The Fear
By Yasso
Date: January 5, 2022
Ch. 55

After I had the carrot rice soup, I went up to my room and sat straight at my desk

My diary I opened the first page to find it completely blank, I scrolled through all the pages to find all my drawings

She disappeared, then suddenly she started drawing again, as if someone was drawing her in secret. I was stunned, throwing the book from my hand.

I closed my eyes, trying to comprehend it, maybe this happened because of my tiredness and lack of sleep.

What happened lack of sleep makes a person imagine strange things, I took writing to put it in his place and headed

He went to bed, then dropped the book again and slowly opened it, writing my name on it with something like blood.

I was shocked looking at my place, I wanted to scream, but I feel like someone is closing in on me

My mouth tight, I felt my breath slowly stop, suddenly I could breathe, I sighed deeply and slipped

On the edge of the wall to sit on the ground, I looked around to find the book where I put it, I headed

Towards him, I tried to open it slowly and my heart was almost out of its place from the intensity of fear and dread, to find everything as it was and my drawings were in their place, I wondered to myself

“Have you gone crazy? Or is this just a dream? “

My head was almost torn from the intensity of confusion and thought, I opened the window, trying to breathe in the fresh air, it creeps between my lungs

Refreshingly, I closed it after thoughts gathered in my head and concluded that this was all just a hallucination and could not be something supernatural, I went back to my bed to sleep peacefully, trying to expel those negative thoughts from my

My head but every time I close my eyes I see his picture in front of me, it seems like I can't sleep
Tonight, 'He's handsome, his smile is bright and manly too. He's a perfect man. I think I found the knight of my dreams before I turned eighteen' - I whispered in my mind -

I happily put my head under the hood, hoping to dream about it tonight instead of those annoying nightmares

that started to haunt me recently

Chanyeol pov

I finished my training now, I took a bath and went to the room, finding that idiot taking over the entire bed with his ridiculous sleep, I rolled it to the other side to lie next to him,

I put my hands behind my head to look at the ceiling intently so that I might see her smiling face, I remember her shy features as she took me the wallet in the warmth of this shook me, I'm stupid fool I took

The wallet is like an idiot, I didn't even ask her name and started saying shit

My train of thought was interrupted by Baekhyun's feet, which fell flat on my face, without warning.

I sat down and pushed Baekhyun until he fell to the ground and fell back to sleep peacefully as if nothing had happened.

yuri pov

The alarm clock is ringing again Oh I shouldn't be lazy now because I have something special that makes me go to that cemetery, I'm talking about the school Isn't it a cemetery since everything in it is boring,

Study, students and even teachers but not anymore My star has come to light that cemetery and make it a paradise for everyone

I enthusiastically got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I took a quick shower to find time to start brushing my hair nicely, smoothing my skin and putting on some make-up. The final touch was elegant shoes with my school uniform.

I went down to the basement where my mother is. I was surprised to see her holding something strange in her hand, and the strangest thing was that she hid it when she saw me.

I asked her, "Have you been somewhere?" And what's that thing you're protecting, Omah? “

"It's ashes of a dead body, oh I'm kidding, it's ashes that were stuck in the heater."

“Oh good, where is my breakfast?”

"Your breakfast, I'll bring it for you, wait."

I don't know what's wrong with her today that she's acting weird.

Chanyeol pov

What is this thing groping my face oh what is that sound “Teacher me you are beautiful” I opened my eyes to find Baekhyun

groping my face while he fell asleep, I looked at him in astonishment to find him uttering strange words, I got up from my place to get a glass of cold water and poured it on his face with a stark smile, he woke up stunned as if the police were chasing him

Baekhyun: “Oh, why did you do this, hyung?”

Chanyeol, "I guess you were dreaming about Teacher Lee, right?"

Baekhyun: “Teacher to me!? And when I dream about it

Chanyeol, “Maybe you should add her to your nuna love list.”

Baekhyun: “Get away from me and get ready to go to that massacre.”

Chanyeol, “What a massacre!? “

Baekhyun: "It's school"

Chanyeol, "When you called it that, you should have said school from the beginning."

Baekhyun: “On her first day, how can I not call her that?”

Chanyeol, "You're the one looking for trouble, let's go."

- At the school gate -

Yuuri: “Omah, get out of here, please come back. I don’t know why you insist on delivering me.”

Mother: “I am doing this for your own good, you know nothing.”

Yuri: "If you don't know, let me know."

Mother: “It is not the time for this now.”

Yuri: "Every time you say the same thing, when will that time come?"
—- ————–
Baekhyun: "Hyung, look, isn't that your girlfriend?"

Chanyeol: Where!? “

Baekhyun: “Over there by the gate.”

Chanyeol smiled, "Yes, it's her."

Baekhyun: “Who is that mirror you’re with!? “

Chanyeol “what will know me maybe her mother”

Baekhyun “Is she still in the nursery for her mom to bring?”

Chanyeol "don't talk about my girl like that"

Baekhyun: “Okay, well, oh, teacher.”

Chanyeol left behind to head to Lee's teacher in the corridor.
Baekhyun: “Anyuhasu is my teacher, can I take the bag for you?”

A teacher for me, “It's okay, she's not heavy” and continued on her way...

Chanyeol: Did I ignore you? “

Baekhyun: “I guess that’s what happened, oh my God, why are women so hard to get?”

Chanyeol, "The teacher went up to the classroom, if we were late, she would lock the door."

-After class/in the school canteen-

yuri pov

I picked up the plate and headed to the hall, and if I found all the places full, this only happened because I was a little late in the bathroom.

I stood in amazement looking for a place, and I found it, but it could only be on that table, I want to go, but my feet prevent me

That's so embarrassing, I raise my head to see a hand waving at me, Oh he's the cheerful young man, do I advance or fall back?


Yuri Pov

I closed my eyes to reflect on my thoughts, bit the edge of my lip as I slowly walked towards their table, I smiled almost bent over.

I hissed when I arrived, “Anyuhaseo.”

He answered me with a warm voice that shook my being,

“Hello, you can sit with us.” I looked at him shyly as I sat in the seat next to him, I raised my head to find his cheerful and feisty friend eating hysterically,

My eyes stopped moving while I looked at him in astonishment, and he brought his hand towards his features and my face to shake it lightly

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