Vampire's mate
By Vthvth
Date: August 8, 2022
Ch. 16News of the riot

Chapter 16 News of the riot
Phoebe spends a lot of love and time with the children, she treats them like her own brother and sister and takes care of them wholeheartedly. Time has passed so quickly, it has been more than a year since Phoebe adopted and brought five children into her home. With the money her late mother left her with the money Phoebe went to work, there was enough money to support them all.
Phoebe thought that it would be great if life went on smoothly, the other children were very grateful that she took care of them and sheltered them, and taught them the necessary knowledge in school. But for Phoebe, it was these five innocent children who were the light that saved her from the dark days after her mother's death.
Five children, three vampires named Ron, Emily, and Mina, and two human children Ray and Lina. They don't have a family name, but it's neither their parents' name nor Phoebe's. Ron is the bravest and most resilient child as well as the oldest, Ron's real age is eight years old, but a year before Phoebe met him, because of not eating enough and not drinking blood, his body deteriorated because lack of nutrition, so it cannot grow normally.
Ron pointed to the picture of the woman on the table and asked Phoebe:
“Who is this woman?”
"That's my mother, she passed away a year ago."
Ron looked at the photo and said:
“A year ago you carried us…”
"Yes, a few days after my mother's death, that day I was very sad, the nostalgia for her has never stopped."
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned this." ' said Ron sadly.
Phoebe smiled, she softly said:
"It's okay, it's over, only memories remain, my mother is a human."
"A human? But you're a Vampire, aren't you?"
“My father is a Vampire," Phoebe answered slowly.
Up to now, Vampire and humans can live together but not get married and have children, which is against the rules of life and morality set forth by this society.
It was only when he heard Phoebe say that Ron was surprised, he had never met a hybrid Vampire like Phoebe, if she hadn't told him he would never have known.
But to Phoebe that didn't matter, she was never surprised by her background, once you think about death it doesn't matter what is around you or yourself.
While she was most helpless, these poor children gave her positive energy, she no longer thought about death or despair, on the contrary, she felt a responsibility to raise these children. there, making them as happy as her mother loved her.
Unfortunately, nothing good can last long.
While Phoebe was cleaning up and knitting some shirts, she heard Emily and Ray's cries and ran out to see. Emily, like she was scared of something, ran out and hugged Phoebe tightly.
"Emily, what's wrong?"
The girl pointed to the news on TV and said:
"There's something scary on TV, I'm scared."
Phoebe curiously went out to have a look. On TV is the news that has been replayed since the morning about Vampires suddenly going mad and attacking people without purpose, they are like zombies without brains that can't control their actions, Then there are the bloody scenes that are really terrible.
Phoebe looked at these things in fear, breaking out in a cold sweat, her hands and feet shaking, she didn't understand what was happening out there. Seeing that Emily and Ray were still hugging her in terror, the other children had gone to sleep. Phoebe then comforted the two children:
"What are you two afraid of it's just a horror movie not worth mentioning, it's getting late so go to sleep."
Ray timidly asked: "Is it really a movie or is it really happening?"
Phobe still smiled consolingly: "I'm telling the truth, it's just a movie."
The two children, after listening to Phoebe's persuasion, went back to bed, and Phoebe stood stunned in front of the TV every news that the host said made her extremely bewildered.
“Vampires are no different from living zombies that frantically attack humans. Experts say that the Vampires are trying to resist and they have been too hungry for a long time without blood to become so crazy.
The rate of humans and werewolves being attacked by Vampires increased dramatically, and the death rate reached an alarming level. The government has had to mobilize military forces to participate in this, people need to be careful and not to go out…”
Phoebe heard the message board, she understood very well that even if the Government mobilized military forces, it would not be able to completely destroy the Vampires.
Vampires not only have a longer lifespan than humans, but this is also the biggest difference. Humans in their above forty years old become weaker and have many diseases, but Vampire's beauty and health all stop at the age of twenty-five and since then, the age for Vampires is just a number, and their fighting power is also very worthy. fear, long and very sharp claws. The physical and biochemical effects can't beat them, the ability to regenerate damaged cells and Vampires is terrible and fast, and the anesthetic has no effect on them. They are almost invincible on the battlefield.
Humans had captured many Vampires for experimentation but they all attacked, but humans couldn't denounce that Vampire's behavior because of the pact of peace between the two.
Humans crave the power and longevity of vampires and vampires want fresh human blood, for the human blood is the beauty of the world.
Both sides covet what does not belong to them but selfishly do not want to exchange.
Phoebe heard the news, she was very scared because she was afraid that the three vampire children, Ron, Emily, and Mina, would one day go crazy and could not control themselves to attack others. Fortunately, she foresaw this, Phoebe added a special drug to her blood and put it in their food, so they wouldn't go crazy from hunger for blood.
Fortunately, Phoebe was half-vampire and half-human, and that was more than enough.
This horrible incident happened not surprisingly because the condition for the survival of a Vampire was human blood. Human blood Vampires can buy in hospitals and black markets at exorbitant prices, and illegal places are cheaper but such places don't have much, and not Vampires have the money to buy them. Occasionally there are sympathetic humans who will give Vampires some blood, but it's not enough.
Under the pressure of many decades, perhaps Vampires could not stand it anymore, so there was a frenzied riot like the media reported. Phoebe's heart fluttered and she was very worried if this riot didn't end soon there would be a lot of negative things for her and the kids. Because of this, Phoebe did not sleep all night, she was worried and restless not knowing what to do, the riot reported by the media could not be a joke.
"Mom, I'm scared..." - In the night, she moaned to her mother

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