The Fear
By Yasso
Date: January 5, 2022
Ch. 77

I arrived at the dorm and all my thoughts were occupied by Yuri. Yes, I finally knew her name.
I stood in front of the door of the dorm before I entered, I heard a voice coming from behind the garden, I walked towards it slowly and calmly,
But darkness obscures the view of that person, it seems as if he is talking on the phone, I came closer to hear his voice,
It's feisty Becky, but when he's talking on the phone secretly like a thief, he suddenly starts screaming

“Why isn’t money enough for you to make such terrible mistakes, you ruined my life, you ruined my future, why are you doing this to me? with ? with?"

Whoever is talking, I think he is very angry. This is the first time I see Baekhyun screaming in such anger.

He hung up the phone to sit down crying with a collapse, what a virus of happiness changed to the opposite.. the person is permanent

The smile, the crazy fun, cries and burns, it's amazing,

If I go to him, he must be embarrassed, so I lowered my eyes as I went home sadly

I went to the kitchen, took a look at the fridge full of air, only closed it wearily to take a glass of

Water, trying to calm my nerves... I took the phone and found it was also empty. I don't know why

Things are going the other way around today

He sat next to me, "Hyung, how is your girlfriend now?" “

" It's okay "

He put his hands behind his neck, "Good, tell me, has your relationship progressed?"

She looked at him in annoyance, "How is our relationship going so fast, are you crazy?" “

"No, you're crazy. If I were you, I'd start watching her from the moment I saw her. You're so shy hyung."

I turned my gaze to the opposite side, pretending I hadn't heard anything because what he was saying really made sense.

Yuri Pov

I carried myself from that place to run as fast as I could, I didn't feel myself until I walked in

Home, catching my scattered breath, I sighed loudly as I called out to my mother in a broken voice

"Omah, Omah"

She ran towards me to look at me anxiously

“What is there for your body like this? And what's this whole sweat you've been running? “

Her questions began to wander in my mind, trying to find a convincing answer instead of uttering foolishness

Because what happened to me is something that the human mind does not accept. For sure, if I told her, she would think I was undoubtedly crazy. I patted my head tenderly, waiting for my answer. I swallowed my saliva for the words to come out of my mouth.

"I've never heard a meow near the house and that terrified me a little, I was afraid she would scratch me with her claws."

A slight smile formed on her lips, "I'm really terrified of this, you really have a very weak heart, come in, your body is still trembling."

I combed the floor of the house with my feet, and my mother led me to the room, I stopped by the door and turned around

Towards my mum blushing

“Oh, I want to sleep, please go to sleep too.”

She looked at me with her eyeballs, "What don't you want to have dinner?" “

I planted a false smile as I put my hand on my stomach, “Do you not see that my stomach is full, and this indicates that I ate food on the way?”

She nodded, "Okay, that's good, good night."

I waved my hand to her as I locked the room door tightly, I took a peek at my room full of silence

And calm, I sat on the bed with my feet on my chest, I closed my eyes trying to analyze

Everything that happened to me this week, all of a sudden, sounds started spreading in the room, strange sounds like

A breath-taking sound came out of my chest, I put my hands to my ears to muffle them, and then they started to disappear

Gradually, what is this? I feel like someone is trying to take my hand off my ear, it feels like a cold little hand

Like snow holding my hand, I'm afraid to open my eyes and see something suspicious, but suddenly my eyelids open to see

A child was in front of me and he was smiling innocently at me, I screamed and then he put his cold hand on my mouth trying to silence me, I looked at him with fear...

Although he is an innocent child, he looks a little different, his skin is blue, his eyes are dark

Like a lunar eclipse, his lips are pale His look is a little terrifying after I take his hand away from my mouth, I whisper

frightened, “Who are you? How did you get here? “

He looked at me as he rubbed the back of his neck, "I originally live here."

My eyes widened in surprise, "You live here, how is that?" ”

"I don't have time to explain all this," he sighed, annoyed. "I need you to help me with something."

“I help you!!!... with what?!”

"I can't sleep without listening to a story, so I want you to tell me one."

I looked at him trying to understand, "Oh, go to the one who was telling it to you."

He sighed sadly, looking down, "My mother used to tell me, but she's not with me now."

I patted his shoulder with an expression filled with misery, "What did she die?!" ”

He looked at me with a frightening look that shook my being, "No, it's me who died."

I quickly took my hand away from him and took two steps back, and my fear grew even more at hearing this.

I suddenly felt my body start to weaken as this child whispered to me

"You don't want it, it's okay. Soon, you will do it of your own accord, because our date is close."

Then it spread in the air like smoke which made me open my mouth in amazement while shivering under the cover

He knocked on the door to make a heart reach my stomach, screaming in a hurry, “Where are you from? “

“I am your mother, what is wrong with you, are you sick? ”

After hearing that sound I relaxed and felt so warm, I jumped out of bed to hug her tightly while crying

Burning and frightened, she patted my head softly, “What’s wrong, Yuri!? ”

"Oh, sleep beside me tonight, please," I answered with my trembling voice.

She pulled me away from her lap to wipe my tears, "Okay, my daughter."

I climbed up beside me, laying my head on her warm lap, trying to sleep peacefully, if only for the night.

Although sleeping in my mother's arms or in another way, relaxing in her arms, because sleep is no longer destined for me,

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