Cover Girls
By Anonymous Author
Date: April 30, 2022
Ch. 2Chapter 2

Lexi drifted off back to her thoughts, ‘who would have thought two years ago that I would be a supermodel today.’
Lexi thought back to what was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, her wedding day.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the priest said.
“You may kiss your bride,” the priest said and the guest in the small chapped cheered.
“Jaxton?” Lexi asked as she studied the love of her life’s face that looked like he was in a lot of pain.
“My heart,” Jexton managed to get out before crashing to the ground; both Lexi and the priest grabbed him and lowered him to the ground before he hit his head.
“Call an ambulance!” Lexi cried out.
“Give him some room,” Jaxton’s father was quick to respond, having suffered an almost fatal heart attack himself a few years ago.
“Jexton?” Lexi cried, cupping his face.
Jaxton’s father felt for a pulse, “he has a pulse.”
The ambulance arrived shortly and Jaxton was rushed to the emergency room where he had to undergo surgery.
Jaxton’s parents were waiting in the waiting room across from Lexi and her parents. Lexi’s mother comforts her, “we have been trough this before. He is a fighter.”
After hours and hours of waiting, a DR finally came to speak to them, “he had a heart attack and during surgery, he had a stroke. We have stabilised him but there is no brain activity. I am sorry.”
Jaxton’s mother collapsed to the floor in a crying fit while his father tried to hold her up. Lexi was stunt and reversed into a chair.
“You can follow me to his room,” the DR said with a show of hand.
The next day, Lexi was presented with options to donate Jaxton’s organs or to just turn of life support.
“Are you insane? He will wake up!” Lexi cried hysterically, unable to accept reality.
“Jaxton wouldn’t want to be alive like this,” Jaxton’s father tried to coach her into a decision.
“I am not going to kill my husband,” Lexi cried and stormed off.
Before she left the hospital room she turned back, “don’t any of you dare turn off life support. I am going home to change out of this dress.”
Later that day, when Lexi returned to the hospital wearing a tracksuit, she noticed a man in a suit with Jaxton’s parents.
“What is going on?” Lexi asked when she entered Jaxton’s hospital room.
“This is our lawyer, and it turns out you don’t have any say in Jaxton’s will,” Jaxton’s mother informed her calmly.
“I am his wife!” Lexi spat.
The lawyer held out a piece of paper to her, “actually, you are not. Neither one of you signed the documents.”
“Because he had a heart attack!” Lexi cried and stormed over to Jaxton’s side.
“Only family allowed, so please leave so that we can say our goodbyes,” Jaxton’s father asked.
“What?” Lexi cried, stunt.
“Don’t make us call security,” his father threatened.
Lexi lowered her face to Jaxton’s, her tears falling onto his face as she kissed him on his forehead since his mouth had a breathing tube in. “I love you.”
As Lexi walked out of the hospital room, defeated nurses came in and started to switch off the machines, followed by removing the breathing tube, leaving only the heart rate machine on.
Jaxton’s mother took his one hand with tears flowing down her face while his father took his other hand. Even though the nurses turned the blinds down, one piece got stuck and Lexi could see what was going on inside.
She just stood there in silence with her palm pressed to the glass, watching as the heart rate machine slowed down.
Lexi didn’t want to wait for the long beep sound of the heart machine and turned away, but then she heard Jaxton’s mother squeal. Lexi turned back and saw the heart rate machine picking up a steady heartbeat again.
Lexi heard one of the nurses say, “he is breathing on his own.”
Another nurse left the room to fetch a doctor. When the nurse and doctor returned, the nurse stood back. The nurse looked at Lexi and then took out her notebook and a pen and wrote her number down.
“This is my number. Call me and I will give you an update. You will have to leave now before they have security take you out. One more thing; look into the legitimacy of your marriage. If there were witnesses as there should be, then they can testify that you got married and the signing of the documents really wouldn’t matter than in court,” the nurse said and gave her the piece of paper.
“Thank you,” Lexi said, drying her tears, but more tears came.
Lexi walked out of the hospital and called her parents to tell them what had happened. Lexi’s father took it on himself to sort the legitimacy of the marriage out, and after calling the nurse the first time to follow up on Jaxton, the nurse phoned Lexi every day to give her an update.
One evening, the nurse was on night duty and phoned Lexi.
“Jaxton woke up. I have not informed his parents or anyone yet. If you are quick, you could have a few moments with him,” the nurse told Lexi.
“Thank you for letting me know. I am five minutes away!” Lexi exclaimed, and rushed over to the hospital.
Unfortunately, another nurse informed Jaxton’s parents, and they arrived at the same time as Lexi. Lexi saw them and kept out of sight, patiently waiting for his parents to leave.
Lexi waited for hours for them to leave and fell asleep in the nurses' tea room where she was hiding.
“Lexi, they have left. Come quick before he falls asleep,” the nurse tucked at Lexi, waking her up.
Lexi rushed to Jaxton’s room and slipped in.
“Off duty?” Jaxton asked when he saw Lexi walk into the room, mistaking her for a nurse.
“I am so happy to see you, my love!” Lexi stormed to his side and slipped her hands into his while showering him with kisses.
‘Must be my recent fling,’ Jaxton thought with a smile, having no memory of the past few years.

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