Vampire's mate
By Vthvth
Date: August 8, 2022
Ch. 17No good news

Chapter 17 No good news
Vampire riots first occurred after signing a peace treaty between humans and Vampires more than ten thousand years ago. This horrifying incident caused by Vampires is also the end of the peace treaty, humanity cannot tolerate and let this riot take place to damage their race.
After that night, Phoebe used to sneak in while the children were playing and watch the news, she expected the best news but unfortunately didn't have the good news she expected. This riot took place in the very nearby city, where Phoebe and the children had not been affected much, but Phoebe was afraid that one day this riot would engulf all humans.
Every day, Phoebe sat watching the news, the other kids were so naive they didn't understand what she was watching. The news in the past few days has been getting worse and worse, the lives of the people in the city seem to be invaded by Vampires, and not only humans but the werewolves are also involved a lot.
The number of people killed and injured is increasing, a day can reach more than ten thousand people, a terrible number. Of course, this number is not only in the city near where she lives but also in some small cities elsewhere. But the death toll does not decrease day by day and this will not end easily, but the people have no fear that one day they are the next person who will die, they completely believe in the Government and military force of the country.
Some places are still as peaceful as Phoebe's place, the part where she lives is not many people but mainly Vampires and the most attacked place is where many humans live. Even if there is a riot, factories still have to operate, food is still traded...
Phoebe still had to go to work to earn money, walking on the deserted street she used to go for many years, today reeked of the terrible fishy smell of human blood that lasted a long way. Vampire's hearing is very sensitive, Phoebe can smell and feel the death of this street. But Phoebe did not detect any other Vampires besides her walking on this street, perhaps the smell of blood she smelled was from the sewer water that had mixed with it to create a repulsive smell of mourning.
Five children at home often watch cartoons and listen to music, they don't know that there is a riot outside in the nearby city and soon their place will be gone again.
Phoebe feels that this place is no longer safe to live in, before moving she often teaches the children not to attack humans or any species, if they meet bad guys who want to bully them, run away, don't attack surname. And if Ron, Emily, and Mina are hungry and need blood, tell her, she will never let them starve for blood.
“You must always remember not to attack other people whether humans or werewolves. If you are thirsty for blood, tell me and I will give you blood."
Phoebe had thought about moving house, if it was only for her she would never have left this house because it was her mother's and her place, but now she has five children she can't let them suffer.
To avoid this riot, Phoebe bought a large stock of fresh and canned food.
Mina curiously asked:
“Why do we need to buy so many things? Do we have more new friends?”
"No, Mina, we need them in reserve for the days to come." Phoebe patted Mina's head gently.
With food in reserve, Phoebe won't worry and the kids won't be afraid of hunger anymore.
Although the riot was in the city near where Phoebe lived, the place where she lived was still quite peaceful without much change, Phoebe thought that she was too scared to be like this, the Government would quickly solve this problem and everything will be back to the way it was.
The lives of Phoebe and the five children have not changed in particular, but for the safety of the children, Phoebe always helps them change their appearance to look like a human, and so does she. Dressing up to look more human to Phoebe was all too familiar when she was in school. When she was at school, it would not have been discovered that she was a Vampire, but due to an accident, she dropped her contact lenses, so she revealed her true red pupil and was discovered by a classmate.
But because her academic performance was very good that year, she was not expelled from school and that same year Vampires were calling for equality for all species.
Phoebe didn't want to hide what was going on out there, at dinner she told the children:
“This moment is very sensitive, in the city, there has been a Vampire riot, soon we must move to a better place to live.”
Mina mutters, "The riot?"
“Yes, the media has been reporting for more than a week now, but unfortunately there is no good news. I am afraid that if unfortunately, this riot will spread and the place we are in is no longer safe.”
Emily was sensitive to Phoebe's words, tears welling up in her eyes:
“Are we going to be taken away? I don't want that, huhuhuhuhu…”
Phoebe comforts them all, she says:
"Don't worry, we won't be arrested, we'll just move, the food is prepared, but not much, but we will buy more when we go to a new place."
At this moment, the youngest child, Lina, suddenly spoke up:
“Phoebe… you won't leave us, right?”
The question seemed to pierce Phoebe's heart, these children were always afraid of her abandoning them like everyone else. Ray, Emily, Mina, and Ron were all silent, their eyes were sad as if they were about to cry. Perhaps they were always prepared to be abandoned, bringing the children to understand what was in front of her made her heartbroken.
Phoebe says:
"I will never leave you, from the moment you entered this house we are already a family, if it is a family, we will never abandon each other."
When the five children heard Phoebe say that, they could rest assured to continue their dinner. Phoebe promised herself that she would try to make the five children feel more confident and secure around her.
The streets began to gradually become quieter and colder, only the sound of the wind hissing, the rustling of the leaves, and the sound of rushing water in the sewer. Maybe things are starting to change…

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