Q: What are the differences between eBooks and stories?

A: Here are some major differences between eBooks and stories:

(1) eBooks

eBooks can be published on Mybard and other distribution channels including Amazon and B&N.

(2) Stories

Stories can be posted chapter by chapter on Mybard.

Also, please refer to our terms of service for more information.


(1) Ebooks

The profit to the author or publisher will vary depending on the channel of distribution. For eBook sales originated from Mybard, your profit will be 90% of net sales (that is, list price less transaction fees). For eBook sales originated from a retail distribution channel, your profit will be 90% of proceeds (that is, net sales minus the share of the retail distribution channel).

(2) Stories

For story sales originated from Mybard, your profit will be 80% of net sales.