The system forces me to be the villain
By Matcha
Date: January 12, 2023
Ch. 116Peril

"Are you okay? Show me your hand.”
“No… No problem. You are careful.”
Phedra Elizabeth put Duncan Hiddleston's arm around his neck, pulling Duncan Hiddleston to his feet.
“Quick, I'll take you to a safe place. You have to hold on tight.”
Phedra Elizabeth grabbed the wooden stick earlier to beat the wolf to death, Phedra Elizabeth followed the light in front of her, surrounded only by a landscape of wilderness, almost no one lived, fiercely it would be dark now if she couldn't find a place. Resting both Duncan Hiddleston and Phedra Elizabeth would probably die in this wild garden. Phedra Elizabeth heard the herd call of the predators. The current situation is not good, Phedra Elizabeth and Duncan Hiddleston are indeed the best, fattest prey in the wild that can live alive.
"I heard death calling my name."
“What nonsense are you talking about? It will be fine. I will protect you."
"I'm still worried about protecting others." Phedra Elizabeth laughed.
"What are you laughing at?" Duncan Hiddleston blushed.
“Do you still have the strength? We will have a great battle.”
"I can still take care of myself, on the contrary, as a friend, a weak girl can't cope with the evil things in the jungle."
“You take care of yourself first.”
Phedra Elizabeth put Duncan Hiddleston's back on a rock, Duncan Hiddleston's hand was bleeding a lot of blood that was also the basis for attracting wild wolves to attack, not long after, not unexpectedly, they surrounded Phedra Elizabeth's place. and Duncan Hiddleston resting, Phedra Elizabeth looked around, her hand counted about 4-5, she felt scared, her hand trembled.
“Are you afraid?” Duncan Hiddleston raised his voice jokingly.
“Come on… It's common sense. I've dealt with it before."
The wolves also mercilessly ran down to Phedra Elizabeth, two of the five chased after Phedra Elizabeth, Phedra Elizabeth, although somewhat defeated, ran a short distance away from Duncan Hiddleston. In the end, two of the five in the herd fell into the hole that Phedra Elizabeth had dug earlier. Phedra Elizabeth jumped up with joy, her foot off the ground, her left foot safely landing, and her right foot slipped into the hole that Phedra Elizabeth herself dug to lure the wolves.
The two hungry wolves did not stand still waiting to die, just using Phedra Elizabeth's feet as the next meal and then counting, they continuously jumped up and bit Phedra Elizabeth's legs. Phedra Elizabeth at this time used to pull herself up, Phedra Elizabeth's hand grasped the tree trunk, the wolves had bitten her shoes, and Phedra Elizabeth panicked and withdrew her feet, surrounded by only trees and only grass and grass on the ground. was very wet, Phedra Elizabeth's skirt was soaked with water which made it even more difficult for her to pull herself out of danger, the wolves have bitten on Phedra Elizabeth's leg somehow Phedra Elizabeth had to choose to keep her legs to climb up or die, Phedra Elizabeth takes a small knife in her body to keep ready when needed, Phedra Elizabeth pulls her feet up to the ground, followed by the head of a wolf with bloodthirsty eyes, her hand trembled again with her other hand trying to grab Phedra Elizabeth's body, Phedra Elizabeth didn't want to sacrifice her body part and stabbed the wolf in the eye, Phedra Elizabeth closed her eyes tightly, stabbing wildly towards the wolf, it seemed to know it too. pain immediately released. Phedra Elizabeth completely retracted her legs, looking down, the other wolf was eating its kind.
Phedra Elizabeth suddenly remembered that Duncan Hiddleston was still in the same place, her leg was very painful, and could not move quickly, Phedra Elizabeth patiently endured everything and tried to run towards Duncan Hiddleston. Before her eyes now, Duncan Hiddleston beat three wolves to death with his bare hands, Phedra Elizabeth couldn't believe her eyes, Phedra Elizabeth rubbed her eyes with her hands but only let blood get on her face and eyelids, Duncan Hiddleston make the neck of the first one broke after that took a log to kill the second one, the other one was scared and ran away. Duncan Hiddleston sat down on the ground, breathing a sigh of relief, heavy breaths coming from Duncan Hiddleston's chest.
“You are so useful.” Phedra Elizabeth appeared.
“Are you back? I'm dead tired."
“God, wouldn't it be better to know that in the first place for you to handle them? Take care of yourself.”
"I'm going to die."
“How can you be the most profitable.” Phedra Elizabeth made an admiring expression.
“You are too talkative.”
The wind blew hard, sending the dust curled up into the air, then threw it out again and sprinkled it on the ground. The wind smacked the face, threading through the hair of the pedestrians who were rushing to run in the rain. The trees rustled, rustled, the old leaves couldn't stand, leaving their branches and fluttering in the wind. The rain fell, and the first raindrops gently kissed the cheery leaves waiting for the rain to wash away the dust on them. The rain drizzled, dancing merrily, throbbing on the rooftops and the pavement. Raindrops, drop by drop, drop by drop. They cheered, each one criticizing the other for being slow and challenging the other to see who would finish first. Then they got excited, plunging in layers like small silver arrows. One layer after another fell to create water bubbles on the road surface, and from there opened countless beautiful bubble flowers. No matter how heavy the rain is, so is the wind. Raining cats and dogs. It looked like a storm was coming. Rainwater rushed into the bushes. Palm leaves and areca leaves waved their hands as if to welcome the rain. The rain clattered on the railing, pounding on the heart of the leaves.
"It's raining." Phedra Elizabeth lifted Duncan Hiddleston.
"Hurry up. It won't get wet."
Duncan Hiddleston struggled to lift for a few minutes, and Phedra Elizabeth fell in love with a small cave. In the cave, there are many stalactites on the ceiling and floor. These stalactites look like real things.

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