Jenny did You Know
By Joana
Date: January 28, 2022
Ch. 3Home coming

The five storey Manor of the Constantine family erupted with a thunderous scream, after the first born, Verra Constantine was given a task by her father—a task which she never wanted to have gotten.

Verra feared the werewolves. She had nightmares about them every night. The thought of being near one would send her heart into over drive, how worst will she feel when surrounded by hundreds of them?

“I don’t want to do it!” Verra yelled as her father signed the documents which will allow her to participate in the up-coming annual conference between the human and werewolf species.

Her father glared at her while saying “Stop being a brat and do what you’re told”

After hearing her father’s cold reply, Verra took a step away from his desk, she reached inside her pocket and pulled out her army knife.

Oliver Constantine shook his head while thinking “This trick again.”

“If you insist on me attending that conference, I will kill myself right here! Right now!” Verra screamed as she flipped open the army knife, laying the sharpened end over her wrist.

“Fine do it” Oliver answered, and he went back  into flipping the pages of the documents on his desk.

“E-excuse me?” his daughter yelled, the shock and amusement in her tone is quite evident.

Oliver kept his eyes on the papers in front of him, he cannot allow his daughter to keep living in fear. He is aware of his daughter’s unjustified resentment towards the werewolf species. It was alright and acceptable when Verra was a child, but she is now a twenty-eight year old adult. An adult who has been begging her parents to allow her to live on her own.

Oliver is not an over protective father, therefore, allowing such a request would have been an easy decision, but he cannot, for the life of him—allow his daughter to walk out of their home, full of fear and resentment for an existence that is already a part of the human race. It will only get her in trouble. What if she landed a job with a werewolf as a manager, co-worker or worst neighbour?

The treaty stated that the werewolf community must remain in their designated half, but over the years—things changed, and as the humans slowly accepted the new species, their race began to enter the human territory and vice versa.

“You have to do this Verra, it’s for your own good” Oliver whispered. He is tired and old, his daughter must learn to walk the earth without her overbearing fear of the new race.

“I-I can’t do it dad, please—I beg you” Verra pleaded.

Oliver shook his head, he kept his eyes on his daughter and answered, “You will do this Verra, even it means dragging your ass to that conference with both hands and feet bound.”

“You’re horrible!” was the last words his daughter uttered, before storming out of his home office—closing the door with a loud bang to show her defiance.

A few hours later, Verra found herself inside her laboratory. She is a new graduate, earning a degree in medicine. She specialises in pathology. She chose this, because of one special reason, and that was the belief that the werewolves are once humans who had contracted a disease that altered their human genes. She is convinced that pathology, being the bridge between medicine and science will help her unravel the mystery behind their existence, and with the use of cutting-edge genetic technologies, she will find a way to reverse this so called disease—thus, ending the race which brought nothing but fear inside her heart.

Verra isn’t the only human being who feared the werewolves. There are thousands across the globe who wishes that they perish and allow humans to dominate the world once more. The werewolf race is an abomination, an existence that is not supposed to roam the earth—that is what the majority of the human race truly believes.

“I thought you will spend the night out?” came a raspy voice, interrupting Vera’s musings. She turned to face her colleague Bruce—an Asian who hailed from the city of Taipei. He is a good guy, probably the only man Verra will ever allow to come near her, other than her family members. She is aware that most werewolves are male, so she always made sure not to socialize with the male species, just to be safe.

“My father wants me to attend the annual conference.” She muttered with disgust.

Bruce flinched, and Verra did not miss his sudden unease.

“Why? Is there something wrong with what I said?” she questioned.

Bruce stared at her for a full minute before shaking his head, while asking “Why do you hate them so much?”

Verra took a deep breath then answered, “They scare me.”

“In what way?” her colleague questioned.

This time, it was Verra who shook her head, she turned away from Bruce and focused back on the specimen she held on her hand. She placed it on a slide and put it under a microscope, then began to document what she is seeing.

Understanding that he will not receive a reply, Bruce left the laboratory to face a more pressing matter.

Bruce may have lived as a normal human being, but his roots are far from normal. He is a werewolf. The reason why he studied medicine, specially pathology is due to his unnatural existence. He is a werewolf who is not able to transform. Both his parents are pure blood, so it was a big roar when he reached the age of werewolf maturity which was eight—and found out that he cannot transform like all the others. He became an abomination to their tribe, forcing him to leave the protective wings of his parents and delve into the world of the human species.

At first, he had no idea what to do. But as the years progressed, he realised that science holds the key to his problem. But what he found out, turned everything he once believed to be true, into a pile of mess.

His research brought forth, one painful truth, and that is the idea of the werewolves originating from human genes is in fact, true. Though the werewolf community never accepted that as reality, it is now clear to Bruce, the werewolves did sprung from the human genome. He plans to submit the data of his research to his father, who happens to be this years annual speaker. Bruce hopes, that his research will lighthen the shadow of doubt which seems to threaten the peace that had been reigning for hundreds of years between the spieces. 

He believes, that if the humans and werewolf community realised that they are no different from each other, it can tighten the bond between them. But as he watched his colleague bad mouth and curse his kind, he suddenly felt hesitant. What if Verra is not the only one? What if there are hordes of humans out there who finds his existence as a problem, an abomination, or worst, a parasite to the human race?

Maybe, it is not only the werewolf community who needs enlightenment, the humans too, needs pushing.

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