The Mafias Queen
By aestte
Date: June 9, 2022
Ch. 22The Mafias Queen

My son frowned even more and sat up straight. I just sighed and turned back to the window. Inwardly I was really excited because in the five years that Sandro and I had been hiding we had never really traveled like this.

.it also took us almost five hours before we landed in Palawan. I couldn’t take my gaze around because it was so beautiful here. I still remember when I was modeling, we also did that at the same resort but no one said how nice this place was. .the breeze is also cold, it tastes good on the nose unlike in the city where your nose hurts a lot due to pollution and too much heat.

"Mama, I am so excited! Look at sea so blue and her size!" She exclaimed in disbelief while looking at the blue blue sea.

.Travis got out of the car carrying our belongings because I felt embarrassed I tried to pick up some of what he was carrying but he tightened the grip there. Even if he doesn't speak I feel like he doesn't want to give me those things.

.we entered a simple house and I think it was the ones for vacationers. I am sure my son will like to bathe here as well because besides the sea there is also a swimming pool here.

"Shall we stay here?" Sandro asked.

."No, we will stay here for two days before we go to the most island of this place." He replied to Sandro. I didn't show that I was surprised by what he said so before I could say anything I pulled Sandro into the bungalow he rented.

.and as i expected this bungalow is so nice she is fully equipped and super fresh because it is actually made of bamboo but i think it is made of expensive wood. You don't even have to turn on the aircon because it's cold inside.

.I noticed that there are also two rooms here that I breathed a sigh of relief because atlis we have our own room and we no longer need to be together in the same room.

"Mama, can I swim in the pool now?" Sandro asked excitedly.

."Baby, later when we fix the things and put on your clothes." I explained here that he just nodded.

"I just have to do something, take care our Son." Travis said goodbye. I just let it go.

."Baby, sit there first and then after that let's wait for your Daddy and go swimming." it just nodded and behaved to sit on a sofa. Yes, his Daddy, I can say that but it's just the two of us and Sandro because I'm not ready to tell him that yet.

.and I also admit that little by little my anger towards him is disappearing, as if it has also disappeared on its own as if it is becoming normal that we call each other maybe because of our son but my decision that Sandro and I will leave after the holidays is still intact na 'to.

.I arranged our clothes in an empty drawer because we had only been here for two days. I took out what I knew we could use so that it wouldn't be a hassle to put away when we left.

.I also forgot to bring a bikini that I lost in my mind and put them in a bag so I don't really remember. I'll just wear shorts and a shirt, maybe it's not forbidden here.

.Sandro and I also stayed inside the bungalow for a few hours because we were waiting for Travis because I didn't know anything about this place. And maybe I'll pay something and I'll just look like a tang because I don't have anything to pay just in case. .I also turned my gaze to Sandro and I could see the frown on his forehead as if I had seen Travis with him, that bitch looked bored. .I was just shaken because of what I saw in my son because I proved even more that he really inherited nothing from me if not the black hair the rest is from the father he got everything. It's very unfair really because I suffered for nine months and then nothing got me.

."Can't we go swimming now?" Sandro asked. That's a few.

I really couldn't do it anymore and I pulled my son into the room just in time for Travis to enter our room. .for a moment he glanced at my son's dressing and continued on to the other room. Less than two minutes later, it came out in simple board shorts and a white shirt. .I stared at him, I can't deny that he is still very handsome, nothing has changed because he still looks like that.

"Mr. Let's go to the pool! Mama will nit gonna join us since she doesn't know how to swim." Sandro laughed and approached Travis. .I even saw how Travis frowned and turned to me. As he did I stared at him.

When he couldn't stand it anymore, he first averted his eyes and pulled my son away without warning. .I sighed at what he did because is it right that he didn't let me know my son and just pulled like that? I just didn't want to think about it so I just sighed and took the clothes I was going to wear.

.I only spent three minutes in the bathroom before going out, I didn't waste any more just to make myself beautiful because I'm already beautiful. After that I decided to get out of the house and go to where those two are. .first thing that came to me really was the nice surroundings serious really super peaceful surroundings.


I immediately turned around when I saw Sandro on the life jacket while Travis was supporting him. I just smiled because of that boy's awkwardness.

"Mom, come here please!"

.I approached them and sat in a chair there and watched him happily. As I decided I wouldn’t take a bath because the pool looked deep and I wasn’t in the mood either. .Sandro called me a few more times but I didn't really come near the pool because I didn't really know how to swim.

"You can use one of that." Travis pointed to the life jacket lined up on the side. I just stared at it because what did he think of me kid? .to use a life preserver for the child?

But Travis didn't let go and he went up to the pool I was wondering and approached me, the last thing I felt was when I felt the cold water coming from the pool.

"Ahh !!" I screamed because as I expected it was so deep. .for fear of drowning I clung to Travis's neck and hugged him.

"I-I'm going to drown !!" I panicked because my head was really sticking out and I was slowly sinking.


"T-Travis, I'm going to drown! ."I'm still scared to scream but I was shocked when he wrapped his arm around my waist. Because of the fear of drowning I was like a leech wrapped around him.

I never thought the shame was important so I didn’t drown.

"H-I can't swim well! ."It's on my face because our faces are opposite.

"It's your fault for pulling me here!" I yelled back at him.

"B-but .. fvck .." he said softly because I looked like an octopus curled up in hard wood.

.he just ignored me but in the end he and his father laughed while I was here and it was still like an octopus if I could hold on to him.

"Why don't you laugh at me!" I was disgusted with the two of them.

My heartbeat suddenly quickened as we stared at each other. .his hair was wet with water so it stood up I can clearly see now his smooth face. Even if I meet the eyebrow, I can't say that it's okay, how much more can I praise it? that he was handsome. .he also turned to look at me and I watched how his adams apple went up and down.

I bit my lower lip hard and averted my gaze. Just keep me away from temptation.

."Turn me back to the side." I was brainwashed to say and even pointed to where I had just been sitting.

"Why?" he asked.

"I don't know how to swim."

"Hold on to me, I don't mind." it just doesn't seem to have a word. .I can't believe what he said because what does he want to say that until later I'm like an octopus wrapped around him?

"Don't take me back there." I still shook here.

"No." he refused frowning at me.

."Mom, that's okay so you can enjoy yourself too." Sandro groaned. I even saw its mischievousness and even winked at me.

"S-sandro!" I disobeyed because its young people already knew this.

But rather than notice what I said it just swam away from us. .it tends to be far away from us. Travis and I were left here and I don’t know what I’m going to do now.

"Sandra, have you thought about it?" He suddenly asked.

"What?" I asked in surprise.

"N-nothing ..."

We stayed a few minutes in that position. .without hesitation, the two of us waited until I saw Sandro swimming back towards us. I breathed a sigh of relief because the surroundings would no longer be awkward.

."Mama, there are a lot of children there and they asked me to be their friends." Sandro told us a happy story even though he was still far away from us. I could see the joy in his eyes when he told that story. .only now do I feel comfort because my son is finally able to socialize with others. I don't need to ban him anymore because there is no reason for that.

"Mr. Did you hear me? .I already have friends. "It repeated to Travis as long as he could get close to us.

"Congratulations." He said sparingly, making my son pout because I don't know what kind of answer that is. He seemed to make my son look like he had just had a friend.

."Why do I feel like you are mocking me." His face became even more frowning when he said that.

"H-hey, I didn't mean it. I just don't know how to respond to you." He explained to Sandro.

"Do you have friends?" My son's question gave me a deep question. .i think he didn't have any friends maybe he focused more on his group and another he can't be trusted right away because of the world he leads.

.Speaking of being a Mafia Boss, I felt nervous just now to realize that he is a Mafia and he has many enemies. What if Sandro and I get involved.

"Why are you shaking? Are you cold?" He suddenly asked, turning back to me in disgust.

"You are a Mafia Boss, aren't you? ."I whispered here. It was enough for just the two of us to hear. I even saw how surprised he was by what I said.

"Yes, why?" He asked back.

I didn't immediately shut up because I was waiting for him to be the one I was targeting. .we stared at each other seriously then he took a deep breath before swimming with me to the corner where our son was far away.

"I know what you're thinking, I promise I'll protect you." I can feel his authenticity but I'm still not comfortable.

."How sure are you, Travis? You know the dirt of that world." I said.

"That's why, I wiped them out before I addressed you." He whispered.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Nothig, don't even think about it. Just enjoy this vacation." he said and helped me get up.

.I haven't heard anything since.

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