The system forces me to be the villain
By Matcha
Date: December 2, 2022
Ch. 91Near

"I like it a lot. No one has ever helped me dry my hair before.”
"What? Don't cheat me. Say never. From my memory... Not yet.” Phedra Elizabeth tries to work her brain.
"I felt very happy. Don't put so much emphasis on it."
“What crutches did I put on? I'm just clarifying your statement." Phedra Elizabeth continued to stick to Duncan Hiddleston's statement.
"Why didn't you say anything? Did I say something wrong that made you unhappy?"
"Not available. I'm just thinking. How much time does it take for this hair?" Duncan Hiddleston's expression suddenly deteriorated.
“Change in attitude is also quick. It only took one sentence to change him so much.” Phedra Elizabeth thought to herself.
“I missed my mouth. You don't mind?"
"I know." Duncan Hiddleston nodded slightly.
"So what's with this attitude plus facial expression?" Phedra Elizabeth was a little skeptical.
"Let's go buy a hair dryer!"
"Wait. Didn't you bring it with you?"
"No. I don't think it will be necessary."
"That's all. Go out for a few rounds of wind and it's done. The natural dry head is still better.”
     Duncan Hiddleston, like a kitten, ran as fast as he could downstairs.
“My opinion sounds reasonable, doesn't it? Why don't you just say something and run down to do it?"
"Never mind. Who cares. I have a chance to rest. No one bothered. There's no need to deal with him. Gotta do this game. Tired body. Anyway, it's old. Don't work too hard."
      After a long while, Phedra Elizabeth sat in the waiting room. Duncan Hiddleston was still nowhere to be seen. Phedra Elizabeth looked out the window and did not see the male lead, so she returned to her position.
“Is the main male going? It's been several hours but still no movement. Or does he meets the heroine? Is he flirting with the heroine?"
“App. You know where the male lead is?”
[Currently, the male lead is walking along the tree line to the convenience of selling power tools.]
"Where's the protagonist going?"
[Go buy a hair dryer.]
“I was told that the male lead will go out for a few rounds and the hair will dry immediately. Why did the male lead go so far away to buy that machine? Isn't it time to return to his hair will dry?"
"This isn't my fault at all. I've said it before, but the stubborn male lead doesn't listen."
[App is clear. But the host definitely won't let the male lead get sick or encounter any problems.]
"Clear. I know what I should do.”
“But the app helps me...” Phedra Elizabeth paused.
[What information does the host want to know? If you need any help, just say so.]
“Every time it's quiet like this. It's lonely.”
[The host wants the app to talk to the host?]
“Not really, but what should I do if I miss someone who already has someone by my side?”
“Since when did I feel a little afraid of the dark?”
[Because the host hasn't had enough time to get used to it.]
“Perhaps so. Maybe not.”
“Should I… No, I can't… I still can't forget… I still haven’t…” Phedra Elizabeth decided.
[Host calls app. Is there something that needs help with the app.]
"Not impossible."
“Does the App need my help with anything? Anything is fine.”
[The host is under stress?]
“Not really… Just… Just a lot of silk kings… Just…” Phedra Elizabeth let out a long sigh.
"Nothing. I want to find a job so that nostalgia doesn't disturb my thoughts."
[The host was circling just now. The App has a few words to say to the host.]
“What does the App want to share with me?”
[The host is preoccupied with too many things. App sincerely advises to throw away that meaningless emotional part.]
"I know. But somehow the memories keep bothering me every night.”
[Does the host want to hear the app's advice?]
Phedra Elizabeth was surprised. Phedra Elizabeth also doesn't believe the torn app has any value in opening her mouth. But Phedra Elizabeth still risked listening to see what happens when the app opens the moral.
[Host. The App will give some things for the host to understand, even if you don't want to forget, you have to force yourself to forget.]
“Sometimes listening to the app is a good solution. Sometimes hearing difficult words is good medicine. Okay, the app keeps saying it.”
[There are many grounds for forgetting. The app would like to list some points.
1. Theodore Mark does not care about the host. App guesses Theodore Mark helps the host only because of Lac Hong Hao.
2. The host's affection for Theodore Mark is not deep - only through one saving, how to torment the host's mind forever.
3. Theodore Mark has no interest in the host. When the host needed Theodore Mark, he was always with Lac Hong Hao.
Through those points, the app would like to confirm that Theodore Mark and the host are not called nostalgia at all. It can only be seen as cooperation and development.]
“The above views of the app. I can also see half of it, but the app asking Theodore Mark to help me because of Lac Hong Hao seems a bit slanderous."
[The host tries to think things through. Host, please remember. What conditions did Theodore Mark set.]
"But that's what I asked for."
[Even if the host actively asks Theodore Mark to make a condition, he cannot choose such a wish. Just think why forcing the host to help with such a myth. Theodore Mark asked the host to pretend to be his girlfriend to meet Lac Hong Hao.]
"Why do you have to do that?"
[Doesn't the host find it strange? What role is the girl opposite the host at that time?]
“She is Lac Hong Hao's younger sister. But gestures, actions are very different, a bit natural, without moderation.”
[At that time, the poison of Theodore Mark?]
"Attitude. When Lac Hong Hao kissed her, it seemed... Theodore Mark was not happy when I accidentally touched Theodore Mark also doesn't receive a positive response from him. Theodore Mark frowned, annoyed but quickly withdrew, then unhappy, seemed melancholy, light At that time, his eyes did not leave Lac Hong Hao."

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