The Starlight Princess
By Kemmy
Date: September 26, 2021
Ch. 1Royal

Most of us wonder if there are other worlds beyond the stars, galaxies with bright shimmering light and planets filled with exoticpife forms. Well, in a realm far away from our milky way is a Galaxy of bright colorful stars, completing their revolution round an enormous bright crystal-like orb called the that galaxy was a planet which looked similar to our earth but with much more greener continents, outlined with glittering gold at their edges and coast and the blueness of it's waters had a little light tint that made made it shine like a gem reflecting in the light. But it's seas were not as wide as it's continents and this planet was called izotus. On this planet, the most fascinating of all its features was it's rings. It had two rings which would turn slowly and over it's longitude as it revolved round the starlight. It spread over the other planets like a disk but more transparent and sometimes added amazing features to them like Izotus yellowish gold rings.

In Izotus, there was a special event that set the whole Astroid realm in awe and unimaginable joy. People from far and wide came in their diverse spaceships to Izotus to partake in the occasion and celebrate the one they had been waiting for.

King Dylone and his wife Daphne were over joy to realize that their first child was the one that a prophecy spoke of which said "from the times if Naraious to the fifth passing of his stars, when a new bearer of the cosmos cometh to rule, will the stars lit for a season. There shall come one who shall be blessed by the heavens and created from the light of the stars holding the balance of the universe and shall have immeasurable power to bring back the heart of the dying light of the river of stars''.

And obviously, the baby princess had a star birthmark in her right eye. Though the other Euler's of Izotus weren't sure. Dylone and Daphne were certain that she was the one. The royal family stood from the balcony of their enormous crystal palace to address their subjects. "Behold your new heir and bearer of the cosmos," declared Dylone to the people and they cheered the young princess in excitement. Never did they ever think of a sudden halt in their joy as they heard a strange thundering noise and dark clouds began to over the sky. The force of the wind got stronger and everyone got petrified at the darkness. The light from their lamp stands and diamond bulbs began to deem till they exploded with an unpleasant screech and everyone covered their ears as they screamed because of the oppressive sound.

A strange creature with wings was coming down from the dark sky. It's powerful flaps and monstrous appearance brought the impression that it wasn't there for fun. Hearts precipitated at the site in fear but they would take on the next level when someone from the crowd recognized the creature and yelled, "oh no. It's Baradon, the evil knight". Everyone screamed and ran for their lives. Baradon flew furiously towards the palace and released spells to strike the Queen and Ava. King Dylone created a shield to make the spell bounce back at Baradon.

"Tranarus, kaina, release all our reinforcements and make sure our people are taken to the underground tunnels for their safety. Every single one of my soldiers is not going to rest until we get that monster out of Izotus. Take the queen and princess to the stronghold and conceal the iron door with star crystals' ' ordered Dylone to two of his winged soldiers adorned with silver armor with engravement of artistic detailing embedded with crystals and jewels that shone with colors like the rainbows. "Don't you worry. I'll be alright," he said and gave his wife and daughter a hug. I know you will. At least, this time you won't be fighting through an army to get to deal with him, said Daphne with a smile. "That's what you get for being imprisoned in a black hole," he answered and sent them off with kisses. "Hmmm! It feels good to be free from my eternal prison. Honestly, breaking through those chains wasn't easy. But anyway, it was worth it. Did you miss me little brother?" Said Baradon with a sinister smile. "Oh Baradon, you still have high hopes of taking the throne but I'm not surprised. Just face it, you were never meant to be born with the cosmos because of your ambition, selfishness and pride" Dylone said.
Would you stop it with the whole talk already? My ears are bleeding from the not born with the cosmos talk, Baradon burned in anger, who needs cosmic powers when you can drain out the life from one of the most powerful stars in the universe and fill it with darkness and rule your very own galaxy. Once I'm done with the starlight, the Asteroid realm will worship me, but there is something that will hinder my world domination, furiously said Baradon, pointing at the starlight in the sky.
And what could that be if I may ask? Dylone curiously asked while rubbing his chin. That so-called starlight Princess of yours. And this shall be the last time she shall see the light of the day!``yelled Baradon, assembling his dark powers to transform Dylone to stone. He released the dark curse and Dylone held it with a blocking spell. He couldn't hold it for too long so he did a conversion spell and filled the dark mist with cosmic light, blasting it to the ground and turning the floors of the palace yards to crystal.
Dylone said while congratulating Baradon"wow, I'm impressed. You finally listened to what father said and practiced your powers right after murdering him".Well, not actually. Learning the dark arts wasn't easy, but it's worth it," he replied. Baradon struck his brother with an energy ball, crashing Dylone to the palace balcony. Dylone struggled to get up because of the excruciating pain he felt at his side. He stared at Baradon with extreme rage in his eyes and mumbled, "You really wanna see what I can do? Okay then, you'll get what's coming".

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