beginning to end of the second round was his smile. In any case, he still smiled as if he had firmly grasped the victory in his hand. The leader is still in good form, where is Michael Richard's place, it is as if every turn is visited. Frequent, and very responsive. Michael Richard didn't have time to think about his next blows. Mostly Michael Richard hits instinctively. The leader hit so fast that Michael Richard just parried and fell to the ground. Michael Richard was sweating profusely. The leader jumped into the sky and intended to land in the position of Michael Richard but unfortunately, Michael Richard skillfully avoided it. Michael Richard turned one hundred and eight degrees to the left, out of sight of the leader. Next, Michael Richard immersed himself in the darkness, hiding, and disorienting the leader. Next, Michael Richard placed a wooden board, similar to his shape. Michael Richard intentionally created a stimulus to attract the leader to make him believe and change direction.

In the end, the leader's knee was only made of wood. The wooden slats pierced his leg, causing his leg to cry red tears. The leader at this time changed his emotions. He no longer wanted to have fun with Michael Richard but turned to a raw diet. He also does not leisurely dance crazy dances every time he makes a move. He repeatedly attacked Michael Richard making Michael Richard completely exhausted. Michael Richard fell to the ground as a reflex. Michael Richard how panted, fast, urgent. Michael Richard's hand gripped a handful of earth. Michael Richard still wanted to use his method to hit the leader in the eye. But Michael Richard forgot, his eyes so far have not been able to open to see everything around.

“The situation is quite unfavorable for me right now. He was so strong that I felt I was weak.”

While Michael Richard tried to brainstorm how to hit, his elbow got close to Michael Richard's face. And as usual, Michael Richard took a full blow from him. he tried to push Michael Richard's face deep into the ground. Michael Richard tried to lift his legs off the ground but failed and in return, he used more and more force to press Michael Richard's face. The overall result of this match was somewhat unfavorable on the side of Michael Richard. The men standing on the citadel saw that the leader had won. Blow the whistle to signal victory. The leader also stopped. Michael Richard seemed to want to die again and again. Michael Richard felt extremely frustrated. Michael Richard's hand hit the ground hard to show helplessness.

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