The Fear
By Yasso
Date: January 5, 2022
Ch. 33

“Oh awesome”
I stood with an expression of anger on my face

“Bow, how can you do something like this without even taking our opinion!? “

“I am not waiting for your opinion of something like this, I am responsible for you and I have the right to do anything I want.”

“But how long will we keep moving from one school to another? This is the third school we will move to this year.”

hyung manager “so you can stop gossiping and not tell your colleagues about your training at the company.”

He turned an evil look at Baekhyun, "If you tell anyone this time, I'll kill you with my own hands."

Baekhyun freaked out, making him take two steps back

“Oh I just…..hyung he scares me with that look.”

Principal hyung, “Come on, take a shower and change your clothes so I can drive you to your new school.”

Baekhyun "Arasu hyung"

After Director Hyung left, he turned to Baekhyun with a frowning face, "Oh, I see you happy with this."

Baekhyun, “Sure, because we will meet new faces or maybe beautiful, and you don’t know, maybe we will find our other half as well.”

I kept looking at him in disgust while he smiled shyly and looked toward the mirror

Yuri reached the school gate, and stood round towards

Her mother, “Okay, come back now, ohhh, before my classmates see you.”

The mother exclaims, “Are you ashamed of me that much!? “

Yuuri "Not like that, ummah, I'm just ashamed of you connecting me, they consider me a weak and personalityless girl."

Mother: “Okay, I’ll be back now, watch yourself, eat your lunch on time, and…”

Yuri interrupted her, "And brush your teeth after eating, and if you want to go to the bathroom, empty the water first. These tips are well recorded in my memory. There is no need to repeat them, oh."

Mother: “Okay, that’s what I want.”

Then she bent her head and turned around trying to go, and when Yuri hugged her from behind tightly, which brought back a smile on the mother's face.

Yuuri: “Umah, don’t forget to make me carrot-rice soup, here.”

The mother: “You brat, I knew there was something behind this hug.”

Yuuri moved away from her lap so that she raised her hand and waved a smile and then turned around and entered the school.
Chanyeol, "Hey hyung, this is the school!? “

Director hyung, “Yeah, did you expect another one? “

Chanyeol, "I want to know one thing, why do you keep insulting us and underestimating us like this? “

Director Hyung ignored his question and turned to Baekhyun

“Becky, what do you think of school!? “

Baekhyun, "It's beautiful being popular so we can get along with others quickly ^^"

Chanyeol got out of the car and made a fist with some frown to calm his nerves

Baekhyun also came down to hug Chanyeol and said lightly, "Hyung Kaja, school is waiting for us :D"

Chanyeol put his arm over his shoulder with an evil look and then turned

To the gate, he muttered, “Stupid, nerve-wracking.”

Baekhyun: “Hey hyung, wait for me.”

----In class----

Professor “As you know, we started our school season this year very late because of the crises that have hit Korea recently, so I wish you patience, perseverance and hard work in order to complete this school season successfully.”

The students unanimously said, “Yes, we will do this.”

The voices of all the students were heard, gratefully to Yuuri who was watching

The window with a smile and a charming look as if she saw something supernatural

Girl next to her, “Hey, what are you staring at there!? “

Yuri looked at her contemptuously and looked back at the window,

He made the girl feel so embarrassed and angry that she pulled tufts of Yuri's hair to scream too in pain that everyone in the class turned to them

The teacher turned towards them, which made the bad girl take her hand away to look at the ground in shame
Professor “What is going on here!? “

Yuuri "I don't know, I was looking out the window until I pulled my hair tight"

Professor, “So you weren’t paying attention to what I was saying.”

Yuuri bowed her head.

The teacher turned her gaze to the girl, “And you, Sonny, won’t you change this habit, are you still at eight to pull her hair?”

Sonny looked down in embarrassment, "Sorry, I was just kidding."

At that moment, an excited voice was heard from the class, "Hello everyone."

Everyone looked away from the fight to focus on him

Professor “Who are you!? “

"Oh, Chanyeol, when you're still standing there, let's go in."

The professor: “Is this your home for whom you are calling!?” What is your character here?

Baekhyun: “I’m a new student here. I just came….”

He was interrupted by a pain in his foot due to Chanyeol stepping on him trying to silence him

Baekhyun: What's wrong with you!? “

Chanyeol bowed 90°, "I apologize on his behalf, he's a bit weird."

Professor: “Do you belong to this class!? “

Chanyeol, “Yes, the principal told us that we are new students.”

Professor, “Okay, come in and introduce yourself to us.”

Chanyeol bowed his head to enter, Yuuri raised her head

To turn her eyes away from the book to see a shining star shining in separation.

Yuuri "Oh my God it's the same person I saw through the window, I can't believe anyone is so beautiful"

Chanyeol stood in front of the board with Baekhyun standing next to him

Chanyeol “Hi my name is Chanyeol, nice to see you

Baekhyun, “My name is Baekhyun and you can call me Becky and you are a teacher too.”

Professor, “You Chanyeol can sit there, but you, the redhead, stand there with your left foot raised, leaning against the wall.”
Baekhyun, “Boh wei, did I do something wrong!? “

Chanyeol chuckled as he headed to his place, as he passed by Yuri's seat, his eyes twinkled, and his pulse increased, freezing in place, trying to understand it.

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