The system forces me to be the villain
By Matcha
Date: December 3, 2022
Ch. 93Heavy

“I took a long bath. You soak first before you catch a cold." Phedra Elizabeth pushed Duncan Hiddleston away.
"Let me go first."
“…” Duncan Hiddleston hugged tightly but hugged a lot of meat to avoid causing pain to Phedra Elizabeth.
"Let me go first."
“You are very tired. You were really tired.”
Phedra Elizabeth touched Duncan Hiddleston's forehead.
"Hot. He has a fever. Get inside and soak in hot water. I help you take off your clothes. I'm not going anywhere. I want to go inside.” Phedra Elizabeth helped Duncan Hiddleston into the bathtub.
"For the time being, you can't get your head wet, I'll dry your hair for you."
     Phedra Elizabeth sat in a high chair, Duncan Hiddleston sat next to her, and Phedra Elizabeth leaned forward.
“So many days… You keep melancholy… Is it worth it?”
"Worth. But now it's nothing."
“It turns out that when you truly love a person, you will look like that. I also want to see you once, but the person you remember must be me. I want to run to you when you're sad, hug you, and tell you I'm always here. Don't be afraid, I won't leave. There's no longer a chance."
“You're right. That is already in the past. Couldn't hold back."
     ... Quiet space...
“Sleeping already? Why don't you say anything more?" Phedra Elizabeth rolled her eyes.
“…” Duncan Hiddleston.
“So you have to dedicate yourself to serving him to sleep? Tired to death.”
“…” Duncan Hiddleston.
     Phedra Elizabeth laid Duncan Hiddleston on the bed. Phedra Elizabeth wiped Duncan Hiddleston's forehead, helped Duncan Hiddleston to bed, and helped Duncan Hiddleston put on a cold towel. In short, the insights on helping patients feel better than Phedra Elizabeth did. No matter what, whether or not she completes the quest, Phedra Elizabeth can't see the dead who can't be saved. After all, good or bad, there is no absolute point. Phedra Elizabeth sat by Duncan Hiddleston's headboard. Touching his forehead a few times to change the water for the towel was not suppressed by Duncan Hiddleston's body heat.
"I don't understand why the female lead likes the male lead? I still can't understand why the male lead likes the female lead?"
“I know that too, but I need a reason, right?” Phedra Elizabeth raised her eyes to the face that was divided into two colors.
"When I read the original, more than 100 chapters, I still didn't understand the reason why the male lead liked the female lead and also didn't know the reason why the male lead liked the female lead."
[This app is not clear. This part is related to the first part of the story that the app has not updated yet.]
"I know. I want to know how they will tie up with each other?”
[App is afraid that it depends on the host.]
“Is it too obvious to go looking for the female lead now? Just let the water push the boat, walk all this place sooner or later."
[Attentive host.]
Duncan Hiddleston struggled continuously. Duncan Hiddleston waved his arms and legs wildly, sometimes with meaningless words, sometimes screaming in pain.
"What's wrong with you?" Phedra Elizabeth reached out and took Duncan Hiddleston's hand.
“I'm sick so it's a little uncomfortable to endure a little longer. The next day will be fine.”
     Duncan Hiddleston took Phedra Elizabeth's hand, Duncan Hiddleston interlaced his fingers with Phedra Elizabeth's. Phedra Elizabeth was startled to withdraw her hand. The more Duncan Hiddleston tried to hold on, the more Phedra Elizabeth could not retreat. Just let Duncan Hiddleston do what he likes. Phedra Elizabeth put her hand on the bed while her other hand rested on the edge of the bed for a moment and fell asleep again. At this point, Duncan Hiddleston opened his eyes and woke up.
"Why don't you go to bed properly." Duncan Hiddleston carried Phedra Elizabeth to bed.
“This seems to be very effective. Just pretending to be sick will get your attention.”
     When Duncan Hiddleston went to buy a hair dryer.
"It seems that the wind outside is very cold, isn't it?"
     Duncan Hiddleston entered the steam room on the max level and then went out to enjoy the heat with some water. When he returned to meet Phedra Elizabeth, the time was right, just need to play the play of the dying person.
"It's not that I want to hurt you, but you don't care about me. You just know how to do this.”
     Phedra Elizabeth turned her face in Duncan Hiddleston's direction.
“Sorry for this selfishness. But I also have a secret I want to tell you. I'll forgive you, won't I?"
“…” Phedra Elizabeth.
"Right from the moment when young Master Lac appeared, I knew that President Mark liked young Master Lac and liked him very deeply, this matter no one did not know, President Mark repeatedly confessed his love to young Master Lac but failed. I also know that President Mark has never given up, but I don't dare to tell you, always hiding from you. I know that you like President Mark very much, so I pushed the boat to show you the sincerity of President Mark for young Master Lac, I just want you to see the two of them love each other, and you will let go. But unexpectedly…”
Phedra Elizabeth made extremely painful movements. Phedra Elizabeth kept cursing what happened. Phedra Elizabeth has yet to accept reality. Phedra Elizabeth is having a bad dream. Phedra Elizabeth is against it.
“Can you let me finish? Good." Duncan Hiddleston patted Phedra Elizabeth's head.
"I just thought that you would give up when you saw that scene, but when I saw you crying, I knew that your feelings for President Mark were very, very deep. The reason I brought you here is to please me. If you turn to like me, I promise not to betray you. Is that Okay?"
“…” Phedra Elizabeth.
"You don't want to answer me? I want to see how you perform?"
“…” Phedra Elizabeth.
“Thank you for allowing me to say sorry. No matter how many times you reject me, I will still be with you. Let's rest now."

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