Red Riding Hood
By Anonymous Author
Date: June 28, 2022
Ch. 9Chapter 9

“So what brings you back to town? Know anything about the attack on Samantha?”
“Samantha?” Jerimiah asks, now realizing that the girl he attacked is Samantha, Blanchette’s best friend. ‘No wonder I saw so many memories of Blanchette when I drank from Samantha,’ he thinks.
“The girl that got attack. It is no surprise that you don’t know her as she is a grade younger than you.”
“Oh, well is she ok?” Jerimiah asks, hoping he didn’t kill her or something.
“Yeah, she is fine. So what is the plan of action? Are you inrolling back into my school? How was your previous school? Where is that by-the-way?”
“Actually I didn’t go to school for the past year, I roamed around in my wolf form trying to come to terms with what I have done to my family, my pack,” Jerimiah recalls the painful memory.
“Sorry that, that had to happen to you. So, let's enroll you into grade ten?”
“I was thinking the same,” Jerimiah says, pleased that the Principal suggested it himself.
“I am not putting the other students in danger by allowing you back into my school?”
“No sir, I have learned to control myself,” Jerimiah says not really sure about himself.
“Ok, so go to the front desk and select your subject. If there is anything else, you know where to find me.”
“Thank you, sir,” Jerimiah gets up, wondering what subjects to choose to ensure that he lands in the same classes as Blanchette.
“Jerimiah, if you ever need someone to talk to, don’t hesitate,” Principal Donald Myers says before Jerimiah left.
“I will keep that in mind, thank you.”
Jerimiah looks over the subject choices and wonders which ones Blanchette is taking. Jerimiah mind-links with Blanchette and tries to figure out her mind but it is a hot mess, “guess I need some practicing with that.”
“Excuse me?” The receptions respond to his ‘thinking out loud.’
“What are the most popular subjects?” Jerimiah asks.
“The usual easy ones like Life Science, Art, and of course Computer Science, but that is not exactly an easy one as you have to take Physical Science and Pure Math with it.”
“Perhaps I can just sit in on all the classes for this week before I decide?” Jerimiah asked to hope for a yes.
“It does not actually work like that. What do you dream of becoming one day?”
Jerimiah thinks a bit about his future, “I will need to be able to manage a large group of people, kids,… animals, like dogs and finance.”
“Planning a small business I see? Animal shelter or vet?”
“Both, and children,… adults,.. people in general.”
“Mmm, that is like two different subject matters as the one leads to Business Management, Economics and Accountancy and the other to Life Science, Biology and so.
Jerimiah thinks for a bit, ‘I won't actually be tending to my pack in a medical kind of way as I have Pack doctors for that so perhaps I will just need to manage them and our finances.’
“I think I will go the Business Management route and throw in the Computer Science subjects,” Jerimiah says as the bell rings.
Even though he wants to be near Blanchette he knows that his new pack has to come first and he will have to know how to take care of such a large amount of people.
“Here we go, here is your timetable and your classroom details,” the receptionist passes him a sheet of paper she just printed.
“Thank you,” Jerimiah says as he steps into the hallway that has become an ocean of students making their way to their next class.
In the ocean of students Jerimiah’s eyes fall on Blanchette and hers on his. Blanchette is so distracted by Jerimiah that she froze in time with students bumping past her.
Jerimiah keeps his eyes on her and it feels like a magnetic force pulling him to her and he wonders if she feels the same force.
Blanchette gets pulled with the crowd to her next class breaking her gaze. ‘Is that Jerimiah?’ Blanchette wonders as she looks back but he is already gone.
If it was not for the strong connection Jerimiah had with Blanchette he might have given into his vampire side being in a crowd full of ready-to-drink humans.
Jerimiah manages to get himself to the nearest bathroom and splashes some water on his face to calm his lust for blood.
After he composed himself he took a look at his schedule, “ENGLISH.”
He still remembers the layout of the school and makes his way to the classroom indicated on his timetable.
Jerimiah enters the grade ten English class and he immediately catches Blanchette's cent. With his eyes on her and hers on him again he walks past the open chairs and is glad that there is an open chair next to Blanchette. ‘Probably Samantha’s,’ he thinks as he sits next to Blanchette.
For a moment he thinks that Blanchette will reject him sitting on her best friend's chair but the rejection does not come. Blanchette just smiles at Jerimiah sweetly as if she is under some kind of spell.
“Hi, I am Jerimiah,” he says greeting her.
“I know,… I mean, hi, I am Blanchette,” she says blushing.
“I know,..” he responds, smiling as he pulls himself out of her gaze.
Blanchette did not concentrate much in class, she had to force herself every now and then not to stare at Jerimiah. Blanchette found herself wildly attracted to him and one could even say in love. ‘It is crazy, I know I always had the hots for him but to actually think that I love him?’ Blanchette thought to herself, conflicted over the intense feelings she feels for the steam, hot, returned out of nowhere, Jerimiah.
Jerimiah caught Blanchette staring at him several times and wondered what he is going to do about their situation because right now his inner wolf just wants to mark her and make her his forever but at the same time, he knows he must fight the urge.

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