The system forces me to be the villain
By Matcha
Date: March 13, 2023
Ch. 139Command

Besides, Duncan Hiddleston has also started to act, Duncan Hiddleston has reached the location that Phedra Elizabeth entrusted. Duncan Hiddleston looked closely, this place, apart from being covered with a layer of dust and thick moss, was nothing special. Duncan Hiddleston picked up a long, dry branch and tried touching the ground with it a few times to see if there was a trap set up in the ground. The recovery results are very good, without any obstructions. Duncan Hiddleston also used his hand to try to find out if there was a pre-set trap on the wall, the result was also no. Duncan Hiddleston flashed a cheerful, amused smile, slowly opened the door, and stepped inside.
"Nobody." Duncan Hiddleston looked around at the blackness around him, which was indeed only cobwebs and four walls.
Duncan Hiddleston went inside. The lights are already on. Duncan Hiddleston cautiously hid behind several stacked iron boxes. Duncan Hiddleston smelled a very strange scent. Like the smell of rotten meat that has been aged for a long time. Duncan Hiddleston looked around and saw only iron hearts, looking closely inside were all girls. They looked exhausted, and some even cried out in agony. They are like being imprisoned for too long and always want to get out. One of them is a person who lives extremely affluently, the beauty still retains its youthfulness. Duncan Hiddleston watched very carefully before approaching where the girl was sitting.
“Are you a newcomer?” She calmly brushed her hair.
"You can see me?" Duncan Hiddleston replied in surprise.
"Just saw a shadow that is presumed to be a human, who knows you will answer." She propped her chin and looked at Duncan Hiddleston with dark eyes.
“I can hear from you.” Duncan Hiddleston began to open a deal.
"Okay. But what benefit do you give me?”
“I have a great gift. I can give you all the gold and silver of this world. I am a senior director. Nothing is impossible to meet.”
“I just need fun. Can you respond to me? There are so many gifts here waiting for me to receive but I am so bored here, I want to have fun.”
“So what do you want? I will do it for you.”
“Can you give me a bite? I like that.”
“I can do this.” Duncan Hiddleston frankly held out his hand in front of her.
She said nothing, pulled Duncan Hiddleston's hand close to her face, and took a hard bite. For Duncan Hiddleston, this was also a common occurrence. Duncan Hiddleston is also a martial artist, so he can tolerate pain very well. But when she bit, Duncan Hiddleston felt tears rolling down her cheeks and Duncan Hiddleston's hand. Duncan Hiddleston was about to turn to look.
“Don't stare at me. I will lose my joy.” She let go of Duncan Hiddleston's hand, and a puddle of saliva pooled on Duncan Hiddleston's hand. She raised her voice and spoke to Duncan Hiddleston.
"Okay." Duncan Hiddleston turned his face the other way.
Duncan Hiddleston felt the water droplets appear more and more. And the bite also began to show blood, but she still showed no sign of stopping but continued to use force until the piece of meat in Duncan Hiddleston's hand was about to break off before she let go. She also made no sound, silently wiping the water from her face.
“You can take your hand back. You want to ask me anything?"
"How old are you?" Duncan Hiddleston lifted his shirt and wiped the puddle of saliva and blood from his hands.
“Just wanted to ask this.” She turned her scornful eyes on Duncan Hiddleston.
“I have a lot of time to ask you questions, but not a lot of time to wait for your answers.”
"I'm 15 this year. Not 17 or 20. My age can't remember clearly anymore." She stammered in response.
“What are the responsibilities of the people here?”
"It is being captured to serve men's physiology."
“Who is the guardian of this place?”
"Waldo Helen."
“Indeed. Cousin is a trafficker. This time must have entered the exact cave where they hid people.” Duncan Hiddleston was lost in his thoughts.
"But why do other people show signs of physical and mental exhaustion, but only you can still keep your youth?"
“I… As long as you give him what he wants. He will put you at ease.”
"That's raping you."
“Don't use words like that. I am dedicating myself to him.” She laughed awkwardly, then gagged Duncan Hiddleston.
“Do you have a mental problem?” Duncan Hiddleston found her expression strange. From the moment I started to see her face clearly, I saw her smile continuously, then brush her hair again, and then see the iron fence as a mirror.
“Are you looking down on me? Don't talk nonsense. I am fine." There was anger in her eyes. Actions are also contradicting Duncan Hiddleston's words.
"Perhaps she's faking it." Duncan Hiddleston whispered in his mouth.
"What are you saying? Can you tell me?"
"No. I would love to take you out. Would you like to follow me?” Duncan Hiddleston opened an invitation.
"Isn't it beautiful outside?"
"Right. So beautiful."
“I remember there was an article about people being trafficked and then sent to another country to work as prostitutes. To date, that organization has not been able to catch up. Among the arrested girls is one who is the daughter of a large corporation owner. He spent a lot of money looking for that daughter but still to no avail. It's been two years now and still no news. Maybe one of these people is his daughter. But it's been two years, has she been taken to another country?" Duncan Hiddleston calmly analyzed.
“I want to go out. I remember myself having someone waiting. That person is looking for me. That person is missing me very much. I've seen him pass by here once, but there's no way to get his attention."
“You remember what that person looked like.”

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