Greta & Ryan
By Ricota Cheese
Date: May 26, 2022
Ch. 4Part 4

As Greta looked up she was surprised to find Ryan standing still in front of her bed.

"What are you doing here?" grumbled Greta, she hid her crying face under the blanket. Too embarrassed to show it to him.

"Try to laying sideways, I'll help you up," he said with a more soft voice. Might be because he just heard Greta crying.

Greta didn't refuse, she let him help her so she could lay sideways. Ryan sat beside the bed, he took the pasta plate and then started to feed Greta in silence.

Greta who was hungry couldn't help herself from eating fast, partly because Ryan cooked her a very delicious pasta.

It's so weird, but they were just sitting face to face without even talking to each other.

"Are you always like this to everyone?" asked Greta when she finished her meal.

"What do you mean?" Ryan asked back without even looking into Greta's eyes.

"I mean you being rude and silent and kept distance from everyone, are you an alien or something?" said Greta carefully.

Ryan held a glass of water to Greta, "It's up to you how you're going to judge me, I act differently to different people," he said flatly.

Greta felt quite defensive,

''And your judgment depends on what?'' she asked irritably. So he acted rude to her because she was completely annoying or what?

"You can't have all the answers lady, I'm leaving!" said Ryan while he walked fast out of Greta's room.

Greta snorted, how could a man be so rude to someone so kind like her? She put the glass back on the nightstand. At first, she wanted to call her mother, but she probably would be overreacted, so Greta chose to drink her pills, and not long after she fell asleep.


Greta awoke to the sunlight streaming in through the gaps in the curtains of her room. She frowned at the digital clock on the nightstand and was surprised to see the number 7.30 a.m.

How could it be possible for her to sleep for nearly fourteen hours without waking up? Then she remembered the medicine she took last night, it must be a painkiller that made her sleep that long.

Grimacing in pain Greta dragged her feet to the bathroom. After cleaning her face and brushing her teeth she rushed outside when she heard the doorbell ringing.

'Who came so early?' murmured Greta, dragging her feet with difficulty. Now and then she winced as she endured the sudden pain.

When she opened the door she was surprised to see Ryan standing in front of her door with a completely different appearance.

He looked like he just finished his morning run in long training pants and a black running jacket. He had air pods in his ears playing encouraging songs.

"Breakfast for you, if you could open the door, that means you could eat yourself, right?" Ryan said with a straight face as usual.

Greta snorted, "Even if I can't feed myself, I won't ask you for help anymore!" she said, not wanting to lose her pride.

Ryan just raised his eyebrows slightly then turned around and walked out of the hall.

"That's it?!" cried Greta in a muffled voice. She pursed her lips in annoyance then went back into the apartment and closed the door tightly. How could someone be as cold as Ryan?!

Greta quickly opened the paper bag Ryan had given her. The delicious aroma of typical Chinese porridge greeted her. How would he know if Greta liked to eat Chinese porridge? Or was that just a coincidence?

While standing because she was not strong enough to bear the pain when sitting. Greta fed the still-warm porridge with a big mouthful into her mouth. The warm feeling of the porridge ran down her throat, down her chest, and her stomach, making Greta's mood instantly improve.

It had been the last month since Greta had taken the short school at Le Cordon Bleu. Next month she would have to do an internship at a restaurant before she could run her own restaurant.

She can already cook very well, even some of her friends said that Greta was too careful when she's cooking because she wanted everything to be perfect. That could mean a good thing, but that can also be the other way around. A lecturer said that if she worked as an intern at a restaurant, Greta might continue to be scolded for being too slow. But they couldn't deny that her cooked always tastes classy and delicious as if she already had that talent ever since she was born.

As she ate the last mouthful of her porridge, her cell phone rang. From Amy.

"Greta? How is your pain?"

"Well it still hurts quite a bit, I don't think I'll be able to go anywhere for the next week," Greta replied gloomily.

"Are the rumors that were circulating true? About Chef Ryan dropping you on the floor?" Amy asked curiously because Greta hadn't told her anything.

Greta's face turned red, but she couldn't dodge because so many people had seen what happened. "Yeah kind of off," she replied still feeling very annoyed.

"He's really cruel! By the way, have you found a restaurant for your internship?" asked Amy.

Greta slapped her forehead, she forgot about it.

"Oh my God, I forgot! I haven't signed up for any restaurant yet, you know how hard it is to find a job when you're twenty-eight," she grumbled.

"I've registered at a restaurant, you want to join me? They still need one more person," Amy said carefully. She knew that Greta would be surprised if she told her the truth about the restaurant.

Greta's eyes sparkled,

"Yeah of course! What's the name of the restaurant?" asked Greta impatiently.

Amy cleared her throat before she answered, "I think it called The Food Theory or something," which suddenly made Greta frown. She felt like she had heard about that restaurant before, but where?


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